chapter :27

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This morning is silent.
Like the silence before storm.
I was sitting in the room of my boys.
Igor was just destroying things.
Like usual.

Ivor was silently sitting beside my legs

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Ivor was silently sitting beside my legs.
He is really my boy.
I could feel the slight possessiveness of him towards me.
He doesn’t let anyone come close to me.
But the problem wasn’t Ivor.
It was vasili.
Clair and My husband’s bastard.
From my peripheral vision i could see him glaring at me.
This boy is really something.
He is total replica of Voklov.
He is one year younger than my boys but he already can talk a word.
After looking intently i realised he is glaring at Ivor.
I smirked.
I wanted to try something.
So i opened my sweater and pulled Ivor towards my nipple.
He was happy after getting his treat after so many days.
I stopped feeding them after they turned two.
I again looked at Vasili.
He was fuming red.

So i guessed right.
He was Voklov's shadow.
Suddenly within a minute he threw a wooden toy to ivor.
It hit right at the spot.
Ivor was crying now.
I was consoling him and igor even got more angry. Igor threw another toy at vasili.
After a few minutes it was a battlefield.
I just watched them from far.
I knew this vasili is going to take Voklov 's place one day.
He has this psychotic glare.
I stood up,  picked vasili with collar and started going outside.
He was throwing tantrums but got silent after sometime.
I told the nanny to look after my sons.
I took vasili in my room.
And threw him in my bed.
I just sat infront of him
He was hyperventilating.
"You boy. Calm down. "
He was still eyeing me and fuming.
"Take your eyes lower boy"
I smacked him in the head and shouted again.
He lowered his eyes but still red.
I hufffed

"Don't ever do this again"
He eyed me in a jif
"Never ever.  Any harm to my boys i will have your head"
He was sniffing now.
" "
I stilled
"Momma do not wan..t me" he hiccupped
"Who says that boy.  Your mom loves you" my eyes softened
He pointed at me
"You do..nt lov... Me"
"I don't need to love you"
"Yesss you do. "
"No i don’t "
"Why not momma"
I was shocked
"I am not your momma"
"Papa said so"
"No i am not. Claire is"
He started crying vigorously
I pulled him closer to me.
He calmed down for a moment.
He was sniffling.
Suddenly he was sniffing my boob.
I stilled.
He started sucking me.
It felt relief.
Then what more can i do.
I laid on the bed he was above me drinking.
I slept in this position.

There is a sucking vibration in my toe.
I stirred in my sleep
I woke up and saw voklov sucking my toe.
I sat down but could not see vasili.
" where is he"
"Where he should be"
"Where he should be?"
"Not somewhere near your boobs"
"Then you should not have told him i am his momma"
He smirked
"You are his momma "
"No i am not"
He grabbed my neck and made me laid down.
He licked my neck.
And whispered " you are. Don't you ever forget that"
"I don't want him"
"Then you also don't want your daughter "
I got angry and slapped him
"Don't you ever say that"
" then you should not ignore our third son"
"He is your and Claire 's son. Not mine"
He pressed my neck hard blocking my airway.
"Your son"
He wasn’t relising me.
I started blacking out but he still didn’t leave me.
"Ok...  Ok... My son" i started coughing after he realised me.
He kissed me.

At the dinning table every one was gossiping.
Claire was on her extravaganza.
When voklov declared Vasili as his,  she was over the moon.
She started behaving like the owner.
Wearing extra dresses and extra jewelleries.
She was giggling and flirting with voklov.
Again she tried to sit in my seat.
She always does.
"So sasa how about that art exhibition? "
"None of your business "
"I was just asking. You know "
She was trying her extra pink tone.
"I think sasa is just tired with all the kids" this time it was sergie.
I was trying to ignore them but they were everywhere.
I was shoving down the foods.
Without much thinking...
Suddenly grandpa clicked the glass to gain every one's attention.
" i am thinking about retirement "
Every one was shocked and started to whisper.
"And  as everyone know Voklov will take over"
"Father we  know  that. How about we place the ceremony on London? "
"Ok. But before that we will have to crown the queen"

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