chapter :34

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"Do what I say or you know what I can do"
"But my Queen,  try to understand . King will be furious. He is already on the verge of rampage. And Brandon won’t stay quiet. You don’t know him. He will find Alek in a second."
"I know Jonathan. But I have to try. I can't just watch my brother suffer in a front row seat. Mostly he is in this mess because of me"
"Please I am begging you. Rethink this"
"Jonathan even if I have to die this time I will at least try to save my brother"
"Fine I will arrange. But  i can't guarantee"
I just nodded.

1st stage is done.
Now I have another person to persuade.

He immediately stood up after seeing me.
He is in a normal dress up this time.
He looks really pretty in shirt.
"Yes my Queen"
He was blushing furiously.
I didn’t see him after fucking the day light out of him that day.
I knew he had a thing for me.
"How are you feeling now"
"Good. How have you been"
We stayed silent for some seconds.
"Please have a seat.  What would you prefer my Queen"
"Actually i want a favour from you"
"Anything my Queen"
"I want you to go on a vacation with Voklov"
"If he wants me there, of course"
"Actually you have to persuade him to take you"
He looked confused "i don’t understand"
"You see my brother is captivated. I want to free him.  And i need your help"
"How can i help?"
"I need you to keep voklov busy"
I explained to him the whole plan.
I knew they would know in an hour but i had to risk it.
"Ok my Queen I will help you"
I stood close to him and kissed his lips
"I know you won't disappoint"
I broke the kiss but soon he took my hand again and whined.
He started travelling all over his body.
I pulled him closer by his waist.
He started grinding his dick with mine.
"Someone's really needy"
"Please what"
"Please fuck my hole"
I clutched his crotch "hmmm"
"Please more"
"Let's see"
I took him on the bed and threw open his clothes.
I was fully dressed. I only took my dick out.
"Say please daddy"
"Please daddy" he was a whining mess.
I thrust inside him in a second.
It felt good.
Actually i needed a release.
I broke him apart with my giant.
The bed was making a loud sound.
I knew Voklov would know.
But I want him to know.
Just to concentrate on me.
So i would be able to do everything perfectly.
He is a psycho for me.
Once he gets involved with me.
He will be all over me for the whole week.
That's what i wanted.


" my Queen this new haircut looks really good on you""Thank you

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" my Queen this new haircut looks really good on you"
"Thank you. Please send the files inside"
I wanted Voklov's attention wholely on me.
I am doing everything.

I am attending office for the last 2days but voklov is still silent.
I was waiting for his outburst after Rano.
But still nothing.
This is the last string.
He loved my hair.
So i cut it short.

My whole day went in a blink.  I didn’t get a single call from Voklov.
I don’t even know where is he.
I am still waiting for his first move.

"My Queen"
"Yes mark"
"King is here"

I smirked.
"Tell him i am coming"
"He is inside the party hall"
I nodded.


"My king"
He is looking really good in this black suit.
"My Queen. Come"
"Why didn’t you come inside my office"
"I had some arrangements to make"
"What’s the occasion"
He just smiled.
"You forget?"
"You didn’t tell me anything"
"It’s Brandon and Alek's wedding"
I stilled
"Are you shocked? My love"
"Yeahh. Sorry i forgot"
He came close to me and kissed my lips gently
"My love you are starting to forget a lot of things."
My inside quivered.
Does he know?
But he can't.
I made sure of everything.
He started walking on the opposite side of me.
"My love I have work to do"
I just stood there still.
And shocked.
He is walking away from me?
It’s impossible.
He never does that.
He didn’t even say anything about my hair.
It’s odd.

"Alek get up"
I said in a hurry.
He stood up from the bed
"Just come with me"
I didn’t say anything to him, just took his hands and started dragging him out of the room.

Everyone is on the party floor.
Today is Alek's welcome party.
I took this as my chance.

We came through the route we fixed.
I came out through the garden route.
A car is waiting for Alek.
I took him inside.
"Just sit inside"
He looked perplexed.
"There is a bag. You will find all the papers. This car will take you to the port. Jonathan is waiting there. He will do everything. "
"What about you"
"Just go"
I saw him go.
I just wish nothing goes wrong.

Inside the party every one is busy.
Voklov is busy with Rano.
Brandon is attending the guests.
I am just drinking my shot.
In a second the volcano will burst.

A loud glass shattering noise kept coming.
And it starts....
Where is he?
I didn’t look
Just kept drinking
Where the hell is he?
Brandon is shouting.
I knew it would come to me.

"Where did you keep him?"
I stood up and went close to him
"Over my dead body"
He immediately pointed his gun at my forehead.
"Ok fine then. I will ask your dead body"
I Just smirked

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