chapter : 45

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Skye's pov:

I am feeling restless.
I don’t know why but after leaving Dad - when aunt loretta came I went to the dinning hall with Ivor, he was forcing me to eat. On my way, I saw Vasili standing with bowing his head silently.
It was the office room.
I thought I should talk with him. So I was about to call him but I got stopped with a loud slapping sound. And slap was placed on Vasili's face. He didn’t even make sound.
Then again a slap came.
I counted - it was 8 slaps.
It wasn’t all, things got worse.
King striked him with his leather belt.

I stood there frozen - watched the whole 20 strikes piercing his skin.
I didn’t even notice when I was crying.

Suddenly his eyes looked at me.
Then he removed his gaze.
At that time, I got my consciousness back. I ran away from there.
After that it’s been 4 hours.
I still couldn’t sleep.
I had this nagging feeling inside me.
For Dad or for Vasi?
I don’t know.

I started walking towards his room.
His room wasn’t that much far.
Three rooms away.
I knocked but no sound.
Then I thought of peeking.
The door was open.
But the room was dark.

At first I felt a creepy feeling.
But when I could see him on the bed that feeling went away.
I went near him, he was sleeping.
His shirt was soaked in red - his blood. He didn’t even do the dressing.
How could a person sleep in pain.
I looked here and there, at last found the first aid box. I opened his shirt.
And started wiping the wounds with sevlon. I had tears in my eyes looking at those scars. There was some past marks. I felt awful.

"Why are you crying?"
Flinching, I looked at his face.
He was staring at me.
What should I say?
"Why are you sleeping in this condition?  Don’t you feel pain?"
He smiled.
"You are just like mom. Never answer straight."
He always says this.
I have noticed his unusual attachment to Dad.
And I don’t like it.

I silently did my work.
He was staring the whole time.
When i stood up, he clutched my hand and pulled me above him.
"Sleep here"
"Why not"
"Why yes"
"Skye i am injured, i would need assistance"
"Then i am calling steven for you"
"My love please"
"Dad has forbidden me"
He didn’t say anything after that.
But didn’t even leave my hand.
He tightened his grip and threw me on the bed. He hugged me tightly.
I shouted at him - for an hour.
But he was sleeping in the same position. He was heavy so I didn’t have a choice.
Soon sleep took over me.


I stirred, it was dawn.
I looked for Vasi.
But he wasn’t there.
Maybe he went to his training area.

After having a cold shower, I dressed up. I should meet Dad.
I am worried about him.
I wanted to meet him last night.
But I am not allowed in his room after eight strictly. It’s not that I can see him unannounced.

Now it was ten still they were fidgeting. I got angry.
"What's the problem? I just want to see my father."
I shouted.
They were eyeing each other suspiciously.
Now fear was tightening inside my gut.

I, without thinking much, barged inside. But the scenario before me, left me shocked.
I got frozen.
Is this?

Dad looked horrible, he was naked - on the sitting looking at me.
Only because of the blanket his bottoms were covered from my eyes.
His whole body was purplish.
Not a single place missed.
He could not maintain the gaze at me.
He looked down.
His lips had cuts, so his cheek.
The fingerprints were quite perfectly visible. I can't even describe how bad his neck was. It looked like he was chocked. There were numerous marks on his hands.

I felt suffocated.
I never thought my father was getting beaten up.

"Who dared to disturb us?"
The king came out of the blanket and sat up.
"Oh.. The Princess" he smirked.
He backhugged the Queen and stared at me directly in the eye.
Dad was hesitating.
"She...She..just came to see me. She will go now"
He whispered.
"Don't you know it’s forbidden inside his room when I am here?" he roared
Dad was crying already.

"Sorry my king. I was just excited too much to have breakfast with Dad. I will never make this mistake again"
I bowed.
He smirked "go out, my Queen is busy with me the whole day."
With that he started kissing Dad's neck. Dad was hissing in pain.
I felt angry I wish I could take Dad..

"Princess, I will come tomorrow. Sorry about today. Forgive Dad."
He formed the whole sentence.
But I felt the difficulty behind this.
I nodded "no problem Dad, take rest"
Without looking back, I came out of the room. But soon I heard Dad 's agonizing screams.

Inside my room, i cried  the whole day. My father was facing too much cruelty. I never saw anything like this.
I felt terrible. I couldn’t even eat properly. So I went to Uncle Jim's house. I felt good after spending my time with Roze.
He is a very nice guy.
But he is upset about something.
I could feel it.
Everything is so complicated here.


The next day :

Dad and I are having breakfast in the backyard. I could see he has put extra effort today.
The whole area is decorated to my taste. I looked in his direction.
He was wearing a turtle neck, in this hot summer.
I could see he was perspirating.

Huffing, i stood up and went near the butler.
Ordered him to bring a nice loose shirt.
"Skye, is there any problem?"
"Yes there is"
Immediately he looked troubled.
"Is this not good? No problem. We will change this. How about we go to a restaurant?"
"Dad... Dad.. Come down."

In the meantime the butler came.
I took the shirt and gave him that.
He looked like "what's this for?"
"Change it. You will get sick in that suffocating dress."
Hw smiled "it’s ok, i am used to it"
"Dad!" i pulled his dress, then he was forced to change it.

Now I could see he was breathing.
He  was fidgeting.
I know he is ashamed.
But nothing is his fault.
"Dad, be stress free."
He tried to pull the collars to cover those marks.
"Dad is pathetic, right?"
I could feel his distress through his tone.
I went near him and hugged him,
"It's not your fault Dad"
Soon he started crying,
"I am sorry, you have to see these things. I am sorry I failed as a father. I could not give you anything. You are living this miserable life only because of me. I am sorry...." he was full on, in a crying mood.

"You are the best father. Stop blaming yourself. I am happy with you. Don't take stress. You are my good father. I love YOU."
He hugged me tightly.
Then we spent our whole day together.

I want Dad to have a peaceful life.
Sometimes I wonder where is his family? 
I should contact them.
I know he misses them.



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