chapter : 38

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Igor is having the best time of his life.
His mom is feeding him - the food he cooked by his own hands.
"Mom It's really good" Sasa didn’t say anything,  he was happy after seeing his son awake.
"Stop talking. I told you It's bad manners." he said wiping his mouth.
"Mom he has all the bad habits. I am your good son right?" Ivor said kissing Sasa in the face.
"Mommm... He is always like this"
Igor whined
"What! it’s true. Mom loves me the most. Right mom?"
Igor threw a pillow in Ivor's face.

"Stop it you two fools. Ivor go home and have rest"
"No mom I am staying here"
"Just go. I am sure your Dad would be mad that you are missing your training sessions"
He sighed
"Mom can you come home?"
"Ivor i said no"
"It's not safe in hotel mom"
"Ivor i have taught you better. You can't argue with me"
"Sorry mom.. I am just worried about your safety"

Sasa kissed his son in the lips and hugged him.
"My lovely son just go home and rest. I am good"
Ivor just listened to his mother and went home.

But inside the mansion he didn’t imagine he would see something like this. The hall was empty. At first he thought it was a holiday for the servants but soon he realised his mistake. He was terrified of his father now.

Voklov was sitting on the floor - with his back facing him. He saw red, only red covered the white marvel floor.
He saw his grandma, sergei and other family members shaking in fear at the corner - more like hiding.
He went close - the sight made his core shaken. Voklov was cutting a person's limb with his Katana.
Hr had this satisfying smirk in his lips.
What made him more shaken was the person. It was Katrina.
He ran towards his grandma.
"Where is Skye"
His grandma was crying loudly with terror in her eyes.
"Tell me"
Sergei  stepped aside only to reveal the little eight years old Skye hiding behind Sergei.
Ivor felt a tiny relief that his sister is well and good.
He ushered the family members outside and ordered the driver to take them to the other mansion but Sergei said to take them to the hospital.

"Gam what happened?  How did Katrina die" ivor asked his petrified grandma.
But she was only crying at her son.
"Voklov saw Katrina. And they had an argument. Which led to this"
Sergei answered instead.
"Just an argument?"
Ivor knew there was something more.
"And why are we going to the hospital?"
"Because Sasa is there"
"No we are not involving mom. He had enough. Not anymore"
"Listen to me.. I know your father more than you. He is already after Skye. Only Sasa can make him silent"
Ivor was shocked with the new information.

After reaching Igor's cabin they saw Sasa was sponge bathing Igor.
"I sent you home. What are you doing here?"
Skye immediately ran to Sasa.
"Papa" she was crying.
Looking at his daughter crying Sasa was dumbfounded.
"What happened my sweetmeat. Why are you crying."
"Mama" she cried more loudly
"Katrina is dead"
Dread entered Sasa's system.
"I don’t know what happened but father is after Skye."

Before Sasa could say something, a loud crashing sound came.
Ivor went outside only to see Voklov throwing everything out of his way.
His guards were shaking behind him - not having the courage to stop their King. Ivor knew better to confront his father now.
His father is a beast - only The Queen can tame this beast.
Sergei immediately went inside with Skye in his hands ; protecting the kid from this monstrous havoc.

Sasa knew from inside what's that sound is coming. He lived that havoc.
He without paying any attention to that - started sorting Igor again. Even Igor was trembling from that sound.
What more do you expect from a 15 years old.
"Mom" he whispered
"Take the medicine and sleep"
Igor was now sweating after seeing the calmness of his mother.

The door burst open making everyone flinch.  But that didn’t affect Sasa at all. He silently was doing his work.
"Sergei go home. Skye needs to eat"
Sasa ordered the trembling figure at the corner of the room.
Sergei was hesitating what to do.
He was clutching the baby in his arms tightly - afraid of his own friend.
Sasa roared
Ivor came at the door but couldn’t pass it - his father was there standing : drenching in blood , with the same Katana in his hand with which he has cut Katrina.
"Take sergei and others with you home"
Sergei with hesitant steps went outside this room making sure not to touch the air Voklov is standing.
"Igor sleep"
Igor didn’t need to be told second time he closed his eyes - like he will never open them.

Sasa didn’t pay any attention to the silent storm gawking at him from only ten steps distance.
He resumed his work.
He took the water bowl inside the bathroom and started cleaning them.

"My Queen has become so brave"
Voklov is close to Sasa now that his breathe was touching Sasa's neck.
He was still not talking. 
But the King's thirst for his moan's is suppressing everything.
It was sucking him dry.
He wanted his Queen now.
Sasa was still cleaning the bowl silently.

"Hisss" the bowl hit the floor

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"Hisss" the bowl hit the floor.
Sasa cried in pain - it was long.
A long time he was now sensitive like before Voklov - he can't tolerate pain that much now.
Voklov bit his neck hard.
Sasa looked at him through the mirror.
Voklov wasn’t minding his resistance.
"Leave me...."
Voklov now made him turn and started kissing him.
Sasa slapped Voklov but it felt nothing to Voklov.
The King was desperate for his Queen.

He banged Sasa's head in the mirror hard. Sasa saw stars in daylight.
His head was bleeding now.
He clutched his Queen's jaw and started opening his pants.
Sasa stumbled due to dizzyness.
Voklov took Sasa against the wall and thrusted his rod inside him.
Sasa screamed hard - he was close to a virgin now. He was abstain for so many years.
His head was paining - so is his anal canal.
Everything was burning.
It was too much for him.
And he closed his eyes.

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