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Read chapter  22 first🔺

"You are free to do anything dear"
"No. I am not. I want to go from here . Like forever. I don't wanna see voklov again in my life. Can you give me that? "
"Sasa plz. Don't do this. Once you hear every thing you will understand. Don't be so angry" Panama requested.
Voklov was not present in the table
Also his strawberry boy was absent.
I was smart enough to understand the meaning.
"What should I understand? Can you deny that now at the moment they are not together?  You didn't accept me because I am a boy. I silently agreed. But he is also a boy. Then why is acceptable? Why? "
I screamed at Panama
She looked downward

"I am asking again. Can you give me that? " I asked grand pa..
"Sasa dear try to understand. Voklov won't let you go"
"Why? Cause I am an available fuck for him whenever he feels like it?  Why did you guys have to make my life miserable? My parents even disowned me.  What much more do I have to sacrifice just for an acceptance? How much? " I was crying now.
Jim came immediately to my side.
I am angry at him also.
He also was with them.

"You would have to die before separating from me, wifey"
I stilled.
I didn't have the courage to look at him.
He approached me and whispered in my left ear " Wifey you are getting on my nerves this days. I am only considering because it's your birthday. Otherwise you would get punished for your behavior last few days. "
It irked my mind. How dare he said this to me?
"Then you should also behave like a husband, not a manwhore. "
I stood and faced him " Why are you even home? Your new wife didn't satisfy you. Or you came to rub it in my face that how good is he? "
He smiled  " Now you are looking at me. And wifey are you jealous? "
He pulled my waist.
The nerve of this man.
I slapped his hands away
"Never touch me with these hands again. I am nothing to you. "
I immediately went near his grandfather "you said you will give me anything. You should keep your words now"
He looked troubled
"Tell the pilot to prepare the plane. "
I can't even go past the gate except their order.
I ran to my room and prepared my begs. I went inside my kids room , took them and went outside.
No one was there except for sergie.
He came close to me but I didn't give him a chance to talk.
I put every thing inside my car.
The driver was also prepared.
My private plane was also prepared to take off.
Every one settled inside.
After the plane took off, I started crying. I was having a mental breakdown. Katrina took the kids from me.
I was crying so loud that Igor got frightened.
He also started crying.
I am also a bad father.
My kid is having a hard time for me.
I was crying non stop.
The plane took off for ten minutes now.
I was now sobbing.
Two hands suddenly pulled me up.
I looked it was voklov.
"What are you doing here? I said I am going but not with you"
"My wifey is angry. How can I leave him alone? "
"Wifey is angry for a long time. Where were you then?  "
"Why don't you ever listen? Always assuming things in that shitty head of yours. "
"What's there to listen? I don't wanna hear your and that strawberry's love story"
"Sasa. He is Damian's brother. So he is also my cousin. "
"So ? Damian is Jim's half brother. That didn't stop shit"
Voklov sighed "there is nothing going on. He is my childhood best friend. His mother used to breastfeed me. We grew up together."
" Don't tag that besty thing on me. I saw. I saw everything. For the first time bodyguards from your house pointed gun at me , not for me. All the maids don't even pay respect to me. I am like  invisible now to every one. I don't like this feeling. You know very well. I can accept anything but not disrespect . And you? I saw how you look at him. And also you were with him all the time. You didn't even came to me once. You fucked him. I am sure. You didn't touch me in these days. "
"Sasa listen. I never explained myself to you before. Did I? But I am doing this now. So you should listen and believe."
"Why should I believe you? You are a lying bastard. Look me in the eye and say you didn't fuck him? "
"I didn't. I swear on my grandpa. Is that enough? "
I stilled. He respects grandpa most. He won't lie on his name.
"But that doesn't justify anything. The way you behaved last few days. "
"I behaved as usual. You are the one who over think. "
"You were with him in the kids room. You didn't even go with me once"
"Because after you screamed at him he pulled my ear and took me there. To see the kids. "
"He even has this right. He pulled your ear" I again started crying loudly.
Voklov just sighed.
"Ok.tell me what should I do to make you believe me. I shot every guard who dared to point their gun at you. I didn't know about the maids. But I assure you I wont spare them. I will punish them as you see fit. "
"You put him above me. That's why they did that. " I was screaming now.
"Ok. You say. Should I shot a bullet in his head. If you say I would do that"
"Don't make me laugh. You won't do that. You even hugged him. The very place where I was sleeping with you. You don't think at all about me."
"Sasa.. How about I take you as my partner in the assembly next time. That way every one would think us official. "
"Huhh?? You didn't even accept my ring when I proposed. But you held a public party for him? Is he this important in your life? "
Voklov grunted loudly..
He immediately stood up said something to the pilot.
After few minutes the pilot landed the plane.
"Why are we still in Russia? I am not going to that home. "
He didn't listen, just pulled me in the car. But the kids didn't follow us.

The car stopped in front of the mansion. He pulled me out.
"I am not going in that hell. Every one hates me there"
He took me straight to the sitting Hall.
Every one was present there.
I could see sergie and another known face present there.
"Why am I here? I don't wanna see this bitch. Let me leave . I will go to Greece and have honeymoon with a handsome hunk there. " I was shouting nonsense, only to make voklov angry more.
Voklov took his gun out and pulled the safety lock.
Every one got startled.
"What are doing voklov? "
All my screaming got silent. I could only whisper now.
"Sorry Nicolas. My wifey thinks I won't shot sergie because I love him more than my wife. Just understand"
Voklov roared..
I didn't think that things would go this far.
"What wifey. You want to shoot him right? Then do"
He pulled me in front and tucked the gun at my hand.
He positioned my hand.
Every one panicked and shouted to stop this madness.
But in my heart somewhere I felt satisfaction. I wanted to hurt him. Like he hurted me.
I went straight to him.
He was panicking. I was enjoying that.
I didn't think at all, just pulled the trigger.
He immediately stumbled.
I shot his leg.
I was feeling good.
"Voklov is mine. I won't give him to anyone"
Nicolas immediately ran to catch sergie.
His parents were also shouting for help.
But what I felt was ecstasy.
I smiled. After so many days I smiled genuinely.
I looked at voklov.
He looked proud.
I was happy that he was proud at me.
I then looked at the maids who were gossiping about me.
I shot each one. I didn't blink even once. I just wanted to hurt them.
After seeing those blood I didn't feel anything. It was a nothing type feeling.
Like I completed my feelings.

I went straight to voklov and kissed him. He pulled my legs around him.
He smiled 
" My vixen. Now let's go to our honeymoon  "
I only smiled at him. He was caressing my legs.
"But One go to honeymoon after the wedding. " I pouted
"Then let's have a wedding" He was grinning.
We both were smiling, we didn't acknowledge the background shoutings.
" But I won't get married hiding from every one. "
"Then let's have an open wedding"
"But you are still married"
"Then let's get a divorce"
"But what would the public say with this sudden divorce? " I taunted
"Then how about a public announcement first"
"That sounds good"

🔞kinky alert🔞

At the plane:
"Hmmmm,  wifey your milk is getting tastier day by day. "
"Stop having the kids food"
I am naked laying in the bed. Igor was on my right nipple sucking.
Voklov's wood was inside me. He didn't really wasted a single moment. His hand was on my dick. He was playing with my cum on his hand. This kinky guy.
"Voklov stop. Give Ivor here. He is hungry"
He whined but gave up.
This days i saw he is starting to accept the kids.
He put Ivor's mouth near left my nipple. He latched onto it. My poor baby. He must be really hungry.
I always loved the vibration I felt when this two sucked me.
I jerked.
I saw voklov was above me thrusting.
"Voklov? The kids are having food"
"Let them have their food. I want mine"
He smirked.
I was feeling so satisfied, can't express.
I think I am an exhibitionist. I always get satisfaction after this type of open sex. It even arouses me instantly. I can cum with only an audience looking at me now. Masturbation doesn't work this days.
He was thrusting hard.
I came in a minute.
I came loads.
He was biting my lips.
It felt home.
Igor suddenly bit my nipple. This mischief. He was smiling at me. I couldn't do much. So I slept in that position.
Voklov doesn't even care if I am sleeping or not. All he needs is that hole.
But if felt sorely amazing. I smiled while closing my eyes.

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