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That is the only word which is in my mind for the last 1 and half months.
For this whole long month all I did is eating, sleeping, body cleaning and staring at walls.
Voklov didn't even come for once to see my condition. All thanks to him I can't even lift a single toe. It pains like hell. But it looks like he doesn't even care if I am alive or not.
No one came to see me, not even Jim.
I don't know what is happening outside this four walls.
Just doctors and nurses that's the only thing I am seeing after opening my eyes.
Whatever I asked for to pass time, all they said is " not permitted ".
I even asked to meet Voklov. That's also not permitted. I asked for two times to talk with him but all in vain. No one was answering me. I knew for some reason all this was my punishment. I really wanted to talk with someone but nurses won't even bulge. All they did is cleaning me and feeding me. I was frustrated. I wanted human interactions.

Today I will go out of this room. Nothing will stop me. I tried hard, really hard to move my legs but it wasn't working. I huffed with frustration. I tried again. This time I fell from the bed. The nurse hurried inside. I could see the horror on her face.
"Queen what are you doing on the floor? "
"I want to go out"
"Plz my queen try to understand. " She helped me in a wheelchair.
"No I will go and you will take me "
"Queen it's not good. King doesn't allow. He will put me in a cage with his hyenas." She sobbed.
I knew it was dangerous but I can't take anymore. I am going crazy. My mind is eating me.
"Ok. Then I will go by myself. "
I started the button of this automatic chair.
She hesitated at first. Then she came behind me. I could see her typing something on her phone.

After coming out of the room, it felt like eternity. I felt relieved. I couldn't even go for 5 seconds the whole floor got covered with bodyguards but none was familiar.
"My queen plz retreat. " One guard said.
"And why I will listen to you? "
"Queen plz. For everyone's sake.. "
I could feel something was bad. But what it is I couldn't put a finger.
"I want to see King. Take me there. "
Every one was shocked and trembling within a few seconds. It was really visible on their face.
I knew something really bad happened.
I point out a finger on a random guard " You take me there"
At first they hesitated but after my constant glaring he took me.

"This is not the office room's corridor"
"King is not inside the office. "
"Where is he now? "
"You should see for yourself my queen"

I don't like the corridor he took. I knew in a moment in which condition I am gonna see him.
The guard took me in front of a door and knocked. Two guards came out. Instantly they bowed after seeing me. They were not ready to see me here. I could feel that.
"Take me to the king"
"With due respect I have to decline this order my queen. He is not in the position to see you. "
"I will be the one to decide. "
They eyed each other. After few moments of silence one guard pushed me inside.

In a single moment inside that Hall I was regretting my decision.
Blood was splashing through my wheelchair. The whole room was filled with blood. It's like a blood river. I was feeling nauseated and light headed with the extreme level of smell. There was dead bodies everywhere. Some were also alive. Some were half dead. What has he been doing for this whole month? Now I knew the answer. In a distance I could see Voklov cutting a boy's leg with a Katana. His favorite Katana.
In few steps away from him was Claire sitting beside his throne naked sobbing.. She lost a lot of weight..
I knew in my gut that this all was because of my hectic decision. I knew something like this will happen after I defy him. But because of my petty jealousy I put a lot of people in danger . And I also knew only I could make him stop. He won't listen to anyone else.

He stilled for a moment.
He slowly looked at me. The demeanor of him was terrifying. He was covered with blood. Not a single portion of his skin was visible.
He suddenly smiled. I called him again.. " Voklov come to me"
He stopped smiling. He was looking at me with a vacant look.
"Put your child down and come to me"
He didn't even bait a eyelashe.
"Husband plz... I want you. Won't you hug me ? It's been so long. "
I could see Claire was stunned with my tone and choice of word... She was staring at me.
He immediately smiled and threw his Katana. He ran to me and sat beside my feet. He was trying to touch me but I could see the fear in his eyes.
"You are real. My queen you are really here. " His lips shooked
I put his hand in my neck " Yes, I am"
He was grinning now.
He immediately hugged me . I was looking around the whole room. How many people did he kill ? It's a lot. It will be a mountain if you burry them together. What have I done?
I knew better than acting like a bitch in heat.
"My queen. My queen. My queen" He was saying my name like a prayer. He was hugging me really tight. But I didn't say anything.
Suddenly he started to suck my left nipple through the shirt. I was only wearing a hospital gown. I knew what he wanted. I opened few buttons. He immediately latched on my nipple and I moaned loudly. He was always like this. Whenever I did something to me, he would behave like a kid. He took my both thighs on his hands and pulled me up. I was now dangling on him. He started going towards his throne. He sat there and I was on his lap. It felt like I was breastfeeding my child. I think I have become kinky like him. Because every time he does this, I get aroused. I was only sitting there and combing through his hair with my fingers. I did this to make him calm. And knew this always works. He suddenly opened my remained clothing .
He put his long banana inside my cave. I knew this was going to happen. It was inevitable. I was also so horny. I was behaving like a drug addicted. He moaned so loudly.
"Wifey I missed being inside you. It feels like home"
I slapped him "stop talking and fuck me hard. " I kissed him.
He was grinning from ear to ear.
His thrusts were really hard and fast .
We were fucking like rabbits. None of us realized there was other people inside.
"And we were afraid something has happened to him" Jim huffed

I looked behind and saw his father, grandma, grandfather, Jim, Brandon standing with their mouth open.
Without taking any offence that my ass is displaying in front of their eyes I said "leave"
We started our exercise again with even more force.... I was on the clouds. I missed him inside me. But I won't accept that.

"Both of them are twisted" Came his grandma's voice

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