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"Are you out of your mind?"

A bike hit me suddenly when I was running. I was on the road holding my left leg . At this point I didn't know what was hurting the most : my heart or my leg.
"Sasa you are bleeding. Don't you hear me. Who runs like this in the middle of a road?"
I didn't answer.
My mind was tricking me. It was only visualizing Claire 's naked body.
"Sasa..... Sasa... are you even listening to me?.....Sasa now you are scaring me... "
I was still in a daze... I didn't know how to respond.. I should not overreact like this. I knew from the beginning he is like this.  But I thought there was a tiny spark between us. I thought he really liked me. I knew he was engaged from the very beginning. I knew I will always be the third person in his relationship. He was a manwhore - a sex addict , even though I thought he liked me. How wrong I was. I should have been cautious. I knew there was no future. I am in his life until he gets bored over me. Why did I love him?
I should not have. I didn't even realise when I gave him my heart.
I was crying now.

"Sasa lets go. We should go to hospital. "
"You knew he was here."
"Jim. Don't pretend. That's why you insisted to come here."
Jim sighed "ok . I agree I knew about his relationship with Claire and I also got information that he is here but I swear I didn't know he was here with his assistant. "
"Why did you do this?"
"Because I know you love him. And he is never going to change. He is taking her as his companion to various parties of our underground associations. I saw him with her. I went to confront him. He literally started making out with her in front of me."
"You know I don't care about parties. "
"I know but you don't know what it means if you take one with you as a companion in those places. It means giving you recognition in front of the whole world. "
"Damn with your recognition. I don't care . You should have said it in my face, not  a visualization. "
"I know.  Ok I am sorry. But I didn't want you to get hurt. He is a maniac. I didn't expect much from him but i didn't want to see you getting even more depressed. Some associates are also questioning your crown. That's why I had to do this. I didn't want you to get hope. He is out of his mind right now. Actually he is thinking about shifting her to the mansion. I wanted you to know before knowing from other people."
I stilled.  He is replacing me. I should be happy. I will get my freedom back. I can return to my family. But I wasn't. There was something else my heart was feeling. Is it jealousy?
"Sasa plz let me take you to hospital.  You even have scratches on your face. Let's go..plz"
Jim held me tightly but I was still unable to walk. I think I broke a bone or two. When we returned towards the car parking I could still see Brandon outside and the car shaking.
I couldn't control anymore and I started vomiting. Jim took care of me. He gently made me sit and drove to the hospital.
That's why Brandon did not come to look for me. Voklov was still banging her. Is she that good? He should know by now that I am injured. But he didn't stop and come for me. Why even am I hoping for him?
"We are here"
I looked outside and saw we reached the hospital.
I sighed and went outside.

The doctor said to rest and Jim literally took me on his two tiny hands but I said a wheelchair will do the work.

"Are you ok now?"
"You say should I be happy?"
"I know but you know it's Voklov we are talking about.  He will do whatever the fuch he wants. "
Jim was preparing food for me. I was not in the mood to eat but I had medicines to take.
"Jim lets go for sight seeing tomorrow. "
"Suddenly? You always prefer indoor. "
"I want to go. Let's have a picnic."
"O....kk "


I didn't realise how fast my 7 days of not seeing Voklov passed .
We are returning today . Our car is only  3 minutes away from the mansion.
I passed most of the time outside. Whenever I was in the house I was hallucinating about Clare and Voklov.
I knew i didn't have any right on him.
He wasn't answerable to me. But he took everything from me. For this he should give me answers.

Suddenly the car door opened , then I realised we have arrived.
I went inside the mansion. I could see everyone busy. No one was concentrating on me. One of my personal maids Laslie only came to take me to my room. But something was odd. Laslie was taking my suitcase in my personal room. But I don't stay there nowadays. 
"Laslie why are you taking my bags there?"
She didn't say anything. She stood with her head down. It wasn't giving any good vibes.
I think it's happening. I am replaced.
I didn't wait for her answer.  I went towards Voklov's room which is two rooms away.
I opened the door without any knock.
A loud noise was made.

"Don't you have manners?" It was from Claire. She didn't see me. She was in a bathrobe fixing her hair. When she saw me , she immediately stood up.
"Sorry, my queen. I didn't realise it was you."
I was dazed . I didn't know what was going on my mind. I just stood in front of her and piercing to her soul.
"Then I think you didn't realise you are in the wrong room."
She didn't expect my reaction will be like this.
"With due respect my queen, it was The King who took to this room"
I just grabbed her neck and started to drag her.  Everyone was horrified to see my this angry.
"Where is he?" I asked Laslie
"In the office room"
I went inside the room and threw her on the floor.

"What's the meaning of this?"

"What's the meaning of this?"

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"I should be the one asking.  What's going on?"
"I don't understand wifey"
" Is she staying at your room?"
He stilled for some time. Then suddenly he started laughing really loudly like he heard some really good joke.
He came towards me and pulled my waist .
"Is my wifey jealous?" He was caressing my hair.
"What do you think of yourself? You ruined my life . Now you are embarrassing me in front of the whole house. Ok fine. Then let me go to my parent's house. "
His smile came to an end after hearing this. His caressing became a slap in face. But today this will not work.
"What did you say? I dare you . Say again. " his dark voice echoed through the walls.
"I am going to my parent's house.  I don't wanna stay with you anymore. I am fed up. "
This time came a punch. And I stumbled upon his desk. Then he took my chin in a rough hold .
"Wifey you can stay anywhere in this house but not outside this house."
He gently kissed me.
"You have another whore now for your enjoyment. You don't need me anymore. Let me go."
This time I forcefully detach myself from him and stood up. I went outside the office and started to go outside.
Every servant inside the house was shaking with fear. I could hear the murmurs. I was possessed today . Nothing could stop me.
"Jonathan take me to the airport "
He was also tensed.
"Sasa plz don't place yourself in danger"
"Ok fine I will go by myself "
I was about to go outside the gate .
But I could not.
My already injured left leg gave up.
It was bleeding.
I turned back and saw Voklov with a gun and Brandon was trying to hold him.
It was so fast that I couldn't feel the pain now. I stumbled but I didn't stop.
I started to go outside again. This time a bullet pierced my right leg. I hold the gate for support but it was too late. I was already on the ground.
There was like hundreds of guards outside looking at me with pity , but no one helped.
I was perspirating,  it became difficult to breathe.
Voklov came in front of me and sat beside me.
" wifey I told you not to defy me. You came after so many days but you didn't even give me a kiss. We both can go to a vacation this time . Why are you getting angry? Let's go to our room . I have a surprise for you." He was talking like we are on a date . This bastard.
He took me on his arms .
I was lightheaded now because of the blood loss .
"You bastard.  Let me gooooo"
"Wifey we will go to your parents. But not today. I have prepared so many gifts for you. " he kissed me on the neck.
I was floating at this point.
"Take your bitch out of my face " I said in delirium.
He smiled "ok. As my queen wishes."

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