chapter :26

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"Yes, bubbles"
"Why mom wear makeup? "
"To look pretty"
papa was writing some notes on his black diary.
I am sitting infront of him doing my math homework in his office. He is so busy this dayz. I just wanted to spend with him.. So i came with my books.
"But when uncle char wore makeup grandma shouted at him"  I looked puzzled..
Papa stilled for a second and looked at me.
He sighed and i was still in the dark.
"Bubbles sometimes us elders see things differently than the youngers"
"Will you see me differently also?"
"No bubbles never"
"What if i wear makeup?"
Papa again stilled and i could not understand....
He came to my side and picked me up
"Bubbles you can do anything you want. "
"What if grandma shout at me too"
I was playing with his beards now
He gave me his brightest smile
"And papa will scold grandma for shouting at my bubbles"
I was over the moon
"You will?"
"Yes i will. Papa will always be there."
"Papa i love you" i kissed papa
"Me too bubbles... Me too"

He said  he will always be there.
I smiled
Papa you didn’t keep your words.
"My queen focus on me"
Voklov whispered
We were in bed for whole day.
"Husband let me just out of the bed"
He didn’t reply,  just gripped me more tight.
It was a warning.
"I have to pee"
"Let's go" he picked me and went inside the toilet.
He positioned me and took my penis in his hand....
I bite my lip "mmmmmmm "
"Are you turned on my vixen?"
I just wiggled my butt on his crotch just to get some frictions...
He slapped my penis hard
"You are so nasty "
"Plzzz uggggh"
"Plz what" he again took my penis and started pulling
"Aaaahhhh... More.. Hmmmmm"
He bit so hard, i think he pulled some blood...
He is just making me insane..
He suddenly put his dick in me..
I was now high....
"Cum slut"
"Aaaaaah" i came screaming
My pee is everywhere.
I was hyperventilating.
"Wifey you are soooo nasty " he slammed on me again.
I put my back head on his shoulder and put my hands around his neck.
I pulled him closer
"husband break me"
"I will"
"I want to see Katrina. "
He was banging me hard now.
"I want to see Skye"
"She is mine"
He slapped my ass so hard It's burning now.
He pulled my hair back  and whispered "except me no one is yours"
I smirked "of course husband "
"Ok but not more than one hour"
He didn’t let me answer and pulled me in the shower.


I got ready after putting my ass on fire.
He marked my hole again and again for like seven more rounds.
He is just everywhere.
I can't even have a nap without him now.
My life is toxic much but i didn’t wanna put me through the hell again like 1 year ago.
When he destroyed every possibility for me.
After he came to know me providing Katrina, hell came to earth.
He put me through so much.
I am still under medical observation.
"Queen car is ready "
Brandon is now my personal bodyguard.
But i still don’t trust him.
I didn’t look at him,  went straight to my car.

The car came to a stop after one and half hour.
Voklov made sure that i don’t get to see Katrina much.
He put her in a house at the end of the estate.

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