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Set fire to the rain


Soobin and Yeonjun were walking in the world of silence. Crisp air blowing through their head. It was a different scene for Soobin though he had been walking through
these streets for ages now but not even in his subconscious mind he thought he would be with Yeonjun one day roaming here .

"I don't think it's Seoul . We've been wandering here and there and still no opened store visible to our sight." Yeonjun whined.

"Who made you think it's Seoul. And don't worry there is a place . Just a few more steps."

"Are you tricking me? "Yeonjun subtly glared at Soobin.

"And why would I do that?' Soobin raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know . I thought you wanted to walk with me though I see no reason for that . You probably hate me. Not only you , everyone ." Yeonjun looked above fidgeting his fingers ending up with no conclusion. He admired the sky. He was kinda jealous of the vast sky thinking it has nothing to deal with.

Soobin didn't reply. He just kept walking.

They stopped Infront of a small store which was only occupied with one old customer swigging on his beer can.

"You sure it's a good place?' Yeonjun asked as he scanned the shabby place.

"It is."

A woman in her mid forties quickly came to them wiping her hand on her apron .

"2 tteobokki with ramen and add cheese only on one of them." Soobin ordered with a smile.

"You remembered?" Yeonjun squinted at the blonde.

"I do."

Silence .

"Soobin , don't you miss me?" Yeonjun asked in a lower tone expecting a big no from Soobin once again.

Soobin stared at the brunette. Yeonjun was looking pathetic. It reminded him of the first time he encountered with the latter.
He looked at his fingers. Soobin bluntly wanted to say yes I fucking missed you as hell. But he contemplated.

"Tell me now. I might die then..." He was shut by a finger. Soobin's concerned face somehow made Yeonjun's heart raptured.

"What the hell. Don't bring deaths to me." Soobin bristled at the older.

"Then tell me ." Yeonjun didn't mend .

"I did but I don't do anymore. I've my family and work so I remain engaged." Soobin uttered the truth when it wasn't actually the whole truth.

By the meantime their order was served but no one ate busy with their bittersweet moments.

"Is your wife beautiful?" Yeonjun asked gaze on his snickers.

"What are you talking about ?"

"Don't worry I won't hit on her. Moreover I'm not into married women ." Yeonjun gave a conceited shrug.

"Eat your food before it gets cold." Soobin ignored the previous statement as he started digging onto his food.

"Ajumaa can you give us a bottle of soju ?" Yeonjun asked picking his head out on the lady.

"Don't drink too much so that I have to give you a piggyback ride to home . And also take this note we don't get taxi here available after 11:00 pm. "

"What a backdated area!"

One bottle. Two bottle. And here Yeonjun goes with the third bottle of soju .
Soobin's non-stop efforts to hold back the older just didn't worked a bit on Yeonjun. He kept drinking nonchalantly. He missed Taehyun's drink. But he can't drive to Seoul just to drink from the blue haired male's bar.

Yeonjun was knocked out still slurring.

Soobin apologized for the ruckus the brunette made and the thing that was bothering him was just Infront of him.
Before Soobin even approached Yeonjun hoped on the younger .

"Yay piggyback ride. Soobinaaa carry Junnie." He said happily.

"What a peaceful day. " Soobin cursed merely but inside he was pleasured as he saw the enthusiastic side of Yeonjun. The older used to love piggyback rides from the younger. He even roamed the whole campus carrying the brunette on his back. It brings back memories. Nostalgic feelings.

"Soobina hates Junnie. Everyone hates Junnie." Yeonjun hummed sadly.

"No one hates you Hyung." Soobin assured though he knows it's worthless to talk to a drunkard.

"Junnie loves Soobinaaa." Yeonjun poked Soobin's cheeks.

"Junnie cares for his friends." He pouted.

"Junnie didn't hit Kai." Yeonjun started crying.

Soobin didn't know how to manage this big baby and carry him literally to his apartment. So he came with an idea which he was thinking moment they left the store . He should just take the brunette to his house which is nearer then Yeonjun's.

Shoving off all thoughts he let his intrusive win.

He bought the older to his house. All way home Yeonjun just kept pulling his cheeks and uttering useless/useful proverbs.

Soobin carried Yeonjun to his room tiptoeing. Enough cautious to not woke up anyone .

He placed Yeonjun on his bed and gave a loud sigh. Yeonjun was lighter then before ofcourse but carrying someone all the way isn't that easy .

Yeonjun was asleep by the time so Soobin slightly removed his shoes along with his socks. Seeing how Yeonjun still wears those bear designed socks made Soobin giggle.

Yeonjun looked uncomfortable as he kept rolling from this side of the bed to that side. It was probably because of his shirt as he has habit of wearing comfy clothes on bed.

Soobin hesitates but still got Yeonjun rid of his shirt. He noticed how Yeonjun's squishy stomach looked thin. He remembered nuzzling his stomach. Soobin's felt so anxious about the older. He changed Yeonjun into a pajama. And it was the perfect chance for him to treat the older's wounds.

Soobin had done it multiple times. So he knows. He wiped his wounds with anticeptic soaked in cotton pad. Then gently applied ointment on them. Slowly caressing on them . Lastly he put the fresh bandages.

Hope you don't hurt yourself hyung. Soobin murmured solemnly.

Yeonjun was looking like a 8 y/o child taking nap. How adorable the male was looking. Soobin missed this view. He kept stroking the brunette's hair. He used to love to take care of Yeonjun even if was younger then him. Babying Yeonjun was Soobin's favourite Job which he quit four years ago.



[1020 words]
I love Lana ;

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