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[Beach weather]

The large black jeep stopped at a building labeled as under construction.

It was midnight. The area was silent than anytime. Distant barking which faded with the night's tranquility.
Two people were sitting inside the car in toxic silence. One in the driver's seat,other in the seat next to the diver.
Hot-cold breeze touched their skin in unison.

"What a unsuccessful day it was!" A  hoarse whisper was heard.

"We didn't know that police will encounter like that way all of a sudden." The opposite person's voice was calm in general.

"Feels like downfall."

"Are you blaming me ?"

"No babe . Let's go inside."

"Don't look at me like that ,lustfully. I'm not in mood today."

"I'll make your mood ."

"Get off the car then."

"Looks like someone is getting impatient."

Maria got off the car.

"I've to go somewhere. You stay inside."


"How could he drove by himself like that abandoning me. Fucker!"


"Long time no see." The bartender smiles at the approaching figure.

"Hi you good buddy?"

"Just doing. So vodka?"

"Yeah. You know me well."

"It's been four fucking years."


After taking almost 11 shots of vodka Yeonjun almost passed away. Yeah that was his motive . Everytime he comes to drink he drinks to a point which exceeds his holding. He drinks to pass out. To get relief from the world at least for a certain time. To live in his own heaven. To get his own peace which he never gets sober. His blank mind gives him universe. He feels like he already crosses the milky way. Odd shapes , bright color feels so real. His body feels light. Floating endessly.

Taehyun knows waking up Yeonjun at this point is just as meaningless as asking money from his father. So he let him be. He keeps doing it everytime Yeonjun comes. He left the spare key on the counter and locked the bar keeping Yeonjun inside.


5:30 am.

Yeonjun woke up from slumber.
He knew what happened. He was drunk but he knows what happens when he drinks.
He also knows what happens when he wakes up after drinking. The strong headache. Concussion. It feels like his head  was splitting up from his body . Aftereffects of his short peace.
Yeonjun sluggishly took out his phone out of his pocket.

17 missed calls.

Even if he didn't want to call her back he had to.
As expected the call was picked up in the first ring.

"Where the hell are you !!!"

" I'm resting." Yeonjun mumbled.

"Giving me headaches?"
Yeonjun knows it was her so called headache where the boy was genuinely suffering from severe headache.

"Maria I'll come back soon." He assured softly.

" I'm leaving already."

"Ok I'll come at your place then."

"Sure you'll."


"Yeonjun listen I don't think we can do anything at least for 2-3 months. The news was even telecast . So it's better to move on somewhere else by this time ." Maria sighed, as she leaned on the armchair supporting her arms.

"I've no idea what are you saying. You mean out of no where we'll move out to somewhere like this?" Yeonjun's eyes darted .

"Babe police can come in no time. You think we're safe?" Maria rephrased. Her eyebrows practically furrowing at  Yeonjun. Her eyes were set.

"Alright. Where do u wanna go?" Yeonjun crossed his arms.

"Gangnam. "


"Yes . It's safe there. I know a uncle there. He'll give us a place in rent. And guess what! He owns a coffee shop. And you can just join there as a barista." Maria proposed excitedly as her eyes sparkled , her smile lingered assurance but Yeonjun was least interested in that offer.

"You think I'll make coffee for people now?" Yeonjun's tone becomes raucous with growing annoyance on his facials.

"Babe it's easier than our job. And I've a friend there I'll join in her clothing store . Trust me life will be easy there." Maria sits straight, trying to emphasize her words on the brunette male.

"Maria but barista?" Yeonjun's voice became silvery with the worthless proposal he was offered to .

"I know you wanted to be a barista and you studied too. "

"That's all in the past ."Yeonjun's voice became wobbly and he looked at the girl with squinting eyes .

"Make it your present then . Let's start packing."


A/N :you can listen to the playlist I made before every chapter to get into the story.

[622 words]

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