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Dark paradise
                [Lana del Rey]


Yeonjun was walking through the alley.
He liked this place. It was so calm and quite. Very few human presence. It gave him comfort. It wasn't that late at night but still felt like midnight. Cold breeze was blowing through his head bringing a friendly atmosphere. Yeonjun was practically dawdling with lots of burdens in his head. At a point he came Infront of the cafe.

La veste cafe

Yeonjun stared at the cafe blankly. Clenching his fist with melancholy.

What if I had never joined here? What if I had never met him again? Would it be different? Would my guiltiness disappear?or may be less extreme?
Does Soobin feels nothing towards me?
He surely doesn't.
He just hates me after all.
I deserve this though.
Heuning, Beomgyu,Taehyun and Soobin they all hate me.
I did them so wrong.
Should I just die?
Will they be happy?
Will it be considered as my punishment?

"Yeonjun?" A sudden touch on the shoulder made Yeonjun turn back but he didn't flinch this time as he was in his absent mind far away from the existing place.

"What are you doing here at this hour?" Unexpectedly Soobin's voice was gentle and soft.

Seeing the familiar male right Infront of his blurry sight had less impact on him because little voices in his head was too strong.

"I don't know just came for a walk ." Yeonjun shrugged armlessly.

"I left my phone inside . Do you want some hot chocolate?" Soobin wanted to punch his face the moment he encountered him that was the plan but the way the older looked just made Soobin feel soft . The fragile and pale face Soobin already knew . Yeonjun looked lifeless. White crust on his plump lips.
Eyes looked like a pneumonia patient.
Yeonjun just looked anemic.

"Yeah sure ." Voice dismal.

Soobin unlocked the cafe and let Yeonjun to go inside first and he went after.

Yeonjun sat in the empty cafe and Soobin went to the kitchen.
After couple of minutes Soobin came with two cups filled with hot chocolate.
He placed them on the table.
And sat opposite of Yeonjun.

They looked at each other with eyes full of admirations. The love they lost .
Yeonjun clutched his arm with the lost hope and immediately gasped for air as his previous wounds excruciatingly hurt him. Strands of his old memories with the blonde quickened his heartbeat.

"But you're my friend I can't feel like this for you ."

The male on the opposite wasn't suffering any less. His mind reminded him of that one old situation. That one rejection.

Both of their hearts were racing with the awkward silence. The cafe was almost dark as Soobin just turned on two dim lights.

"Drink it ." Soobin broke the silence before the situation could get worst.

Yeonjun stopped scratching his fingers and looked at the blonde. The orange yellow light just enhanced Soobin's beauty then it already was. His blonde hair,love shaped lips,siren eyes ,and the cute dimple was just mesmerizing. The way Soobin tugged his hair behind his ears made him drowned with attractiveness. Soobin drew his lower lip between his bunny teeth skittishly.

Yeonjun wanted to feel those . Feel everything of the blonde.
No because Soobin is his first love and maybe the last .

Yeonjun's flustered eyes were just transfixed on Soobin and Soobin could feel the tension.
They never confessed but both of them felt something towards each other which was beyond platonic . Something excluded from their friendship.

From afar, Soobin steal glances
if we touch hands, will I lose you?

Not only held hands.
Soobin quite felt to hug the brunette.
So he pulled his chair closer.

So much closer that they can hold hands.
Their knees were touching.

Soobin tilted his head forward and he could hear Yeonjun's breathe.
The urge to touch each other growled in both of their stomach. Apprehensively staring at each other's eyes. Timid emotions dropping as their sweat . The sudden shivers running throw them. Thin air pushing them forward.
He looked at Yeonjun if the closeness made him uncomfortable but Yeonjun was still holding the same gaze uneffected by the sudden closeness.

Another minute of staring before both of them moved forward in unison and their lips met . Just a small peck of assurance.

They pulled away . Still glancing at each other from the same distance.

"It's so odd, I loved you so much for sure.
I adapted myself entirely to you, I wanted to live for you.
But as I kept doing so, I became unable to bear the storm inside my heart." Yeonjun whispered in Soobin's ear and walked away.


782 words

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