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Among the players I could not spot Andrei. Actually I don't even enjoy football. I am only here because of my stupid brother . They both love me a lot I know but alek doesn't like to show much.
"sass why did u bring that stupid book with you . This is stadium,  u r supposed to enjoy the match ." Kira scolded me.
" u know I don't even understand football.  It was u who dragged me here . Remember I totally said no."
" u r just a bookworm, just enjoy your life. Oh my godess!!!! Look sass who is that!!!" I looked and saw the Voklov was here on the vip section with a girl on his side who was literally sitting on him.

But can't say wrong.  He is damn good looking.  With his dark hair and those green eyes anyone would go crazy for him.. his voice is even so deep . He is literally the king of this city . His family literally owns this city, people says the whole russia is under them. But no one ever found any proof against them . So can't say that all the dark roumers are true.
I didn't notice he was looking at me . I think I was starting for a long time . Oh God I hope he doesn't find it rude. I don't wanna be on his bad book. I saw him once biting a boy twice his size .. till day I get chills.
I lowered my gaze immediately.  My sister was literally swooning over him
I didn't say anything after that. I was again looking at my book but couldn't concentrate. I was having a obnoxious feeling. I looked up and saw him staring without even blinking . He just smiled at me. I got chills all over my body.
" I think he likes u"
"shut up kira. "
" he literally was checking u out"
" have u seen me. I am nothing in front of those girls who he sleeps with"
" yeaaaa. How many times I have said u r beautiful. Why do u degrade yourself. U have golden skin and beautiful smile. "
" yeah sure" I sassed.
After the match I was waiting for my brothers to come and pick us. Suddenly a man came and said the king wanted to see me .
I was confused and didn't know what to do. I said no.i am not following any stranger. After 2min 2more people came and dragged me to a car . I was shouting for help and kira was also screaming but no one came. They threw me into the car . And the car started.  Everything became dark. I fainted.

I jerked wake up. I was again dreaming about that obnoxious day. I found myself alone on a sofa inside the meeting room. And I was naked. Previous events came as a flashlight. I could not believe he literally raped me in front of everyone. I was devastated.  Brandon came after he noticed me with some clothes.  I couldn't lift my head up every employee's eyes hold disgust for me. I was the official slut of their boss.
I was limping all the way to car.
" I want to go to my home"
" king won't appreciate it"
" homeee "
Brandon sighs.
When I entered the drawing room I saw my mother . She was shocked to see me.
" what are you doing here?"
" I..I... wanted to come"
" why. It's not on the schedule " 
no word came out from my mouth. "Does he know"
I lowered my gaze.
" leave immediately. I don't wanna loose another son because of your stupidity. Why don't you understand!? Your father is also suffering.  He is on the verge of losing everything he worked for so many years. Have some pity on us. Leave before he comes here. "
" sorry ma" 

And i left. I didn't go inside the car.  I was walking. Brandon was begging me to go inside the car but i didn't want to. I was walking by the lake. I sat down on the mud with my legs inside the water. I was staring on the opposite side of lake. I don't remember how much time has passed . I was on the same position.

"Wifey " i stiffened. He is here.
"Wifey lets go home" i didn't move.
" wifey come" i still didn't move .

A sudden gunshot was heard. I looked and saw Brandon on the floor. I panicked. My whole body was jerking.

Volkov just smiled
" he was supposed to take u home . He didn't fulfill his job. "
I was crying at this point.
"Wifey" he gave me his warmest smile and stretched his hand for me to take. I knew the threats behind those sweet talk.
I limped and took his hand
He just smiled and kissed my hand.
I could see the dark glint behind those black curls.
"Let's go. I made dinner. Your favourite pelmeni. "  I knew the meaning of these words. He always behaves like this after breaking me to the deepest levels. Like nothing happened. Like we are the perfect couple..

I just sobbed beside him. This is my fate. I wish he dies..

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