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The wedding ceremony started

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The wedding ceremony started.
Every thing was beautifully decorated.
In white.
Like it's trying to express calmness.
But for me it looks like a sign of upcoming danger.
Voklov and Loretta are looking heavenly. They always look good.
Jim was trying to console me from the fainting episode. He thinks I really loved Voklov. But he doesn't know I hate this person the most. He is just using me. Keeping me for entertainment . I knew not to question. Cz it won't end good.

After the declaration of an upcoming member, I was devastated.  How can he do this? It's even unfair for his child.

"Wifey why are you so stressed? It's not good for your health. You even fainted"
Voklov didn't left me after my breakdown. He was behaving like it's normal.
"Don't you get it ? It's wrong. So wrong. On so many levels. Why are destroying three lives? Do you think your child will be thrilled to know you have a mistress.? It will curse you and specially me every second of its life. Plz leave me now. You will have a wife and a child.  Your family.  Plzzz let me go." I outbursted. 
He was just calmly looking at me.
He turned around to leave the room.
No he can't go without an answer today.
I was so overwhelmed " if you don't leave me, I will leave this world.  This time it won't miss. On your very wedding day. I am telling you just let me go. I can't tolerate anymore of this bullshit. And remember it's not an empty threat." I shouted.
He just looked at me and said "try and the very next moment my flight will be to canada."
"You can't do this . It's not fair."
"Nothing is fair in my world Wifey "he stroked my tears.
"Plzz" I sobbed
"I choose a very beautiful suit for you . You will look great"
And he left me in my own sad reality
I cried and cried after for like the whole week. I didn't even mention to go to my family.  I was paranoid he would do something to my family.
After a week the whole household started for their wedding. And jim being jim took me to shopping, parlour, jewellery shop,horse riding,cinema what not. I think it was his way to make me feel better. I knew he wished good but no I won't fall for anymore rostova.
His whole family was including me in every rituals . Every decor, every theme ,even the dress code ,food was to my choice.  It was like it's my wedding.
And for the first time his mother Panama rostova requested me to do everything with my own hand. She literally made me in charge. I don't know what's on their mind. But I had nothing better to do and I didn't want to upset Panama.  She was the most near to human in this house. The first time Voklov put me on the dungeon cell for trying to escape, she was the one who took care of me. She even requested Voklov to release me. On her request he released me 2 days early. For this I am really greatful. Because if I had to stay there for another day I would have died out of dehydration . He didn't give me food and water for 3 days. So i made all the arrangements . She was really pleased. I was also happy. After so many days I got to do art works.

"You didn't wear the suit I selected "
"Voklov what are doing here ? You should be with your wife."
"I am with my wife. Now answer my question "
"This is from your mother . I didn't want to upset her"
He immediately clutched my back hair and pulled me closer . Our lips were nearly touching " you are mine you will wear the dress that I choose. Do you get that honey? "
"So...rry. I. I .. thought you will get angry if I defy your mother "
" go and change before I strip you here"
He threw me on the floor
I immediately stood and left
Why does he always do this? Can't he leave me alone? I don't want to wear that dumb suit. I hate his suit. I hate him. I hate everything. I wanna go to my family.  I want to see movies with ma. I want to watch football with my brothers. I want to go shopping with kira. I want to go walk with papa. Why my life has to be like this? What crimes have I done?
I sobbed quietly while changing.

After changing I came to the hall

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After changing I came to the hall. The wedding was taking place in one of rostova 's hotels . It was gigantic. I saw the bride and groom were dancing.  I went to the backyard and sat on one bench looking at the sea. It used to be dream wedding.  But I knew we were not that much rich. So I wanted a simple close family ritual.  But I think I won't have that much privilege. 

"What's a handsome like you doing alone?"
I looked up and see a really big buffed up man in a white suit. The greying white was really complementing his mocha skin tone. I really wanted to hug a person now. I wanted human touch but I knew my restrictions.
"Just looking at the sea"
"Sorry I forgot to introduce myself . I am Renzo. "
"Such a gorgeous name"
"Stop exaggerating "I blushed
"Wow you have such beautiful dimples"
I was smiling.
He and I were talking like for a long time. We didn't notice the time. Suddenly Brandon came running
"are you out of your mind?"
I was stunned.  What he means to say?
"I don't understand "
"Unbelievable.  You were missing for an hour. Voklov is losing his shit. Where the heck were you? Just go immediately inside.  The amount of anger he is showing , you don't want him to see you here with another man. Just pray he doesn't get to know what you were doing."
"Listen man we were just talking "
"I am not talking to you. Stay out of it"
"Why are you standing?"
I just ran and ran fast. The more close I was to the door the more I could hear loud noise.
"Where is he? I want him . Bring him in front of me. I cannnnt breath . Bring him ."
I couldn't believe.  My work of so many days is just destroyed. Half if the decoration is on the floor broken.
I was stunned.  Suddenly jim took my hand and pushed me in front of him.
"See your wife is here"
I will never forget this betrayal jim.. I curse you..
He turned and gosh he was looking like a crazy dog who lost this leash.

He hugged me . He was again sniffing. Like he forgot my scent. 

"Wifey where were you?"
I didn't say anything  . Just stood there silently. This guy is gonna make crazy someday.
He took another deep breath like he was looking for something.

"Why is there another smell on your body? Who were you with?"
Now I was shaking......I trembled...but he didn't let go.. I thinking of something... suddenly
"he was with me King."

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