chapter :30

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The bed head hitting the wall was all i could hear. The two sweaty bodies in bed had me totally zoned out. I could only burn. 

Voklov was having that pink boy

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Voklov was having that pink boy. I was not feeling anything about this. Nothing.
He took him right infront of my eyes.
The boy is really timid.

"What's my wifey thinking? " he kissed me.
Then i saw the boy  was on the verge of dying. He is weak.
"Why did you call me here"
He looked at me with surprise.
I never questioned him.
" Don't say to show off your doll"
He smirked
"Is my wifey jealous? "
"What do u think "
He didn’t answer me,  just went inside the bathroom.
I stood from the seat and went towards that boy.
How is this body gonna satisfy the king?
He is totally out of it.
There was a burning inside.
But i can't encourage it.
It will be difficult for me.
So i came out of his chamber.

At the garden area....
I was having my tea.
Suddenly the nanny came running.
"Queen plz come to see vasili"
" i don’t wanna"
"Plz Queen.  He is not eating anything for the last three days. Because you refused to see him.. I beg you"
"Tell his own mother,  not me"
The nanny took my leg and started crying " plz.. He is a baby. You know he will die at this rate. No one even cares about him in this house. Plz he is running high fever. "
What a headache!!!
I stood up and went inside the mansion.
The kid has a room at the end of the hall. Actually It's kinda my fault. I didn’t design a room for him like i did for Ivor and Igor.

"Momma.... "
The room is really small. I knew they gave him a room.  But this....!.
I should punish those servants.
He is also voklov's son.
He should not be treated like this.
"Mooma... You came"
He had a runny nose.
His face was super red.
I felt something..  I don’t wanna feel.
I took him in my hand.
I arrived my bedroom and called for the doctor.


"So you guys think you can just defy me?"
All the employees were trembling.
I shifted vasili to my room.
I hate him but that doesn’t mean i will let him suffer.
He looks really weak.
The doctors also remarked negative thoughts.
"Make every one of these insects starve until they loose minimum ten kgs "
They were pleading for marcy but i won't have this.

I went inside voklov 's study.
I had to inform him.
When i entered the room all i could see was smoke.
He was again smoking pot.
I went towards the window and opened them.
Then i could manage to see him.
And in the corner of the sofa was rano in a very heavy yellow gown.
He looked like a lifeless doll.
His eyes shimmered at the glance of me.
"Voklov leave those pot. "
He looked at me with his red eyes and smiled like a creep.
"My Queen.  You came. Where were you? I was missing you"
By the look of him i could tell he wasn’t lying.
Then he left those powders and came to my side running.
He took a deep sniff of me.
I made him sit on the opposite sofa from rano.
His eyes were fixed on me.
I think he is afraid i would take his man.
I internally smirked.
I could take him in a second.
All i have to do is ask.
But i won't do that.
I want freedom now.
I will organize every thing according to my plan.
This time it won't fail.
Voklov was biting my neck.
He has a very habit of biting me.
Then i realised i have never seen a single bite neither on rano nor on claire.
But why?
He always  makes my skin purplish.
I sighed.
Of course i am the one always to have his kinks.
"Voklov get up.  We have to talk. It’s about your son"
He didn’t even stop for a single eyebait.
He was on me in a second.
"You came to see me after so many days. But not for me but for those pesticides.  Here i am burning to touch you. I can't breath for so many days properly.  But you didn’t come to me for once. Huh.  Should i just remind you who do you belong to? Trust me i would be glad to do so."

I knew better not to anger him more.
I simply pulled him close to me.
But he was really furious now.
He started shouting and breaking things.
"You didn’t come to me for once. You know perfectly i can't go for a day without touching you. Still you hide from me"
"You were with your doll"
He got even more furious.
He threw the piano this time.
"I only want you. Don't you get that"

I knew no talk of sense would go through this big head now.
He is also high.
He can even hurt rano now.
I sighed .
I simply opened my Versace floral shirt.
Rano' s eyes were out of socket after seeing my nipple chains.
But i had to concentrate on voklov now before he does any stupidity.
I pulled him in the sofa.
And sat on his lap.
I started kissing him gently but he wasn’t having it.
I knew today he will be very rough.
He hadn’t have me for a long time.
He threw open my pants.
And put his tongue in my hole.
He was sucking hard like a lollypop.
Like someone will take his favourite treat.
He was eating me good.
I was always horny for so many days.

Now it was like an hour he was eating my dick.
I had to go but i knew voklov could murder someone today.
Suddenly a knock came.
"My Queen vasili is crying hard. He isn’t stopping.  He could get sick at this rate."
"Bring him inside "
The nanny downcast her gaze in a jiff after seeing the show.
I took a very feverish sobbing vasili in my lap.
"Voklov stop now. Vasili is sick.  He needs me."
But voklov just pulled me more close to him and clutched me hard.
I huffed.
I am fed up of this boys.
They don’t give a single peaceful day.
"Vasili didn’t drink any food?"
"No my Queen "
"Ok you stay outside.  I would call you"
I pulled vasili close to my nipple.
And the poor thing was really hungry.
He was latching hard.
I sighed for the hundredths times today.

I suddenly remembered rano was also there.
He was looking at me with an unexplainable gaze.
I could understand it wasn’t normal to see this sights.

I have to execute every thing soon.

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