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I am trying to touch my hole but I can't. It's frustrating. I don't know what happened to me but I have become a sex addict. After staying away from voklov for one month my body is just screaming for his touch. We fucked for a whole day in that blood river Hall. I just slept for two hours after he put me in bed. He had some meetings to attend but my hole is clenching hard. It wants it's food. I don't know what is happening with my body. Even my nipples are itching. It always feels good whenever he sucks them. I started to open my clothes. The nurse came to give me food but after seeing my condition she screamed "my queen what are you doing? King will be very angry. "
"I don't know. Ahhhhh.... I want him.. Where is he.. Ummm? " I was pinching my nipples. Like I would get some relief if it lactates milk. I was rubbing myself with the pillow. It's enough. I will go find him.
I stood naked ; only my night white transparent shirt is dangling from my shoulder and my white lace panty which didn't cover much from my big body. I staggered like drunkards..

"My queen plz understand. King will have my head if you get out like this. Plz queen. "
I didn't pay attention to her. I asked my personal guard where is he. He didn't look at me and said king is in the board meeting room. My mind was filled with lust. I just wanted him inside me nothing else mattered.
Every guards and servants put their head down after the first glance at me.
I knew I looked scandalous but I was so aroused to even think about that.

I barged inside the room. It looked like an important meeting. Every person present on that room was VVIP..
Voklov sat in his head chair. He just looked at me with amusement.
I approached him with wobbly legs. He caught me before I threw myself at him. I didn't thought about the hundred eyes looking at me. I sat on his lap and started rubbing my ass on his clothed dick.
"Plz do me.. I can't.. Mmmmm" He was just smiling wide like he won a trophy.
"Do what my queen" He whispered in my ear... He pinched my left nipple.
"Mmmmmmmmm... More plz "
"Wifey I am working" He licked my right earlobe.
"I will put myself then"
I opened his pants chain and pulled out his dick. My mouth watered at the gigantic sight.
I positioned him in my hole. He didn't stop me. I forced him inside me. I think my hole teared slightly. But it was worth it. I was feeling ecstasy.
"Issssss... Mmmmm... Ahhhh"
I was putting a porn show in front of every one.
"Wifey let's go to the room. That will be comfortable. Just wait for few minutes" I clenched more tightly
He moaned. He was also feeling pleasure. I tightened my legs around waist. I won't let go.
I put my head on his shoulder and started biting his neck. It was a sign that I won't let go.
"Ok. As my queen wishes. " He kissed my head and signaled to presume the meeting.
I put his one hand in my nipple to sign him. He smiled and started pinching it.
"You want more I know" He pounced on me twice "but wait. Husband is working"
"Mmmmhhhmm" I started rubbing

He was talking with his partners like it's doing no effect on him. But mannnnn he is growing each second. I pulled him in a kiss when he was ordering one of his partner. He just smiled and kissed me for few more minutes. Then again he presumed. In between he pounced on me and squeezed my ass. My ass is really big but some how his hand covers them.

I saw Claire talking about some project screen. This bitch is alive?
Voklov responded to her very sweetly Which I didn't like.
He behaves harsh with me. But where does he get his sweet tooth in front of her? I got immediately angry.
I bit his chin to get his concentration
"Don't talk with this bitch. "
He smirked
"Sunny you are in charge. Replace Claire. My queen doesn't like "
I started my previous activities.
I couldn't take anymore so I started bouncing on his lap.
"Wifey two more minutes then I am all yours" He rubbed my legs for me to stop. I just whined.

"Ok everyone meeting dismissed. I want every penny in my account without delay. Remember or you know what I will do" He threatened.

After finishing his order , he didn't wait for a single moment. He put me on the table , pulled my legs on his shoulder and thrusted inside me. Every member started to empty the room immediately. It was a great feeling. I am feeling so satisfied. The table was moving with his strong thrust.
I came undone. It was amazing.
"Yessss.... Yes... Mmmmmhhmm.. Moree.. "
He slapped my bouncing ass.. He came near my ear and whispered,
"My queen, you have become really kinky.. Soooo sexy.. I can't get enough of you.. My wifey you make me so happy.. " He bit my lip. I opened my mouth. He thrusted his tongue inside. We both were enjoying it so much.
I came again and again. He flipped me . Again did me from behind. I was smiling like a madman. He didn't give me time to adjust suddenly pulled me upward, I was hanging in the air. "Oooohhh... I feellss goood.. " I pulled him towards me from behind and kissed him hard.

I looked in front of the table. I could see Claire standing all this time.
He was thrusting hard and smirked at Claire.
I could see the horror on her face. A single tear dropped from her left eye.

Why is this so satisfying? I threw my head in satisfaction on his shoulder. He was kissing my eyes.
"My little vixen... You are so evil"
He smirked and I smiled.....

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