chapter : 39

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Sasa's pov :

The burning in my skin is still lit.
Voklov isn’t someone who can be satiated easily. He is a sex maniac.

But I have to go.
My son needs me.
My vasili must be afraid.

My vision is hazy. But I could feel Voklov's thrust - bouncing the bed.
I tried to look more keenly,
I saw a blurry image of a white coat beside my head, doing something.
A pain shot through my body.

"My King, Queen is getting conscious. We have to shoot an anesthetic agent. Please allow for the sake of him"
Now I know the doctor was pleading for my relief.

"No. He should feel the pain. Stitch fast"
Voklov ordered.

I was hyperventilating now.
I saw clearly then I am in a hospital bed naked - with a well suited Voklov above me, doctors - nurses surrounding me : trying to close the spilt in my scalp skin. It hit me like a train of pain - suffocating me.

I whimpered in pain.
"My Queen, don't cry the pain will be tolerable soon. Now you will feel my pain. I waited every day for you to run to me but no! You literally made your family there. Here I was scratching my skin to prevent myself from dragging you here - to me. I hoped you would come voluntarily but no - nothing. Now I will make you feel all the pain I felt"
With that he was thrusting like crazy making everything more painful for me. I was too drained to answer.

After that it was like on and off..
Every time I saw Voklov all over me.
The last time I had a glimpse of Voklov taking me inside a aeroplane.

Now I am standing in front of a glass wall facing the stone mountain.

I am still cloth less - wrapping the bedsheet to feel some warmth

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I am still cloth less - wrapping the bedsheet to feel some warmth.
My whole body is aching - I can't differentiate which pain is from my head. The thumping pain is raising my core temperature.

I sighed.
I went out of the room.
It was a modern two storied house. It was all white theme.
No one was here.

"Love you woke up?"
Voklov was in the kitchen - with a spoon in his hand, wearing only a apron, showing off his abs - inked arms.
It felt like a dream - a dream I used to have.  A small family : a loving husband, a baby running in the floor and a pet. It used to be my aim.
It was something surreal.

"Freshen up I will set the table"
I was still in a daze.
"Go baby" he said with a big smile.
Does he have amnesia.
"Love?  Should I help you?"
I shook my head and immediately went to that room back.

After wearing a shirt and shorts, I looked around the room for a mobile.
But no nothing.
As expected from Voklov.

I stepped down the stairs with timid steps - hoping not to encounter him.
I silently went towards the door.
But didn’t even bulge.
It had passcode.

"Wifey, come sit here. The door won't open. The food is ready. Come" he said patting the comfy chair ; smiling big.

I was literally trembling - shaking my head in 'no'.

His smile trembled slightly.
He whispered gritting his teeth - still maintaining that smile,
I whimpered.
I didn’t want to feel that same pain again and again.

He came close to me, I leaned more against the wall.
Trying hard to open the door again,
I sobbed.
I didn’t know I was shedding tears.
I whimpered again.
In this process, Voklov came really close. He clutched my waist.

"Wifey shhhsss... Calm down. Calm down" he kissed my ear.
He took me in his arms in a bridal style,  I just sobbed.
He put me in that chair and kissed my cheek, "wifey let's have food"
He smiled again.

Gosshhh that stupid smile - I want to wipe it out.

He sat to a chair near mine.
"Love see I made all this with my own hands. I know you love these. I know you must be thinking when I learned cooking. I started taking classes few months back" he started feeding me.
But I didn’t open my mouth.
"Love sayy aaaaa"
"Pleas...e let me go. Vasili doesn’t eat without me"
His expression became sore.
"Love he ate perfectly. Now you eat"
He again tried.
When I still refused, he forced my jaw to open them. I just gulped down that food whatever he was feeding me, not even able to taste. I just sat there - sobbing.

After food, he washed me - still not listening to me.
Then we slept more like, he took a nap above me.

It’s been a month - same routine is going on. Voklov behaves like  we are some middle class average 'normal' couple who can't stay away from each other. I tried to talk but he doesn’t let me say anything he doesn’t want to listen to.  He is just suffocating me.
More to that he didn’t once tried to have sex with me. All he did is kissing me - like a lover.

We are enjoying our evening tea in the balcony.
"Husband" I whispered trying not to make him angry.
"Yes wifey" he smiled big.
I am still not used to his smiles.
"We should go back to the family. The kids must be missing us"
" baby, this is OUR family. We will be living here rest of the our life. Happily with each other"
I stilled.

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