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" oh my God Yeonjun Hyung No." Heuning almost stumbled and froze at his place for a second before realizing that he've to help Yeonjun.

He quickly scruffs the boy by his neck and put him on the bed. He was so scared and perplexed by the situation that his mind just went blank.
He felt so helpless. He just couldn't think anymore. Yeonjun was bleeding,one reckless decision. The bedsheets was now strained with blood.
Heuning sat beside Yeonjun observing intently how the body was becoming pale.
Heuning couldn't muster up anything.
So he dialed the only number he could easily think of, free hand fluttering uselessly.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"It's okay Kai, everything will be fine trust me.
I've a doctor hyung and I'm sending him to Yeonjun's address. But be sure not to immediately inform anyone . Especially Soobin." Taehyun emphasized.

"Shouldn't we take him to the hospital?" Heuning's voice trembled along with his hands.

"It'll not be a prudent decision right now. Listen what I'm saying." Taehyun informed quitely.


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

"Doctor nim will he be okay?"

"He'll be. I've treated the wound and good for him that no stitches were required. It was all because of the time management. Otherwise something terrible could've happened." The doctor assured firmly calming heuning by patting on his shoulder in a state of assurance.

"Thank you." Heuning almost cried in gratefulness.

"Well I've prescribed some medicines to extract weakness and these will also help to regain all those blood he lost." " The doctor handed heuning the prescription.
Heuning took it and was about to walk him to the gate "You don't have to . Rather stay with him and take care of him . He needs healthy foods." The doctor left with a smile.

"Thank you Hyuka for treating me this good in these 3 days." Yeonjun grinned at the younger showing his gratitude.

"Don't thank me. Rather answer me why the hell did you hurt yourself?" Heuning despised the gratuitous statements.

"I was depressed. " Yeonjun solemnly answered.

"That's not even an excuse. Do you know how much worried I was; " Heuning berated clenching his fist looking at Yeonjun's eyes.

"It'll not happen again. And also does everyone knows about it?"

"No. Only me and Taehyun." Heuning looked away.

"Great now imagine if you hadn't come to borrow my Nike Air Force 1 that day then what would've happened." Yeonjun giggled.

"It's not even a joke." Heuning furrowed his eyebrows.

"Mhm okay. Anyways Hyuka,tell everyone to gather in the den today. We shall have a party." Yeonjun called him back.

"Let's see ."

All of them gathered in the den. And it was quite after a long time. Perhaps they forgot the exact date when all of them sat together and had a good time of conversation.
Heuning organized a lot of foods and drinks.

"Yeonjun looks so pale." Beomgyu spoke taking a good look on Yeonjun.
With that compliment Kai and Taehyun exchanged glances. Because they knows.
Beomgyu's statement also made Soobin to take a glance at Yeonjun which he wasn't ready for.

"I'm just kinda tired ." Yeonjun faked an exhausted sigh.

"Well Soobin haven't spoke anything since we arrived. And I couldn't even reach him in last three days. I literally went to his home and informed him about today's gathering. And he didn't even wanted to join . " Taehyun said making a disappointed face.

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