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The deep thrust inside me is making my toes curled.
I can't even think about a day when Voklov didn't fuck me senseless.
In this whole three months all voklov did is fucking me, either he bit me or slashed me.
I knew he was jealous but he just wouldn't bow.
He took me every where he went.
Katrina isn't allowed to see me.
When the kids needed to feed another maid brought them.
But I knew Katrina is alive. Voklov never breaks his vows.

Today is our wedding day.
We are inside the hotel room near the beach. But suddenly voklov barged inside and ordered the designer and make up artists to leave.
I could see he was troubled about something.
But I didn't ask anything.
I wanted him to calm down first.

He was stress fucking me.
I could feel.
"What's bugging my king"
He just looked
I kissed his head and smiled
"Tell me"
"Will you leave me? " He whispered
So he was again paranoid about Katrina.
Before he used to calm his jealousy through bloodshed.
But in case of Katrina, he could not do the same. That's why he is so troubled.
I flipped him and I was on the top of him, I started bouncing " My king, I gave you my body, even my milk. What more should I give  " I smirked.
He sat, pulled me neck " Will you give? "
"First try asking"
He started thrusting fast.
The bed was making some extreme noises.
I was on the verge of cumming.
"I want your child's head"
I stilled. He was thrusting non stop.
But my body got cold in a second.
"What did you say? "
"Your beloved Katrina is pregnant. And it's yours" He roared
He wasn't stopping.
I tried to sit but he would not let me.
After fucking me for another hour he came.
He stood up but his face looked unsatisfied.
I was still unable to talk.
"You will give me that kid's head"
"King. What are you saying? "
"I won't repeat myself"
"I am going to be a father" I smiled.
But it didn't last long. Voklov slapped hard.
I came to my sense.
I immediately took voklov's leg
"Plz don't do anything to the kid. It's my child. Plz no" I started begging.
He sat in front of me and tucked my hair" You think I would listen? I already have to share you with those two pesticides. I won't share more"
He gritted.
I was crying loud " Plz voklov. I would do anything. Plz it's the only thing in this world that I have something of mine. Plz. I won't even come between any of your other relationships. Plz. Just this once. I won't ask for anything else"
He was furious now.
He left my hair and started going out.
I immediately took his both legs  again. He started dragging but I would not leave. At one point he huffed and sat on the floor.
I clutched him tight.
"Plz I would even send Katrina away. Plz just give me this child. "
He was heaving hard.
He just stood up and looked at me
"Then you would have to give me something in return"

"You can't cause any havoc about Claire's child. I would give him my name. "
I forgot that bitch. I should have killed her.
I hissed  " You still have connections with her? "
" Ok let's kill both the child. I only need one for inharitance "
I whimpered "why are doing this? You don't even care about her"
"Because that would cause you pain. Like when I would feel seeing Katrina's kid in your arm"
"Plz stop"
"I know it will eat you from inside. Just like me. "
"I will kill him slowly. "
He clutched my chin " You won't. You will love him just like you other kids. You would even feed him if needed. One disobedience and your kid would not see the next day. Remember  "
I just sobbed.
Why did I have to make Katrina's life hell?
Why have I become like this?
Why can't I control my urges?
"Now get ready. Every one's waiting"

At the weddings Hall:

"You look killer" Jim was blubbering

"I am not sure if I won't kill anyone today""Oh oh oh

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"I am not sure if I won't kill anyone today"
"Oh oh oh. Hold your horses"
"Jim do me a favor"
"Bring Katrina in the backdoor garden"
He gave me a weird look.
"Why? The kids are sleeping"
"Just do what I say"
He huffed and went inside.
I reached the garden after fifteen minutes. Voklov is actually angry at me. So I know he is with his other members.

I saw Katrina coming towards me. She was glowing. I think it's thanks to the hormones.
I ran to her and kissed her. I know I should avoid her but I couldn't control the urge.
Her belly is slightly enlarged.
She looks so fuckable.
" are you? "
"I am sorry. I shouldn't have done this to you. I shouldn't have. I am such a jerk. I ruined your life. Plz forgive me"
"My queen. Don't say like this. I am never angry at you. I am even blessed to have a kid. "
Tears formed in my eyes.
She is such an angel soul.
I wish I could reverse time.
I again kissed her and placed a kiss on her belly.
I caressed that place
My child. I would protect you at any cost.
"Don't worry I talked to voklov. He won't harm you or the child"
Her eyes widened
"My queen what did you give up again"
She knows me so well.
I just smiled
"You should leave before voklov notices. Just be safe. I would try anything to keep you safe. Just don't give up. I can't thank you enough. You don't know what you gave me. " I cried in happiness.
She went inside again with Jim.
But Jim gave me those eyes. I knew he suspected.
I went into the party.
Every one was thanking me.
Congratulating me.
Every one bowed at me.
I am now officially the queen.

I would do anything to keep my kids safe. Even if I have kill someone.


Voklov came beside me and took my tongue inside his mouth.
"My queen" He smiled
"My king" I grinned
"Let's go have our first night" He pinched my nipple.
"Issss. My king it should be called thousandth night in our case. " I massaged his banana.
He just pulled open my few buttons and pulled me up on his waist.
He started sucking my nipple in front of thousands guests.
I could hear every murmur surrounding us.
But it aroused me so good , I was in delirious state.
He settled me in his waist and started going inside the hotel.
He then put me in one bed.
I could feel he was frustrated.
He again took my mouth.
We were full on making out.
He suddenly whispered
"Wifey, don't you think you should inform me something"
"What" I was so in the mood I could not comprehend anything
"Katrina looks good with that round belly"
I stilled
"Don't you think she would look more good with my dick in her mouth"
He smirked.
Someone opened the door and threw Katrina inside.
"Katrina come here"
Katrina was afraid but she still managed to walk.
I was now afraid for her.
"Sit "
She did.
"Voklov she is pregnant"
"Open your mouth"
"Voklov plz"
Katrina did as she was told.
Voklov then pushed his wood inside her mouth
"Now suck"
She was crying and I could not tolerate.
"Voklov plz. I would suck you good. Plz leave her. She is pregnant. Plz"
"My queen. Just go and sit there. If you move from there. I would cut her one limb per your movement. Go"
I trembled but did as he said.
I could only shed tears.
He mouth fucked her in front of me.
I could clearly see he wasn't enjoying one bit.
He just did that to make me suffer.
All night I just sat there and saw him fucking her.
I could not do anything to make her pain less.
After finishing her, he threw her outside the room. I wanted to run behind her.
But voklov just clutched me inside the room.
All night he was just hugging me tight.
This was the first time voklov didn't touch me for a whole night.
I was just crying in his hold.
I just wish my child is not dead.

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