chapter :29

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Today is the first day for me at the office

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Today is the first day for me at the office. Grandpa put me in charge for their clothing line. At first i was reluctant but after a twelve hours of constant eating dick through my lotus made my brain in place. Voklov was not stopping yesterday. He was always like this. Whenever i tried to separate, he would tie me to bed for a looooong time. And also i knew he wasn’t satisfied with his doll. He was afraid he would break him. That's what hurt me the most. He never was soft with me. He would  fuck me even when i die. I knew that for sure.

Brandon was with me. He is my personal assistant plus head bodyguard. There were others also.
They took me to the president room.
Yes i am the man in charge. This will help me from those darkness. This darkness is swallowing me. Everyone came to wish. But i could see the judgemental glint behind those sugary smile. Also every one was afraid. The girls were cheering inside. I knew i was handsome but i don't wanna take a touch.

After working for the whole day i felt tired but there was a happiness in my heart. I couldn’t explain the mental peace i was getting.  I took a break from the meetings. And went to the cafeteria to get a coffee.  It was a long time i get to go anywhere by myself.
I could hear those whispers.
In the cafeteria some girls were infront of me. They didn’t notice me.
"Did you see the new president "
"Yes.. He is not one of the Rostova 's... How did he get to be the president "
"You don't know?  He is the official bitch of the king.. He sells his ass to the king. That's how he got here"

I could not hear anymore. So i didn’t get the coffee. I went straight to the terrence. Even the air was suffocating.
I knew this is what people think about me. I knew. But still it hurts. I wanted a job like this all my life but not like this. With my result i could be at Oxford.  I had a bright future.... A respected future but now it’s all like a punishment.

A hand holding a coffee cup appeared infront of me.  It was Brandon.
" have this first "
" leave me alone "
I still couldn’t tolerate him
"i will. first have this"
I really needed that coffee now.
So i took it.
I sat down on the couch.
Brandon also sat beside me
" don’t listen to those girls.  u know u deserve to be here. if not for voklov you would be really on some scientific research. "
I looked at him with tears.
He heard those.
"Don't tell voklov "
I didn’t want bloodshed on the first day.
"He knows by now"
"Why did you tell him"
"You know clearly he knows every thing about you. Even the amount of glasses of water you take. And i don't tell him most of them "
I sighed.
"I should call him"

I tried his phone but not reachable.
"Where is he"
"He is with his new doll.  He is dressing him up"
"Now he is gonna ignore my calls?"
"I think he has a reason"
"Like yeahhh" i mocked.

I came again to my office.
And like this my day came to an end.


At the dinner table voklov was absent.
I came to his room.
Only to see that pale boy sitting on the floor in the corner dressed in a beautiful dress.

After seeing me he immediately came infront of me and sat near my leg bowing his head

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After seeing me he immediately came infront of me and sat near my leg bowing his head.
" greetings my Queen "
He is really soft spoken.
I walked past him and sat on the bed.
I was observing him.
He looked really good.
"Drop the dress"
He stood up without saying anything.
He is totally stark naked now.
He really has a good body.
Now after seeing him whole, i was self conscious. My body is nothing infront of his.
I pulled his dick.
It was smaller compared to me.
But not small.
"Turn and bend"
He did as i said.
Even his hole is pretty.
I wanted to put mine inside.
But it won't turn out well.
I went inside the closet.
He really lives in the king's room.
He has a cloth row here.
I picked a shirt for him

"Wear this "
He changed in a blink.
He is really obedient.

I took him outside the room

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I took him outside the room.
He followed without a word.
We arrived at my garden.
"You know it’s my place.  The only place for me.  This whole house is filled with darkness.  And i am sinking deeper and deeper.  "
He just stood mute.
" i don't wanna hate you. But i can't like you. My husband had his fair share of mistress,  even i was one of them but you are different i can see. The way he treats you he never treated anyone like that. "
He was now looking at me.
"Just don't sink like me. There was no one who could pull me out of this. But i will help you. I can't guarantee but i will save you."
He was crying now.
"I can't say i will treat you good.  I adopted really bad habits from my husband. He even tampered my body and my mind. But i will tolerate you."

I was shocked
It’s first time i heard his voice
"Why what"
"Why will you tolerate me? " he whispered.
"my husband likes you. i can see that"
"I am just a doll"
I just smiled.
"Let's go"
I started going inside the mansion.

Inside the kid's room...
Vasili approached me first
I sighed "claire is your momma"
"No you"
I tried to walk past him but he crawled up.
I had no other options.
I put him in my lap.
He went inside my shirt and started sucking my nipple.
He is really like voklov.
Ivor and igor was sleeping.
I also laid beside them with vasili inside my shirt.
I felt relived for some reason.
I really needed to get out of this place.
This kids make me happy.
I get an escape through them.

I smiled
A lone tear escaped my eye.
Now voklov has someone of his own.
I will now sort out things.
And leave....
I wish....

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