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If the world was ending
[Jp.saxe,ft.Julia Michaels]

Tw: mature.

"Maria how long are we gonna wait infront of this building for God's sake?" Yeonjun's felt exasperated, the weather here wasn't something he could erupt by.

"Yeonjun darling why are you like this?I told uncle Seung-an. He's coming. Relax."

"He is coming and it's been half an hour and he's still coming. Bullshit . "

"Why are- Oh there he's . Be mannered please."Maria eyed yeonjun.

"Sorry Maria sweety I got late. Actually my barista in the shop got into something terrible. Here is the key." He handed over the key to Maria.

"Thankyouu uncle." Maria smiled widely.

"Is he your husband?" He asked looking at Yeonjun.

"Nah but we'll get married soon." Maria shyly responded.

"He's handsome." Uncle smiled at Yeonjun.
And here yeonjun wasn't even looking so Maria kicked his leg as a sign to response to her uncle. Yeonjun knows her signs well so he responded quickly with a short bow.
"Thank you. I'm Yeonjun." He awkwardly smiled .

"Ok you people go inside. Yeonjun can join from Tomorrow. " Uncle smiled once again .

"Sure uncle " Maria assured.

After unpacking all their stuffs mostly clothes because Yeonjun and Maria both are fashioninsta . They both felt so tired.
Maria sprawled on the binniebag. She was scrolling her phone when she felt a soft touch on her neck. She knows the touch. She knows what that touch was referring to .
Yeonjun slightly put his hand inside her T shirt rubbing her upper chest.

"Babe I'm scrolling." She whined intentionally because she knew how much she was craving for his touch.

"You can scroll me though." Yeonjun kept on rubbing and suddenly he stopped. He appeared in front of her and swiftly carried her by the waist. Maria loves it when Yeonjun does that. Yeonjun is very professional. He knows exactly what his hands have to do. So he first positioned Maria's leg straddling his waist and put his hand inside her T shirt reaching her belly and they started kissing which was initiated by Maria but Yeonjun stopped her averting his head just half a minute later.

"Babe why don't you ever kiss me properly." She complained like everytime.

"Because I can make you feel better otherwise." And with that he dropped her on the bed . And pulled her T shirt in one yank. She was wearing her red lingeries. Yeonjun caressed her chest for a couple of times before undressing her completely.

Maria knew what she had to do next. She sat on her knees before Yeonjun and slid his slacks . She rubbed his clothed cock a few minute and then slid his boxers. Yeonjun was hard and she loved it . She did her next job. Blowjob! which Maria loves more then Yeonjun does. She feels more satisfying then him. And Maria was the one to force him for a blowjob at the first place when they started back then.

After silly make out sessions they both got into the bed and Yeonjun impatiently put his penis inside her. He was so fast and that was the part he was actually waiting for. He literally didn't bother about the initial parts.
They had a good sex and laid next to each other facing each other's back.


"Morning." Maria slid the curtains to let the sunlight woke up Yeonjun.

"Mhm" he yawned and Maria gave him a forehead kiss because he looks so adorable when he yawns in his morning look.

"Wake up babe the cafe opens at 8:30." She giggled watching Yeonjun's cute yawns.

"Coffee where?" He mumbled in his half sleep.

"Drink it in the cafe. You're a barista now so it's your job not mine ."She teased .

"That's not fair ." He pouted. The pout automatically forms when he's annoyed and that makes him look adorable.
Maria couldn't resist his cuteness so she practically bent to kiss him but Yeonjun just flicked her forehead "you'll hate this morning breath." Smiled and straight went to the washroom.

Maria picked a pretty decent white shirt and a blue jeans for him .
"You should look decent and formal."

"But I want to look fashionable." Yeonjun bickered .

"Later pls. You're going to work under someone." She glared.

"Yeah okay whatever ." He shrugged and got ready into those pairs. He wore his favourite cologne. Set his hair with essence. Put his lip balm and yeah he was ready. Yeonjun loves to smell good and he wants his surroundings refreshing too and that's what he prayed for his new workplace to be.

"Okay I'm going."

"Bye . Take care."

"You too Maria." Yeonjun smiled at Maria and left for his new destination totally unaware of the extreme consequences.


"La veste cafe ." He murmured the name.

And kept chanting the name until he finally found it. He chose to walk because it was close to his new apartment.

The cafe looked refreshing and beautiful from outside. It wasn't that something cosmic but looked cozy. Yeonjun likes this type of environment. He sighed in satisfaction.

The interior decorations was also very simple but pretty. It looked so elegant. And the cafe smelled good too. It was clean and fragrance of caffeine was lingering everywhere. Busy in Judging it's beauty Yeonjun barely noticed that it was empty even if he checked the open tag outside. He wondered why it was empty and stepped to the kitchen when he felt a touch on his shoulder. He flinched noticably. Yeonjun flinches at every thing. He might look cool but actually he's not that much internally.

He looked back to check.

"Sorry did I scared you?"

"Oh uncle?No way I was just um.. surprised." He chuckled embarrassingly.

"Oh good good. Ok so let's go inside. You have to meet your co worker too." He gave a little smile.

He took Yeonjun inside the kitchen and the kitchen looked clean too. Yeonjun discovered it was as the same size as the cafe .  the coffee machine made a noise that sounded like a combination of water boiling, and water going down the drain in a bathtub. It sort of sounded like bubbly water from a bubble bath going down a drain.
It somehow created an oasis of serenity in him admist the growing tension.
After the coffee is done brewing, it sounded like any other liquid.

"He has already started working I see." Uncle smiled and perked inside probably to call Yeonjun's partner he guessed.

Yeonjun was observing the kitchen intently that he had no idea that two people were standing behind him until uncle Seung-an called him from the back and he flinched again but that wasn't too noticable as his subconscious mind knew someone will be coming.

"He is our old barista Choi Soobin."


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A/N : well this ff was on Ao3 but I deleted if for some reason. So if you are searching it then here u go.

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