chapter : 44

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Sasa's pov :

I am just laying at the couch in sun.
Voklov is playing golf today, i had no mood.

I thought to spend the day with my daughter but he dragged me here.
He can't just keep me out of his eyes.
And I also realised that I can't live without him.

To argue or not to argue, I love him
I love this monster.

But now he isn’t my concern.
My headache is Vasili.

Voklov has totally ruined him.
The tinniest possible hope.
He is messing with my Princess - i have to do everything in me to stop him. But he is Voklov's son, just like him.

"Good afternoon mom"
I smiled at my lovely Igor.
I spread my arms to hug my heart,
"How are you my love?"
He laid beside me putting his head near my left nipple chain.
And put his lips on them.
He still has this weird habit of sucking them...
"Tired, mom" he sniffed my skin.
From childhood he was always the hugger.
I took him under my arms kissing his lips "my lovely beautiful son, don't be discouraged"
We talked in this position for few more passing minutes. But i felt cold, like i was put under some targeted eyes. I looked for Voklov, he was playing as always, not minding much. Still i felt those cold vibes.

After that Ivor came to take Igor with him and informed me about the tonight party. It was in my honor.
My art gallery has earned quite a numbers of zeroes.

In my room, Voklov didn’t leave me for four hours. Here I thought about going to see Skye. But he colored my skin with his sharp teeth, it would be shameful to show these marks to my daughter.

The stylist was doing my heir.
But suddenly a hand just threw the stylist away from me and started kissing me.
"Voklov, not now. Everyone is waiting."
But he is someone who doesn’t listen to anyone. So he had me for another hour then we went to party centre.

All the guests were appreciating my work and my sensibility.
I could not walk properly as he destroyed my walk.
I sighed.
Voklov was smirking from time to time looking at - my famous limp walk. That bastard!
I spot Skye with Ivor looking like my doll. Smiling I approached her.
"Love, when did you come?"
She hugged me "Few minutes ago Dad. And congratulations. All these are so beautiful."
"Thank you,Love. Tell me if you like anything."
After that we were talking, having fun.
But still I got that creepy feeling.
Is someone really looking at me?


I am now walking towards my penthouse. Everyone is enjoying party downstairs. I don’t feel good today.
I think I had few extra shots.
I laid down on the couch.

Soon the lights got off.
I sat up. What?
This never happened.
I took my phone and dialed my chief guards number to see what's going on.
But I got startled when I felt a hand on me.
"Who are you"
He was strong.
He pushed me on the couch and started kissing me.
I tried hard to release myself but failed miserably.
And the lights came.
I was shocked to see the person above me.
I punched him in the face.
"What the fuck Renzo?"
He smirked " also liked it"
"Leave before my husband comes"
"I am here today to take you away with me. I have been beside you for a long time. But now It's time to go. Sasa come with me. We will have our own family."
With saying this he dragged me.

But as soon as we came outside I saw Vasili, there was tens of guards behind him. And the Voklov came.
With more guards.
It was a massacre.
And again the reason was me.
Vasili broke his bones mercilessly.
Voklov had that dark look on him.

Now I was afraid he was gonna hurt me.
I ran inside my bedroom and was shaking in fear. I was trembling.
The door was opened, i flinched.
It was Ivor
He ran to me and consoled me.
"Father has gone. He will need time to come back. Don't get so worked up."
I only sobbed "he will kill me"
"Mom Mom no"
"You don't know him. That guy touched  me. Voklov won't tolerate it."
Ivor kissed my lips and took me in his lap. He sweet talked to me.
After few seconds Igor and Skye also came to me.
They hugged me tight. Even Igor was giving me pecks on my lips to calm me down.
We were having our little time.

"Look at you.. Getting pampered by your kids"
Loretta was standing at the entrance.
"Here I thought I would have to bribe you with a popsicle." she snickered.
"Mommy stop teasing mom. He is already crying. We don't know what father will do." Igor nagged.
"You guys go outside. I will be here with him."

After they left.
Loretta sat beside me.
She took my lips in hers.
We had a long tongue fight.
She knew I needed that.
"My beautiful Sasa, don't get so upset"
She caressed my neck.
I looked at her, "you knew"
She sighed "if you are talking about him being obsessed with you, yes then i had suspicion, but about trying to hump on you i didn’t know"
"I thought he forgot about me. I even heard he got married."
"Sasa how can you be so dumb.. He tried to take you every chance he got. This is the fourth time."
"I am afraid about Voklov"
"He is already drenched in blood. Can't say much about future."
"Sasa I want to ask you something"

I nodded "what"
"Vasili.. Don't you think he has an unhealthy obsession towards you?"
I stilled
"It's not that I didn’t notice."
I mumbled
"Do you know he killed the previous owner of that art gallery to give you that?"
I was shocked.
Not shocked that he killed but shocked that he killed in my name.

"He even slaughtered a whole house that made your first show rejected"


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