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"Love just one more "
I opened my mouth with so much difficulty. Water was coming from my eyes non stop. "Love open more".

I opened after some try. " babe chew" he gritted.  I could not feel my jaw anymore. I think my mandible displaced.
After coming home he dragged me to the bedroom first . He literally broke my ankle. As he says " babe u should know this legs should  only be on the roads that I decide. Nowhere else." Even after my pleadings he broke some of my bones.. my lips are torned. My whole body is aching. I think my nose also broke.

"My king the doctor is waiting by the door ." " my queen will first have the foods that I made for him.right babe?" Again his evil smirk was visible.
I couldn't even whisper properly.
He slapped me again hard. " what do u say babe"
" than..k u..u" it came as an inaudible whisper .
I looked up and saw the room filled with servants-bodygaurds.
Every one were standing like a statue with their heads hanging low.
How many more times do I have to put up with these much humiliation?

After the dinner he gave me a bath , dried me and put me bad. He doesn't even let me wear anything on bed. The doctor came to give me treatment. He didn't even look at me in the face. Voklov was watching everything like a hawk. A single mistake and the doctor's head will be blown off.
I just cried at my fate . What happened wrong .

I opened my eyes , my eyes are burning. Could not adjust the lights.
I looked around. I am on a hotel room I think. I twisted the door knob. It opened.  I thought it would be close. No one was on the floor. I was searching for a escape route. 
" look where are u going kid"
I saw a large built man . Dressed in a complete black dress. He used his phone to call someone. "He woke up ........ok"
He just took my hand and dragged me I don't know where. After some stairs we reached a door . He knocked .
"Come "
He threw me inside. As soon as I entered, I saw something unforgetul. The room was filled with naked boys and girls. Filled with moans. At the centre there was Voklov thrusting inside a boy vigorously and sucking a girl's boob who was standing in front of him and his finger is inside her. Some other boys were kissing him everywhere.
I don't even know what is this. He turned to me and gave his infamous smirk.
"Look who is here , my stalker "
I tried to open the door but it was locked from outside.
"Hey stalker get yourself comfortable on the sofa or do u wanna join?" He smirked. I shuddered. But what can I do ? Don't have much of a choice.
I just waited for 2 hours . I was holding my ears but I couldn't unhear those sounds of body slapping. I was so terrified by him.
After finishing he came to me naked "u r not that bad looking "
I just closed my eyes in a reflex .
"Open . Don't let me say twice. I will gauge them out"
I immediately opened them. He just smiled. "Let's go " I didn't understand.
He took my hand tightly. I thought it was gonna break . He took me to the open  bathtub which can be called a swimming pool. Threw me inside.
He pulled me up and sat inside
I was shivering.
I couldn't believe I was inside  bathtub with the Voklov.
" u should open your clothes "
"I..mmm...fiiine "
He didn't even missed a second and dipped me inside the water. I was trying to come outside. After 5 or what 8 sec he took me outside. I was hyperventilating.
And said "u should open your clothes "
My nerves were on high alerts. I didn't even miss a single moment and opened my off white t shirt and trousers.
"That boxer also"
I was feeling so helpless.
But did not have a choice. Don't know what this psycho will do.
Here I was stark naked in front of this vulgar man.
I obeyed him ,no I feared him.
I am in between his both legs .I could feel his wood in my gluteus maximus.
I stiffened.
"U know you are so sexy"
"I don't think so"
"Oh u are"
"Have you seen me. I  am fat . My skin is also dark "
" u r not fat . U are sexually thick. Your skin is also so much kissable. "
He kissed me in a jiff . I wanted to free myself.  But he was much more powerful.
" you taste like blood. I love it so much"
There was a dark glint .I don't have a good feeling about this.
He forced me for so long. I was literally hyperventilating. 
Then he was sucking my non existing boobs and biting it so hard. I was crying and thrashing myself. He was torturing me for so long. I was tired so damn tired. My voice cord was also tired.
And the darkness came to me.
I don't know when I fainted .

The time I woke up , I was in my bad .
My sister was only beside me.
She noticed me and called for my mother.  She came quickly and was crying . " my baby my baby"
" what happened ma"
"Voklov left you home" said andrei
I was surprised.  But soon I remember the earlier events.
I was crying and wailing.
My father supported me.
Only alek was not saying anything
"We should tell him mom"said alek
"What . What should you tell me?"
"Nothing baby.  Shut up alek"
I looked at my father. He was not meeting my eyes. Kira and ma were crying and crying. No one was saying anything.
After a pregnant pause alek spoke,
" but he should know.  It's better for everyone "
"What are you talking about "
I looked at my sister. And questioned again

"He claimed you"______

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