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(I don't won any pics)

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(I don't won any pics)

He put a diamond choker on me. He likes it when I  wear diamonds.  He says it makes my skin even more glowy .
Again today he was dressing me up.
In between he was pinching me with his red painted fingers.
I was feeling ashamed with the reactions my body was giving.
There were servants present in the room but this man just doesn't know the word "privacy" .
My nipples were erected.
He was choosing the pants for the cream shirt he pointed.

"I don't think it's appropriate for a office . "
He just looked with a stern eyes .
He came and whispered "I would be the one to decide, wifey"
I just shivered.

I just wanted a day only to myself. After crying for whole 2 weeks I got less emotional . He didn't even let me cry properly.  He can't tolerate the thing that I cry for another person, not for him. After begging and giving him my ass for hours and hours, he promised me to take to my parents this weekend.
I just wanted to see they are unharmed. That's all. If after this visit I don't get to see them I won't. I think they are good without me.

After putting me in a cream shirt with deep flowy neck and magenta tight pant, he literally dragged me to his monster car. I don't wanna go to that office.  Last time I was raped, I don't know what will happen this time.

I just sat on his office with my head down . I was so ashamed and it was traumatic for me to come here .
"Do u want anything?" Said his new secretary Clair
" no . Thank u."
"If you want we can talk"
I didn't wanna make another person lose her life.
"No . Leave me alone." I know it's rude but I don't want her to die.

I could see her face fell. But I didn't have a choice.i want to see my family. One wrong step he is gonna never let me see my family.
I turned and started looking at book on my hand.

After an hour I got bored. I went outside no one was on the floor.
Actually it's a premium facility. It's only for the president. It's the top floor . This building is of 60 floor. Scary right!?
There was always assistants , bodyguards and employees in general .
But it seems quiet today.
I hesitantly came outside .
Brandon even wasn't there.
"Brandon "
No answer.
I got scared . I could hear some distant sounds. I approached the sounds but I couldn't comprehend what it was. Suddenly the door was opened with a beng. I could see someone was shouting. Suddenly a hand grabbed me.
"Wifey , it's not good to eavesdrop "
I panicked "I didn't "
"Kidding love , come let me introduce you with my some close associates"
All I could see is some dangerous people with all that jewelleries , guns and smokes. I realized they are his kingdom's people "the mafia people "

Voklov is king not for being actual royalty but because they are royalties of underground world.

"My queen, it's nice to meet u " said one of the barbarians
I just nodded
"He is nishimura riki . The head whole Japanese yakuza.  "
He looked young but quite dangerous.
"And beside him is his partner heesung.  He is from Korea."
That heesung guy looked quite scared like he would faint any minute. Like I used to be.
"Patel won't you greet the queen " said riki . I could feel the hidden threat.
Heesung looked and shuttered "heello quueeen "
I really wanted this guy to feel some fresh air. He looks exactly like me. Terrified.

"Is this a meeting going on?"
"Yes. We are collaborating with them"
"Then I should go"
Voklov just gripped my hand tightly
"Why ? You want to leave me again " he shouted.  In a second he threw me to the floor and started breaking everything in that room. I was shaking with those glass breaking sounds.
"I was just going to the office "
He stilled and turned.
He scooped me on his lap on sitting on the floor .
"Don't ever talk about going.  I don't like it" he was hyperventilating
"Ok" I whispered


"Are u ok" heesung asked
We are now on the penthouse above his office.
Riki and Voklov had some private conversations.
"I don't know.  I stopped feeling anything over the last few months "
I could see he was sad
"Are you okay?" I repeated the same qs to him.
Heesung said ,"I am afraid.  All I am feeling is fear . I want to go to my homeland.  I want to complete my studies.  But he doesn't even let me out of the room. I am seeing this sky after 1 year. For 1 year he has put me in his bedroom with a chain on my legs. He even didn't let me talk to anyone . I don't even want live "
We all are same ..
This wicked men are making our live hell.

We talked for a long time , cried,  had ice cream, talked about movies.. after a long time I felt alive. We had fun
After dinner we had to say goodbye.

"Wifey u enjoy talking this much I didn't know. "
I shivered.  What this wicked man is gonna do?

" why don't you talk to me this much?"

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