chapter : 37

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Voklov 's pov :

The smoke escaping my lips - making an illusion of shadows - there was nothing specific in my mind. Most of the time there isn’t any.
" After my Queen - My lovely Queen "
He is all i can think in my sleep - in my day - in my night.
My precious.
A smile came to my lips with the think of his body - the lustrous thick meat.
"Ahhhmm" a moan resound in my empty large office room.
I starred my Queen 's large portrait in front of me. He is smiling at me. It always gives me a satiated feeling. 

I took a another ciger.  My hands were shaking.  It's like this since i can't touch my drug - my addiction - my Queen. I pressed my perfectly fine hand on the shaky one. I felt suffocated. My heart rate was increasing.

The door burst opened by Nicolas.
"Voklov, does your chest feel tightened?"
I dropped on the floor due to insufficient oxygen in my system.
Nicolas helped me on the chair and opened my shirt, made me drink water, but nothing helped.
"What to do" Nicolas was crying over stress.
He ran to the screen - played a video -
Of my Queen - talking to my kids.
I have collected all the cctv footage from his room. These made me pass my days.

My Queen was singing Igor to sleep.
My breathing started to become normal. I was mesmerised with his voice.
Nicolas took the injection from the box and shot me. But i was lost in my Queen.

After about one hour...
I was still awing at my beautiful Sasa.
My Sasa.

Nicolas sighed"why did you send him if you can't even breathe without him"

Sasa was now breastfeeding Vasili - it felt like a burn. A burn i made myself in my heart. I miss this. So damn miss this. But he should miss me also. It's me who always craves for him. He just wanna go far from me. Now be far. It was his punishment. But it’s now like my punishment.

With shaky hands i lit another ciger.
"Voklov I am serious. It’s been five years now. Just bring him. You will die out of heart attack at this rate"

I snickered
I smoke again.
"I don't have a heart"
"Voklov i am serious. You need treatment - proper cure.. Are you even listening, you bastard"
"No doctor can treat me" throwing my head on the couch, spreading my arms open- starring at the 3D picture of my love displayed on the ceiling,
I smirked "my cure is only him"

Nicolas sighed with frustration,
"Sergei was right. You are fucking obsessed with him. Please for the sake of everyone please meet him once. Even the staff members are always on alert, tiptoeing around. Grandpa called three times this week talking only about you. Fucking hell answer me at least"
Nicolas threw a bottle in the floor.
"Aaaissh" he stormed out of the room.

I was still engorged in my Queen 's beauty. My love, he is showing his dimples in his white shirt - aah, i am aroused again.

I took my mobile,
"Send Rano inside"
Few minutes later Rano stood in front of me trembling in his yellow shirt and white plazo.
"Y...ou called..for.. Me king"
I could see his visible shiverings.
I motioned him to come close.
He sat near my legs.
He looks good with the scratch marks all over his face. I do this scratch every day to remind him - what he did, who he did.I can't show him the scars in my heart, so i show him - his.

I opened his lips with my thumb.
He was good at it.
Such a slut.

I opened my pant chain and clutched his hair - thrusted my dick inside him, making him gag. I had to have a release. I was now looking at my Queen again - thinking about touching him. Only he can make me come untouched.

A ring disturbed my time with my Queen 's shadow...
A frightened voice of Sergei came to my ear.
" Fast"
"You have to"
"Who do you think you are to order me"
He took a deep breathe..
"You have a guest"
"Then fucking tell the guest to fuck off"
"If i say that to him he would fuck me alive here"
I snickered and thrusted fast inside Rano's mouth.
"Who is this he?"
"Your Queen " he whispered

Everything stopped in my system.
Like i stopped breathing for a whole second.
"Sasa is here to see Igor"
My mind wasnot working now. I threw Rano out of me and ran towards my car. All employees looked at me frightened - more like seeing me running like a madman.
I wasn’t thinking - only my Sasa.

I speed drived - arriving the hour drive in only twenty minutes.
I spotted my chief in guards and Brandon consulting - more like shouting at each other.
I ran past them leaving them behind calling my name.
I approached the VIP floor of the hospital huffing - looking here and there to spot that specific one.
My family members were gathered in front of Igor's room. More like around a person.
I walked fast to reach that desired destination of my heart.
Every members from my family scattered after seeing me - they are afraid of me more now.. After i shot my own son. Not that i regret much.

I saw him...
My love..
My wife..
My Queen..
Sitting in a casual t-shirt - he looked so calm, so manly, so mine.
He looked up - my heart was beating at a really high and irregular rate.
It felt like, it will burst out.

I kneeled in front of him

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I kneeled in front of him.
Soaking my soul in his appearance.
Memorising every spot of him - if it's still there.. But he looks different.
His calm ocean eyes met my frantic looking ones..

"Atleast you should have cleaned your mess before coming here"
I stilled after hearing his voice
Then i realised what he meant.
"Love when did you come? You should have called me"
"Why.. Then you would have blocked my way to come"
He spited hatred towards  for me..
He jerked away from me.
And went towards the doctor that came out of Igor's room.

"Can I see my son?"
He asked the doctor..
"Yes my Queen"
"Sasa.. Call me Sasa. I am not any Queen"
It hit my nerve..
No one calls him Sasa..
Not a stranger fucking doctor.
Not in my presence..
With that he went inside the cabin and locked the door..

Ivor came near me and bowed.
"Mom came suddenly, so I could not inform you, King"
I didn’t look at him.
"Bring him home"
"I don’t th....."
Before he could finish I glared at him.
"As my eldest one I don’t expect a No from you"
He gazed downcast..

I stormed out of the hospital.
At the end of the you came to me, with your own legs..
I smirked.

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