chapter :32

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She stilled.
After a few seconds she made me apart from her.
"Just go"
I again hugged her tight.
"I missed you mom"
She was reluctant at first but she returned my hug.
"I missed you too" she whispered
I cried in happiness
I looked "kira"
She immediately jumped at me
I picked her up
"Where were you?"
She was crying now
Suddenly two pairs of hand hugged me from behind.
It was alek and andrei.
We all were crying in a huddle.
I missed this moment.
I missed every one.
I was totally on papa.
He was rocking me on his lap.
Ma was kissing me from time to time.

The silence broke with a glass shattered sound.
I stilled.
I forgot Voklov.
Oh no.
What did i do..
I immediately threw myself away from them.
My shakey burning eyes looked at him.
But the running water didn't help much.
I again looked at my family.
I dragged myself to his legs.
I clutched his leg
"Plz no plz no... I.. I am sorry. Plz i will die"
He sat in front of me.
He kissed my drooling mouth.
"My Queen you wanted to come here leaving me behind"
My heart dropped
How did he know?a
I was arranging to settle myself in Canada.
But not with my family.
"See i take you here. No need to come alone" he smirked
I grabbed his neck
"No I will go from here. I don't wanna stay"
"Love I am not giving you up. I can't breath without you. But i told you everything got a consequence."

He stepped away from me.
I was shivering.
"You miss your family so much right? So how about i take someone with us so you don't have to miss them so much.. You won't have to leave me "
My heart stopped
My breathe got hitched

"Brandon "

Brandon came inside and there was thousands of gift boxes delivered by the bodyguards. He took his steady steps towards my family. They were still on that spot. And i was still on the floor. He stood in front of my papa
"Sir with your respect I would like to have your permission "
"What permission"
"For the wedding"
"No" ma screamed
"We are never gonna agree" papa was furious.
"Listen you guys already snatched my one son, but not my daughter. Get away from my family. You have done enough. Get away from our life" ma was fuming.
" the wedding will be held, even if you guys don't agree"

"Voklov pls leave my family. Plz i will never try to go away from you " i was begging.
"Love your time is up with the family. Let's go. Brandon will finish in a minute " he took my hand in a clutch
"Brandon finish it"
Brandon nodded
"Sir i will take my bride now with me"
"No No No " ma was screaming and clutching Kira.
Kira was trembling.
"We will not give our daughter to you"
"Who said i want your daughter?"
"What" I whispered
"I am taking Alek"
He took Alek's hand and dragged him.
Alek was always the straightest and strongest one of us.
My family was crying.
Alek was shouting.
My body got limped.
Everything got dark......

The whole parking area was cheering.
The shuttering sounds of glasses is the only sound my ears were focused on.
My shivering body was on the last bench in the corner. Voklov was on a rage. He told me to wait. But i came to college with Andrei.
"Where is he"
A boy pointed at me.
He came on a full speed at me and grabbed my chin
"When i tell you to wait, you wait like a bitch in a heat"
I tried to remove his hands from me.
"It hurts" i was sobbing
But he dragged me in front , on the stage.
The lecturer was also flabbergasted.
He threw me on the table.
"Leave me"
"I will make you listen. After today you will listen"
I thrashed and thrashed.
He sat above me.
He took my tongue in his mouth.
Everything got black..
I could hear the whispers.
I was biting his lips to stop him.
But it felt like he was enjoying it.
He left me after ten minutes but it felt like an hour.
I was crying and crying.
It was the tears of anger.
"He is mine. No one to approach him. No one even breathe near him. If I got even a hint that someone tried to talk to my bitch, i will skin every one present there alive" he shouted.
I ran from there.
I ran until my legs gave up.
I then realised I was in the lake.
My legs are soaked.
I was sobbing.
I was hyperventilating.
I sat on the water.
My nerves immediately calmed down after the water touched my hands.
The water is clear.
It's peaceful.
The water drop sound is calming the racing heart.
I looked up.
The sky is clear.
A lone tear dropped.
The breeze is so cold.
I smiled.
The moment is my mind of peace in this chaotic environment.
I laid on the mud near the lake.
I closed my eyes.
Soon sleep took over me.

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