chapter : 46

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Sasa's pov :

Sasa's pov :

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"My Queen, you (thrust) feel (thrust) just (thrust) the way (thrust) want"
Voklov is not leaving me.

But at this age I am used to it.
"My husband"
He kissed me on the lips.
"Yes my wife"
He took me in his lap, still connecting us. This man has a weird taste in sex.
He pulled my nipple ring
After three more slaps in my asscheek.

"I want to go to Canada"
He stopped.
He looked mad in my eyes.
I got feared.
"I...I...know.. Just listen to me once"
I caressed his chest.
His eyes were burning in my skull.
"Try me" he said in low and husky voice.
"Father is in icu"
He still was silent.
My eyes got teary "pl...ea..s."
Without a word he slapped me.
It was painful.

He clutched my pubic hair and pulled them downwards.
"Aaaaa....stop stop stop" i screamed loudly.
"You have developed courage to speak this in front of me?"...

After that I don’t know for the last three hours what happened.
But when I opened my eyes, I was in icu.
I had a broken arm, one black eye and other bruished skins.

It took me one week to wake up.
But when i woke up the first news i listened was my father's death.
The devil himself delivered this news to me. I begged him to let me say good bye once but he took it personally - again.
He cut my tendon, as a punishment, as a remembrance.
It was only a memory now for me.

I have accepted the fact that i can't run - i have to walk slowly.


And i woke up from my dream.
The event that had happened three years ago.

Sweat drenched body - the gasping of air - the huge body above me.
These were not making anything easier.

I slipped from my husband’s clutch.
And wore my gold embroidered robe.
I should go and see my beautiful daughter. Then i think my nerves will come down.

Even if it’s four, the mansion isn’t silent at all. I think the boys are still not asleep.


In Skye's room, she is sleeping soundly wrapping herself in Roze's body. They have become really good friends, like me and Jim.

But I still afraid for both them.
What will happen to them.
I don’t know.
But I will give my breathe away.
If this is it takes to make my children's life safe.

I came out from her room.
Was about to go back to my room.
But a hideous sound came to my ear.
My step halted.

I followed the sound. It was from Vasili's room.
I was hesitating whether I should go or not. Then I decided against my mind.


The whole room is filled with smoke.
I couldn’t even see much.
But i could see Vasili sitting on a couch spreading his arms, drinking from a bottle in his hand.

And before him was a boy tied with ropes in a chair.
His personal gaurd was the one who was clipping out the boys finger nails.
There was blood everywhere.
At first I thought not to mind his business as this type of event is very common in this family.
Then I heard him talking.
"You think you will come and take my Skye"

The mention of my daughter made me halt my steps.
And a loud slap came to that boy making him whimper again.
"She just went to you because it was fun. Nothing else. How dare you text her?" Vasili shouted.
The boy was unable to form a word.
Vasili smirked "i can even tell what what panty she is wearing now, you think you can just come and take her from me, not in a million year"

It was it.
What I was the most afraid of.
My daughter is not safe.
It was ringing nonstop.

The boy was screaming loudly in pain.
I went inside "leave him"
Vasili immediately stood up from his seat and came near me.
"Mom, you could have called me. Is there anything you need."
He had that maniac look in his eyes again.
He was smiling, like an idiot
"Jeremy, take this boy to the hospital"
The gaurd immediately took him away.
"Mom, you know what he did? He was trying to take my Princess?" he was accusing in a childish manner.

I slapped him hard.
He looked at me with shock.
Then I slapped him again.
"I told you to stay away from my daughter. Didn’t I?"
He took my hands in his
"Mom, and I told you I can't" he whispered.

I tried to remove my hands but he was way stronger than me.
"Just like I can't stay away from you"
He smirked.
"Leave my hand this instance"
He dragged me with him to his bedroom.
And put me in his bed.
He sat on the floor near my legs.
This boy is really a psycho, like his father. Can't predict his next move.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Mom, can't I stay near you, even for few minutes like our past?"
A flashback of a chubby baby running near my legs came to my vision.
It was one of those memories I always cherished.
Maybe I should not have come here.
Maybe then Vasili would still be my little Vasi.

"Mom, can you sleep with me today?"
He had those glossy eyes, like my little baby.
Without realising further I nodded.
It was like I was hypnotized.
He immediately jumped on the bed.
Above me.
More a mere second I saw Voklov.
He made himself comfortable in my nipples, sniffing them like his childhood.
Before I could say no to him he started sucking them.
In my subconscious mind, i was cursing myself.
But couldn’t say it loud.
Then soon I drifted to sleep.

My sleep got disturbed with moaning sounds.
At first all was blurry.
But all become clear.

My lowers were nowhere to be found and I was stark naked.
This wasn’t the disturbing part at all.
The most disturbing part was Vasili was masturbating while looking at my naked body.
For a few minutes I was shocked.
Then soon all came to me.

My son was sexually attracted to me.


Sorry for the late update.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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