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                       🔺️Gore Alert 🔺️

The passing street lights are mesmerising. It shows so much colours. I never appreciated this small things when I was able to enjoy these beautiful things like cycling, sitting in  cafe with a book for hours, having streetside  hakka noodles with kira. I used to get annoyed with the idea of going out.
Now I am desperate even for a few seconds of air from those streets.

"Queen we arrived "
"How is your shoulder Brandon?"
"It's tolerable "

I went out of the car. Brandon assisted me inside. He was just making sure
no one approaches me. I could feel everyone's judging eyes. I was no royalty nor even a magnet. There was no place for me.
The king is here, the king is here..
Everyone was panicking. Journalists were rushing for a glimpse of that monster .
He was here with Loretta.
They were the perfect couple.
Ethereal looks,fashionista, loads of money,power over every living thing on Russia, academic scholars or what not.
Here was I. 
The dumbest ugliest fat unfortunate person.
I don't see what he sees in me to keep me under surveillance.
I sighed loudly. " He will be finished in a minute. "Brandon reassures which I don't need.
I avoided his gaze and concentrated on my white russian . This drink is strong for me. I think I am high. I didn't drink in my whole life but with him around I got the habit of drinking.
"Hello . May I join you" a beautiful brunette in a white tube dress came to my view.
I was reluctant first , then looked at Brandon even he was shocked. I could see him searching the area with his hyena eyes. I didn't say anything first but she again wanted to join me. I couldn't be disrespectful.
"I am amelie"
"Wow unique name. I think u get that a lot"
"Yeah" I was afraid but there was a tiny ray of hope in me to have some human interaction. After some time I totally forgot where I was or to say I forgot Voklov. Brandon was trying to intervene some times but I brushed him off.
"Let's go dance "
"I don't think it's a good idea amelie "
She was not listening to my words, she just dragged me. In a minute we were on the dance floor. But I couldn't say I wasn't having fun.  She was touching me all over  my body while dancing. I was also high and grinning. In a minute we were grinding. Her breasts were also coming out. I was sucking her chest. Those boobs were so soft. I was having so much fun. I got so aroused. She was touching my wood. It felt so good. I want to put it inside her. My one hand was on her ass and another one was squeezing her right breast. We were biting each other's lips.
I was about to shove my tongue down.
Suddenly I felt a tug on my back hair.
"Babe don't u think u r enjoying too much " he bit my right ear so hard .I thought it would come out.

Everything stilled for a minute. I then and there realized, I screwed up so so hard.
"So babe you want a pussy now!"he smirked "doesn't my penis fuck you enough " he pulled my hair again
With too much strength. I fell on the floor . The fear started to creeping inside.
Amelie was also shocked. "My king , good evening "she smiled adjusting her clothes.
"Your father won't appreciate this type of behaviour. He is a respected man"
Her smile faltered.
"Now my queen do u also want a slut of your own . " he sarcasmed
"What? Now now no need to be offended " he touched my neck
"Now the matter on hand. Love u want to fuck her right? Let's make it easy. U come near." He signalled amelie
Amelie came near .
He looked at me with so much amusement I could feel the danger.
"Open your clothes " he said to her
"No need no need plz plz I won't ever do this plz plz "
He laughed loudly , everyone's attention now was on us.
He removed my penis and started to stroke "sit on him"
"Now." He roared
She trembled and did as he says.
She adjusted her vagina on my wood.
"Start twirking "
She jumped up and down.
After sometime she was moaning
On the other hand I was helpless. I knew this would end bad . He looked at me all the time. I could see that psychotic gaze.
We both  came down from that euphoria and hyperventilating.
"Babe u had fun?"
I trembled .
"Now my turn"
In a minute he slaughtered her .
The blood was all over me. No word came from my mouth.
"Now babe put it again inside her. "
He is joking right?
He made me fuck a dead body ... it was so disgusting that  I was vomiting and vomiting.
"Husband plz I can't anymore " he didn't let me stop for 40 minutes or what.
"Wifey u wanted to fuck her right? Now fuck."
" I am sorry plz"
" then say the magical words" he grinned.
I didn't know what he is implying.  But he won't be asking for I love you in this situation. As I know him , he is so egoistic.   I thought quickly " I don't want her plz I only want you. No one but you. Only you satisfies me. Only you.i want you on my ass . Plz baby"
I was sobbing and hiccuping.
He looked gloom at first.
Then he laughed loudly "of course baby anything for my queen"
He just put vodka on amelie and lights her. Everything happened in a few seconds. I could not even wrap my head around .
I was so desperate.  I crawled to him.
He just put his finger in my mouth.
He kneeled in front of me.
He whispered "Now she is out . You tell me what should we do about the audience. "
I was so shocked that I forgot about the people around. I looked around.  There was about 100 people on the floor.
I panicked, felt ashamed, wanted to bury inside floor.
"Brandon " he shouted
For some seconds all I could hear bullets hitting the floor. The whole floor was covered with dead people and blood.
Not a single person was alive, not even the children.
"How more cruel can you be?" I shouted at him.
"How more stupidity do you wanna do? You knew what you were doing ."
He didn't give me a second.  He teared my suit and shirt . He threw me on the pool of blood started kissing me . I could feel his anger. He put his wood in me without wasting time. He fucked me so hard I can't tell how many times I came.
It was now morning I could see the lights but don't know the exact time. I was still fucked furiously by him with all the dead bodies.  His bodyguards were around us guarding. I didn't have any tears left . All I could feel is the throbbing pain all over my body.

"Voklov, you should finish now. You know we have a meeting with the yakuza. " his grandfather appeared out of nowhere.
"But pops u know my wife isn't satisfied.  " he gave me his sadistic grin
"U can have him after the meeting.  My good boy let's go "
He was thrusting inside me even in front of his grandfather.
After few more thrusting we both came again for the 100th time.
I was really grateful . I didn't know how I was feeling.

"Love you babe " he stood up and left naked. He is always like this. Never consider my feelings.
I think the whole house is used to his nakedness  by now. 

Brandon helped me. He gave me a sheet to cover my body. I couldn't even lift a finger.  Brandon wrapped me in sheets and carry me to the car.
We went to the penthouse near the function hall.
I went inside the bathroom direct
and stood up for some time with a blank mind in front of the mirror. I couldn't even recognise myself.  I didn't think about anything else and directly
went inside the mini pool beside the open bathroom.

Without thinking I went to the bottom.. the sky seems so much clearer from under the water... after some time I closed my eyes.........

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