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The buzzing sound from the phone interrupted Yeonjun's peaceful sleep.
He struggled to reach his phone as his eyes were partly closed due to immense lack of proper sleep .

"Hello?" Yeonjun answered the call
without looking at the screen.

"CHOI YEONJUN?" The voice at the other side was desperate.

"Y..yes?" Yeonjun now sluggishly opened his eyes in wonder because maybe he knows this voice.

"I couldn't reach Maria so I called you. I hope I don't have to introduce myself."

Yes Yeonjun definitely knows this voice.
Minjung. Sure it was him.

"Why are you calling in my personal number?" Yeonjun asked in a very serious tone as if it was a crime.

"Yeonjun ssi we're doomed. The police might have identified you by this time . If they saw your face then it's the end for us . And they will probably search for you everywhere even if it's outside of Seoul." The voice became more desperate added with great fear in it.

"Didn't we broke all the CCTV cameras?" Yeonjun spoke in confusion.

"If we did then it wouldn't be alarming. That one CCTV behind the bank on the banyan tree. It was on ."

"Woah what? Are you fucking kidding me now?"Yeonjun blustered and punched the bed in annoyance.

"I'm sorry but please be more safe. Hide well. Better be home caged. " And the call dropped.

Home caged? So he won't be able to see Soobin? Maybe if it was a week earlier Yeonjun wouldn't feel the same . But after last night many things changed. Their relationship just started to develop and this shit happened.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaagh." Yeonjun screeched.

Yeonjun was trapped again. He have to live with his lover so it must be something good then why he felt crestfallen.
This situation can again alienate them. Yeonjun and Soobin. Why is the situation never in my favor. Yeonjun thought mindfully and stared at the ceiling endlessly. Maybe it was a sign to not get involved with Soobin once again. Maybe their ways was meant to be separated. North and south. East and west. Sky and land. Heaven and Hell where Soobin was the heaven to Yeonjun's Hell .
But heavens are pure isn't it? They could never meet the Hell . Hell is fire. Fire causes destruction.

The phone buzzed again and the name on the screen just made Yeonjun hissed in pain as his chest hurts .
Yeonjun upsidedown his phone barring the blonde's call.
He has nothing to say .
And he wants the blonde to hate him the way and look at him with those disgusted eyes. The eyes which will be unreadable to him.
Just hate me Soobin.
He whispered to himself. Brim of water cascading through his cheek to his chin until it stained the bedsheets.

"He's again doing it ." Soobin said to himself as anger captured him. Choi Yeonjun can never change. He's such a weak. Coward and a pathetic looser. He hides his wounds but never fix the reason behind it. He enjoys hurting people . He's a fool. Definitely a fool

Soobin felt so tired, but he couldn't sleep
Stuck in reverse . Was there even any purpose of their relationship. Soobin was just a mere friend to Yeonjun whom he used time to time just in his own needs .
And what Yeonjun was to Soobin?
A lot more than a friend
Even a lot more than a lover.
But alas!
Soobin couldn't be his friend neither his lover. Soobin just wanted Yeonjun in his memories. Just the good part .
Yes Soobin lied when he said Yeonjun wasn't even in his blurred memories when he thought of the older every single night before closing his eyes. Where he still hides his journal full of Yeonjun's polaroid pictures in his drawer. But still Soobin hates Yeonjun.


[628 words]

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