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I was debating what to say in mind

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I was debating what to say in mind. Jim sure doesn't wanna go. He is really nervous and it was quite visible on this barbie face.. he was more like a Harley Quinn  on a regular  day but he was literally shaking now. He looked like a wet kitten. 
And I couldn't ignore that...

"No one is allowed without his permission inside my room . For your long live I hope you got his permission. I would like to attend a wedding, not funeral."

He immediately stood up and bowed
"Queen I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable.  But I have my father's permission to take Jim with me."

"I didn't ask whose permission you got. I asked if my husband knows that you are here.. "

He got silent for a moment.
I think i got him good.

"Leave before he arrives.  I wish to enjoy my staycation with Jim. I don't want to see any blood here. This is my sacred place."

"I apologise but he has to go with me. "

"Are you gonna forcefully take him from here?" I challenged.

"I dare not. But Queen , father will be very disappointed.."

"Tell him it's my order. The Queen's order."

He got shocked after my words but it seems that it worked.

"Yes. My Queen.  Have a pleasant stay"
He left but not before glancing at Jim with his very much dark eyes. Like it was sending a telepathy for Jim to obey.  This Rostova guys really know how to get on nerves. All of them are same.. psychotic nerssecist. I huffed.

I immediately looked at Jim . He looked some kind of panicked but relieved.
"Thanks "
"My pleasure "
"Really thanks . You don't know from what cyclone you saved me."
"And again my pleasure. Now wanna say about this cyclone?"
"Some other time. Now is not good"
I nodded my head "ok"
I really wanna know what was this all about but I think he needs time. So I didn't push his buttons anymore.

"I think let's go out. We should have dinner outside.  I also need some books"
"Ok . But we will also go for some dress shopping "
Here the all hail to Jim is back. And it kind of made me ticklish.  I never admit but I like it whenever he came to meet me , to ask me how I was , also when he will pester me , nonstop bicker about my dresses. I liked it. These were the moments when I felt human.

"Okkkkk" I sighed


"I think this is a bad idea Jim"
"Just have fun. Will you?"
"I am having really bad vibes "
"Ok . Fineeeee. Let's go"

Jim and I are here on this club . I  don't know what I was thinking . Voklov won't like it .
"Ohh. Sasa you just go straight.  The car is parked.  I am coming in a minute. "
"Ok. But don't stand me . "
Jim just mixed with the crowd.
I was going out. Suddenly I crushed with a waiter and broke some glasses.
"Soo sorry"
"It's ok. Sir . "
"May I help "
"No it's really ok sir . Here this type of accidents are common "
"Thanks.  I was just distracted. "
"Good day sir"
I just nodded. 

I came outside . When I started going towards the car , I noticed a car bouncing.  I think someone is having it.
Suddenly I saw Brandon.  What is he doing here?
He  was shocked to see me here. The look is giving me chills . I don't know what but it's bad.
"My queen"
"What's happening?"
"Nothing.  What are you doing in this place? King does not know.  He will be furious. "
"I was just here with Jim. Don't tell him. We are just going back."
" yea...h ...yo..u should.. you should go back quickly "
"Why are you being so weird?"
"I don't want you to be in a mess again "

I know he wishes good. But it's just unsettling.  Then again I started going towards my car. But I don't know why I was having a gut feeling like something is not good around me.
The car was now moving vigorously to not to be unnoticed.. 
To think why Brandon is standing near that car , and not with Voklov.
Suddenly it hit like a comet.
I didn't realise when I was near that car
And knocked the window.
It was black tinted,  could not see anything.
I was not thinking but I wished I should have . Cz I regretted it immediately.
I shot opened the door and to my bad  luck it was not locked.
There was Voklov and on his lap was his very new assistant Claire totally naked with hickey all over her chest. Her hair was messy. 
On the other hand Voklov was also half naked. He was so engorged that he didn't even notice me. Claire noticed me first.  She was so aroused that she didn't acknowledge me first but after 5 seconds she focused and realized it was me. She tried to remove herself but Voklov was not having it. He was too occupied with her breast nipples biting it. I don't know what I was thinking. Claire was now totally sobered.  I stood for like 10 seconds staring at Voklov. He was sucking her the way he sucks me. I was standing like a robot . Then I just closed the door.

My mind was empty. I didn't know why it hurts. It was like someone clutching my heart.   Suddenly I started running. I don't know where I was going and why I was running.  I was running fast . I didn't know where my legs were taking me. I could hear Jim behind shouting.  But I was having it.
The roads became foggy all of a sudden.
After seconds I realized it was not the road. It was my eyes tearing. I didn't know he had that much place in my heart to it to hurt for him.
I was crying now over a psychotic killer manwhore. Why but Why ?
I didn't even cry when he was marrying Loretta. 

But why now? This bastard...
He took my family, my education, my body, my art and even my peace of mind.
When did he even take my heart? I didn't even notice. No I can't.  I can't.  I won't let him..


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