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"Can I have an evening with my family, Husband?"
I managed to say the complete sentence without stuttering despite his vigorous thrust inside me. It's already 2pm , he is still inside me. I passed out 2 times still he doesn't stop.
"Wife what do you have on your mind?"
"It's my s...sister's birthday . Plz "
"No "
I knew better not to ask second time.
He finished late that night.  I couldn't even lift  a finger. Everything was painful.

I was called for dinner which I could not miss even if I wanted to.  Cz he will make my whole family starve after that as a punishment.

" babe I really want that gown . U know it will go so well with my bachelorette theme. Right? Plz babe ". It was from his fiancee..
I don't get it why do I have to be here  when the whole family is here. I am the outsider here
No one even acknowledges me. I sit at the last corner cz everyone has their designated chair. No one even look at me or talk to me. Expect Jonathon who is Brandon's maternal cousin. He lives here with Voklov's family. Even he does not talk to me in front of everyone. 
I finished my meal quietly.  Voklov didn't even look at me the whole time. I think I am sleeping alone tonight as he will be busy fucking his fiance.  Not that I complain. I could feel Voklov's father Mr Vincent rostova was glaring at me. I didn't have the courage to lift my eyes.

As everyone was leaving I start for my designated room , Loretta called for me. " sasa u should come to my wedding. I know I have to invite you with an invitation card but I wanted to say this one month early . U know for preparations ".
" I don't get it what you are implying " I said timidly.
She came close to me and whispered "ooh my poor baby u know for packing your bags . I will kick u out the minute I wear his ring." She smirked.
I trembled slightly for a millisecond " if u do that i will be more than happy. " I smiled and went to sleep.

At midnight I could feel voklov between my legs sniffing my genitals . He does this all the time . He says it's addicting. I got aroused every time . He came to my nipple and started sucking. It was painful.  I am not allowed to say no. He will cut my tongue and  he did scratch my tongue once before when I shouted at him. I still get nightmares about that day.

The morning came early but I couldn't sleep even for a minute. He was touching my body all night
"Wifey lets get ready. U are coming with me today. : "
" u would be going to office.  What will I do there?" He didn't give me another second, and backhanded me immediately.  I think my lips got torn. I could taste the blood..
He literally threw me across the closet and teared my clothes. He dressed me in a black tuxedo. He likes to dress me up .. as he says
But I know he likes to dominate me in every possible way. He is the master and I am the slave.
He dragged me all the way to office. He is only here on every Tuesday.. soon he will take over .. every employee was bowing their head in fear. No one to look at me for more than 3 seconds.

His assistant Clair was standing 10 meters away from me if I needed anything. I feel pity for her . She works hard and does not even get minimum respect.  He treats his every employee like garbage. But who am I to pity another person.  I am the one who is the most miserable.
"My queen,  king wants u in the meeting room."
I was shocked to hear that. He never called for me in front of other businesses associates.
I was following brandon .

" babe come here"

it doesn't look good.. I was feeling obnoxious.  When ever he calls me babe ,it doesn't lead good.
I stood in front of him
His smirk was terrifying me to the core.
The room was filled with high profile men, even some of his cousins were there. I could see Jonathan in the corner of the room. He was looking at me with pity..

"S..irrr. u called for me?"  He didn't replied . Instead threw me over the table , teared my clothes.  In a blink of an eye I was naked in front of the whole room. I could not even understand what was going on. I was trying to say something but got cut of by his big wood .. he entered me with a single thurst. I could not believe he was doing this in front of a room filled with men. When I came to my senses , I tried to free myself from his clutches instead I got a smack in the head. I was crying and crying,  no one was helping me. I looked at Jonathan,  thought I will get some help instead got to meet with his helpless eyes..
The whole room was silent expect for my cries.. Voklov tightened his grip in head and made me look in front.

" babe look all these men thirst over you , want to get a taste but u know the fun is that they can only see but never get to touch you or have you." With these he was laughing like a madman. All I wanted is to vanish from this world... and I closed my eyes.  I wish I never open them again...

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