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   Save myself


Beomgyu couldn't help but screamed out louder. He could hear the approaching footsteps.

"He picked up Taehyun slowly making him dependent on his shoulder." Taehyun got hurt.
Heuning on the floor.
His eyes scanned for Soobin,but Soobin wasn't in the sight.

And suddenly it all got blurry,dark,smokey.
Someone came and put a SCBA on Beomgyu and Taehyun.

The person ran to Heuning.
Beomgyu figured it out with in a second that it was none other then Soobin.
His vision became clearer unlike the surrounding.
He heard some coughs approaching.
Beomgyu and Taehyun ran .
Soobin followed them carrying Heuning on his back.

"He just got hurt on his knees but I'll make sure that he gets well." The doctor assured .

"Thank you doctor." Soobin released a sigh.

He went and sat with Beomgyu and Taehyun.

"Yeonjun is a bitch and I already knew that." Beomgyu looked at Soobin scrunching his nose.

"Why are you giving me that look. It's not like I knew he would do something like this." Soobin looked away.

"He might have his own reasons." Taehyun interrupted.

"Reasons my foot. That bitch is a literal cheater and selfish. He even took all the money." Beomgyu scoffed.

"Stop Beomgyu hyung. Anyways what about the black smoke Soobin hyung" Taehyun asked interrupting the two.

"I kept some smoke bombs already in our den incase. And it worked. " Soobin shrugged.

Yeonjun once again broke Soobin's trust and this time it didn't effect only him but his friends.
From that day on,
Soobin only had one feelings towards Yeonjun.
Immense hatred.

"Soobin hyung finally succeeded. He sent off Hyuka to the US. Now he'll be relieved." Beomgyu said with a smile on his face.

"Yes but I hope he'll be okay now. It's been three months to that horrible incident."
Taehyun sat beside beomgyu.

"Yeah I'm worried about him the most. We all knew he had feelings for that whore." Beomgyu closed his eyes in disappointment.

"Yeah. Anyways Hyung can we about us now." Taehyun turned to Beomgyu reflecting an eye contact.

"Us? " Beomgyu looked confuse.

"Hyung you already know that I had a crush on you since the day I first saw you on live playing guitar with dedication.
I started admiring you from the day one." Taehyun was a straightforward person so he didn't hesitate to say , he was just waiting for a right time.

"I thought the crush thing was just limited in Hyuka's joke." Beomgyu giggled.

"Sure you thought. But I'm actually confessing to you right now." Taehyun humbly said, eyes blazed with determination.

"Tell me you're joking Taehyun." Beomgyu's voice plummy.

"I am not. I like you Beomgyu hyung." Taehyun's boba eyes sparkled. He looked so expected from the older.

"Oh my God Kang Taehyun. I thought you were a good friend." Beomgyu sniggered raising his eyebrows.

" I'm still a good friend I'm just...."

"Stop there. I don't want to be a second Soobin to the Yeonjun. I don't want stupid feelings to get involved." Beomgyu's eyes burning outrageously.

"How come you're comparing me with Yeonjun Hyung ? " Taehyun snapped.

"Because you were defending him . You still do sometimes. And please get the shit clear in that little head of yours." He poked Taehyun's head with his index.
"I don't want to be as pathetic as Soobin hyung." He stood up walking in a sedate pace to leave the place.

Taehyun ran after him calling him from the back. He followed him to the streets.
Beomgyu was swaggering not looking back .
But at a point he turned.

"Also I've got an offer to perform at a big band in the Paris so I'm leaving next week.
I came to your place to inform you that but you just ruined my mood."

That made Taehyun not to follow Beomgyu anymore.
Choi Yeonjun you've ruined everything.

~end of flashback

[612 words]

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