chapter :36

781 39 6

After 5 years -

The garden is colorful today.
A variety of flowers are dancing in the air.
A small head is showing from far.
It looks like he is hiding.
His giggling is heard from ten feet away.
A man in yellow shirt approached him with a smile in his face.
"Where is my vasi?"
"I can't find him"
A rustling was heard
"Oh no where is he?  He is vanished"
He pretended not to see vasili
Suddenly he cought him from behind.
"Here you are"
"Ma you always find me"
"Of course i will find you. I smell you from 1 meter away"
Sasa kissed vasili in the head.
"Let's go it’s time for your lunch"
"Ma what did you cook"
Sasa was going inside the small two room  cottage where both father and son lived. It was their paradise.
"Rice curry"
It was vasili's favourite.
His face lightened up.
"Love you ma"
Sasa kissed him"love you too son"

"Sasa where were you? Your daughter is crying over you. She isn’t eating."
My lovely skye..
My daughter.
"Katrina how many times i said to you never let her drink this"
"You know that your daughter is more stubborn than you"
I huffed and took both of them for breakfast.
It’s our daily life now.
Our normal life.
At first i was alone in this house.
Then they had to brought vasili.
He got sick without me.
Then Katrina came with skye.
ROSTOVA family members come to see me sometimes.
Ivor and Igor also spend their vacations here.
I am running my business from here.
Everything is good.
Everything is normal.
Except my urge for Voklov.
Most nights i cry for him.
But there is no sign of him.
He never once came to see me.
Once he could not breathe without me but now..
Does he miss me?
Does he even remember me?
No one even talks about him.
I don’t even know anything about my brother.
How is he?
What's he doing?
My body burns for Voklov 's hands.
Does he enjoy torturing me?
That's why he is not coming?
I am not even allowed to talk about him, enquiry about him or connect him.
I sighed and went back to my daily work.

We were having our dinner. I was slightly disappointed because Ivor did not call today. He calls me every day. Igor just send me his pictures. But none of them came. There was a tiny fear in the corner of my heart.
What if they were busy with Voklov?
Did they forget about me?
Am I vanished from their heart too?
Lots were running wildly in my mind.

I looked at Katrina
"Huhh... What?"
"The water is spilling? "
"The water is overflowing"
I looked and saw..  The water is filled.
I took a napkin.
"Where is your mind?"
Cleaning the mess I answered
"What are you talking about?"
"You were absentminded the whole day"
"Nothing specific"
"Tell me"
"They didn’t contact me today"
"They must be busy with some work. They will call you tomorrow. Don't worry"
I sighed "i hope so"

At 2 am my mobile rang...
At first i didn’t receive.
It was an unknown number.
But after five more calls i had to receive.
I smiled in relief
"Ivor where were you the whole day"
"Mom i was kinda busy with some work"
"Are you too busy to call me"
"Sorry mom. I will call on time tomorrow"
A loud sound came through the phone
"What was that Ivor"
After some commotion he answered
"Nothing mom"
"Ivor i am asking again what was that"
There was again silence
"Ivor now you are making me worried. Tell mom what happened"
"Mom.. Actually"
I could feel the hesitation on his voice
"Ivor love are you okay?  Where is Igor..  Is he alright? He didn’t involve in any acts again right?"
He sighed loudly
"Mom.. Listen to me first.  Don’t get panicked. Actually father got angry again. He had another episodes of him."
"But he didn’t get them much recently"
"Yes... Yes.. But he got triggered some how again. And in his anger he started shooting wildly"
He stopped. It made my heart twitch
I was anxious now..
"He shot Igor"
Everything silenced.
"He is out of danger now"
All i saw was red now...
"What where?"
"Where did he shot?"
"Mom.. Everything is fine now.. Everyone is okay.  No need to worry"
"I asked where?"
"Mom please.. I am here..  I will handle every thing perfectly"
"Ivor I won't ask twice"
"In his shoulder..  He was banding down"
I cut the call...

I dialed a number.
"Pick me..  I have a deal to handle"
I was fuming.
How dare he!
He had the audacity to shoot my son..

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