chapter : 40

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I sighed - for the thousandth time, resonating the whole room.
I am still in this house .
It's been two years. I tried everything to go out, but nothing worked. It feels like we are alone in this whole mountain. But i know we are not.

Though i haven’t seen anyone pass the gate, i hear the helicopter sound from time to time.

That's not the main problem here.
Vasili, he is my concern .
Because I know Skye is my good girl.
And her brothers will look after her.
But Vasili - he can't stay a day without me. He was eight years old, but he used to cling to me like a two year old.
After pestering Voklov for a whole week, he gave me a chance to video call them. And for sure Vasili was not in good condition. Throughout the whole call, he just sat quietly and glared at voklov.

"What are you thinking so hard?"
Voklov spoke, I thought he was sleeping. We both were naked on the bed, he clutched my waist and dug his face just above my dick. Most days this is his sleeping style.
Most of the time, we are naked.
He doesn’t let me put on clothes. This is a pure torture. He just touches me everywhere, everytime, like my willingness doesn’t matter at all.
And for the fucking peace of my mind, I stopped arguing. But the most difficult thing is, he puts his dick in me  beyond any circumstances.

"Ahhh" i hissed.
He just bit my hand.
"Wifey, I told you to answer me fast. I don’t like waiting." his eyes were dead. Something like the deep ocean.
"I was thinking about Vasili"
He immediately tugged my dick hard.
"Ahhhh" i shouted in pain. Tears immediately came.
"You think of another man while sleeping with me"
This deranged man!
I slapped him, hard.
"You bastard that's my son. Your son. You fucking psycho"
He gripped my neck, blocking my breathing. I was thrashing to release his hold off me. Soon I blacked out.

When I woke up, it was night.
I stoop up, but saw a cannula inserted in my left hand.
"You woke up. Wait I will help"
This voice was - known.
I looked at the guy supporting me going to the bathroom.
"Just wash up. Then stare at me"
After handing me a towel, he went outside.

After doing my hygiene practices, i came out. And saw him.
"How are you Jim?"
He smiled and supported me to the bed. He started placing food before me,  "jim?"
He sighed, "I should be the one asking you that, your breathing stopped for nearly ten seconds, it was your luck I was near. Voklov refused to be separated from you. I had to sedate him."
I looked at him shocked.
So I nearly died?
"Where is he?"
"With Brandon and uncle . They were with me. We came to inform you both about a news. But this happened. Now eat"

After giving me my medicines, he sat with me.
"How are you? You look pale"
He looked at me, with tears?
The Jim I knew never cried.
The sassy Jim.
"Stop lying Jim. You look sooo skinny. Don't you eat at all? You look so dull"
"It's just stress from work. Nothing else"
He tried to avoid me.
I took his hand in mine,
"Jim tell me please. What's happening? Please. Maybe I can help"
He was now sobbing.
I hugged him tight.
"No one can help. Sasa... My life is so bad. I don’t wanna live anymore"
"Sshh...Sshh.. Jim, don't cry. Everything will be good. "
"Nothing 's gonna be good. He made my life insufferable. I just wanna end all of this. But I can't"
"Jim, who are you talking about?"
Then I remembered.
"Is it about Damian?"
He was now crying loudly. I didn’t need to ask twice. I hugged him to sleep. We both are the prey of another predator.

In the morning, my sleep broke with Voklov's shouting with his father.
I went at the living room - saw Voklov breaking glasses.
"I don't wanna go. Just leave."
"It's your grandfather. He is the man who raised you. Won't you see him in his last days?"
But Voklov wasn’t even listening. He was just shouting - telling everyone to leave. This is my chance, to see my sons and my Skye.
"We will go"
Voklov stilled at my voice. He smiled creepily at me. He came to me and started kissing my neck. He is just a maniac who doesn’t think about anything else except my body.

I looked at his father,
"We will go. Prepare everything"
His father just sighed at his son, who was busy eating my neck.
I looked around - for a brief moment i had a staring competition with Brandon.


The car stopped with a jerk in front a new mansion, I have never seen before. I saw Voklov's mother and my sons, Igor and Ivor, waiting at the front door.

As soon as I came out of the car, they both hugged me tight.
I kissed them both "How are you both? Igor, your wound is ok? Why do you look so weak Ivor? Don't you eat"
"They are fine Sasa. You look weak. How have you been" Voklov's mother hugged me.
"As your son kept me" I have nothing against her but she should have done some good work on her son.
She immediately got sad - she knew what her son was doing to me. But I can't blame her. She was also another victim like me.

"Where is Skye and Vasili?" I asked Ivor. They looked somewhat tensed.
Is something going on?
"They are playing in Vasili's room"
"Oh.. Let's go. I want see them. Is vasili eating good? How is skye?"
I said going towards the stairs.
When I looked back, they were still at the entrance.
"Ivor Let's go. Take me to the room"
He looked at Igor, like they were exchanging some massage.
"Ivor?  Is something wrong?"
"No..No mom. Let's go"

We are now at the top floor,
"Why vasili's room is here? While yours are on the second floor"
"He choose this,  mom. I offered him mine. But he just wants to stay alone"

He knocked at the door,
I didn’t want to wait.
I opened the door, and saw Vasili sitting on the floor - with Skye on his lap, he was combing her hair..
While Skye was just silently sitting.
There was something creepy in this scene.
I don’t know what. But i pushed the nagging behind. I saw my kids after a long time.

"Vasili - Skye"
They both looked up.
Skye was beaming with happiness she came running to me shouting,
"Dad you came. I missed you"
After five minutes for kissing and smooching, I realised Vasili still is in that floor sitting with that comb.
"Vasili, come here. Come to mom"
He still wasn’t moving.
I looked at Ivor.
"You should stay with him alone for some time. He is not in good shape"
I nodded and gave Skye to Ivor.

Vasili immediately ran to Ivor and shouted,
"Ivor, give her to me. Don't touch her"
What's going on?
Now it was something creepy.
"Ivor go out with Skye."
But Vasili was again shouting and threw that comb at Ivor,
"I said give her to me now. Or I will break your hands"

Now it’s going out of hands.
I kicked Ivor out of the room and locked the gate.
Vasili was fuming  - he threw a flower vase. This scene makes me remind of someone particular. That bastard.

I slowly approached vasili.
"Baby. Don't you wanna hug mom?"
He was still breathing loudly.
"Ok. Then, i should go again. No one wants me"
When I was about to open the gate, he clutched my waist from back.

I took him in my lap and we sat in the bed.
"Why did you misbehave with Ivor?  He is your older brother "
Vasili was not answering now.
He kept sniffing me - he went inside my shirt, and rubbing his nose in my skin.
This boy really missed me.
I opened my shirt,  he was sniffing my nipple, I was now embarrassed.
My whole skin has Voklov's bite marks.
"Baby don't. You are a big boy now"
But as like his father, he is also stubborn. He started sucking my nipple.
Then I bit my lips to stop moaning.

When he was content, he removed my bruished nipple.
"Vasili look at mom. Now tell me."
"They always try to take my Skye"

My Skye!

"But baby they are also her brothers. They also wants to play with her"
"No.. No one will touch her"
Now something was clutching my gut.
"Why baby? What's wrong in that?"
"Then she just gets their smell on her. I don’t like that"
Now he has that same dead - ocean look in his eyes, just like voklov.
My inside trembled in fear for my daughter.


I still tried to reason vasili.
"Baby listen to mom. You all are siblings. You should stay together, all of you"
"What's the problem with their smell"
"She should only smell like you"
I was beyond shocked.
He smirked - just like 'voklov'
"She should only smell like you. No one will ever remove that smell from her"

With saying something like this, hideous, he again started sucking my nipple.

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