chapter : 42

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I am looking in the mirror for another time

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I am looking in the mirror for another time. I am going to have a full day with my daughter.
Am I looking like other Dads.
Manly ones.
I am nervous.
I already disappointed her - many times.

I had to work hard on pestering Voklov to give me 12 hours with my daughter. But he always declined.
As he had to go and attend the Mafia 's king crowning of London, where i am not allowed, he gave me permission.
But he wants me on the phone all the time.

I am waiting for her - my daughter behaves like a mature person.
But I wanted her to enjoy her childhood.

"Queen, the Princess is ready"
I immediately stood up.
It feels like my first date.
I was hella nervous.
Like now.

My daughter came in her red dress.
She is really beautiful.
I smiled, "my Princess looks really pretty today"
"Thanks Dad" she just gave a tight lipped smile.

But i won’t let anything spoil the mood today.
"How about you give me a kiss first?"
I spread my hands to receive her.
"Am I allowed?"
"Huh? Why would you not be?"
"The King got angry at brother Igor that day"
I felt so bad.
Now my daughter is also afraid of me.
I tried to smile,  "he won't say anything to you - i assure you that"
She still didn’t approach me.
Then i went to her and took her in my arms, "how about i give you one?"
I kissed her and started walking.

"Dad, I can walk"
"No. I like my daughter in my arms."
I am trying to touch her as much as I can. I don’t know when I will get the time again.

"Where are we going?"
"Lots of places"

At the amusement park :

"Dad, this is "
"The place where i used to have fun with my brothers and sister"
"How come I never saw them?"
I stilled.
The pain in my heart started gripping again.
"They live far"
She only nodded.
My daughter learned not to question back at a really early age.
She is suffering because of me.
"Now let's gooooooo"

We rode in so many rides.
Had ice cream.
Clicked pictures.
Did shopping.
I even took her for a hair cut.

It was now dinner time.
We are inside a local restaurant.
I always wanted to take Skye with me here.
"Try this. It’s really good."
Filling her plate, I looked at her.
Is she not liking it?
She is not used to this type of food.
She first hesitated.
But after two bites, she smiled at me.
"It’s good Dad"
I felt relieved.
"I used to have this like everyday with my sister. We were at the same school.
So it was our place for evening snacks. And my brothers were the most funky ones. They always used to steal our food."
"You look good Dad. Happy."

I looked at her.
"Your dimples are so beautiful"
I felt shy.
A compliment from my daughter.
It meant a lot.
"Dad can i ask you something?"
I nodded, "of course baby anything"

"Why Brother Ivor, Igor and Vasili call you mom?"
I didn’t know how to answer that.
"Why can't I see you everyday?"
Now i was throat blocked.
"Where is my mother?"
She had tears threatening to fall in her eyes.
"Why the King treats you that abnormally? Why?"
She shouted this time.
But all i could do is sat there with eyes downcast.
"Why can't you dress like this everyday?"
Now shame was crippling me.
I tightened my clutch on the my pants.
"Why, my brother, vasili is always suffocating me? Why can't he behave like my other two brothers?"

I got panicked, "what did he do to you? Did he touch you?"
"Dad!! Of all these questions, your first reply is this?"
She was screaming now.
Even bodyguards were standing protectively.

"Leave everyone. Stop staring at my daughter."
I ordered.

"Baby, listen to me."
I took her hands in mine.
"No answer me first. Why the King glares at me?  I don’t understand your relation with him. You are not a child. So why you are always on his lap?"
I am now so ashamed that I want the ground to engulf me.

"Do you believe Dad?"
"No. You never keep your promise"
"Just believe Dad this time ok? I will tell you everything when the time comes."
I was pleading her.
"But the time is when?"
"Soon baby. I just want you to be an adult. I love you a lot. I want you to understand me when I explain everything."
"Dad I don’t wanna live there."
"Baby Dad wants to live with you. But forgive Dad."
We both are crying now together.

"I am afraid Dad"
"Did something happen?  Please tell Dad. I will fix everything. I am telling you."
I got really alerted now, "what did he do?"
"I just don’t  get good vibes from him"
"Baby i will talk to him. If anything massage Dad immediately. Ok?"
She nodded.
After some simple conversation we ended our little trip.

But I didn’t know what was waiting for me today.

At the home:

When I entered, i saw Voklov already present there. And Vasili was standing close to him.

"Baby go to your room and sleep. You have your lessons tomorrow."
I kissed her in the head.

After he left, I went close to Vasili.
And slapped him.
He didn’t even flinch.
"Don’t you dare go near my daughter again? I will skin you alive if you try anything on her."

He then made a sad face, "mom, why can't i go near her? she is my sister after all"
"I know perfectly well how well the brother relation you are maintaining. Stay away"
Soon his sad face turned into a smirk.
"Mom, you know how much i need her. I won't be able to stay away."
He then bowed at Voklov.
Then turned to me " and thank you for touching me - if going near her means you will touch me then i will go near her again and again"
Bowing at me he left.

I was shocked.
I was trembling in anger.

"My Queen"
My consciousness came back.
"You didn’t notice me i think. Is that red dress the reason? Should I remove her permanently?"
I immediately sat on his lap.
"Sorry husband. I was just concerned about her. How can I forget you?"
I started kissing him.
But he wasn’t responding.
I soon had to do something.
So not finding any other way I pulled open my shirt.
And it worked.
He started biting me.
Tonight would be painful.

In the morning :

At breakfast table,  Voklov and Vasili was the only one present.
Because Voklov personally wanted to talk with him.

"King, you wanted to talk?"
"You are my heir because of a reason. You know what?"
Vasili smirked, "because i think like you"
Voklov nodded "close"

Voklov put the toast on his plate he buttered.
"No one can kill you, it doesn’t mean i won't"
Vasili again smiled, "is that a threat, my King?"
"It’s upto you. Which way you go defines the definition."

Vasili knew his father really well.
What he was trying to define.
"I don't care what you do to that girl. Just don’t let it come between the empire and the emperor."
With that he stood up.

Voklov threw his knife in the middle of Vasili's plate, breaking the ceramic,
"And don't ever try to look at my Queen's body. I will personally gauze it out of it’s socket. I still can have as many heirs as i want"

Vasili just smiled and ate the toast,
"It tastes good, Father"
Voklov just stared at his soul.

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