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   Bigger person
             [Lauren Spencer Smith]


TW: implications of violence and self harm.

Soobin drove to their den in a gloomy midnight.
The moon appeared in crescent.
Autumn breezes blowing from north inviting the winter.
He needed money. And ofcourse they don't keep huge quantity of money in their house because people mostly neighbors might suspect.
Soobin lives in a ordinary apartment. He also works in a gym as a receptionist in daytime.
That's what his parents know as his income source.

Soobin parked his car somewhere in a little distance from their den and walked the way to it.
He unlocked the den with passcode. But walking inside made him kinda sick. It smelled rotten,shabby.
Heuning told to clean it but again noone took initiative.
Soobin kind of covered his nostrils with his hand and kept walking.
It was completely dark and Soobin couldn't even find the switchboard so he took help of his phone's torch.
Soobin walked more dense to the last room and his spine locked.
He could feel someone's presence.
And Soobin is scared of ghost.
And he watched in movies that ghost stays in this kind of abandoned and dirty places.
And moreover it was midnight.

Soobin walked creepily and discovered the switchboard and turned on the light quickly.
He looked around and jumped on his toes by looking at a human figure sitting on the couch .
But as soon as they made eye contact Soobin realized it was none other than Yeonjun.

"What the hell are doing here turning off all the lights sitting like a ghost?" Soobin yelled and Yeonjun looked up .

"I just came." Yeonjun mumbled. He was practically looking like a living corpse.
Soobin ignored the older and tried searching for a bag with bills. Because everytime he pays attention something ridiculous happens.

"Soobin why are you ignoring my presence?" Yeonjun came closer and whispered smokily in Soobin's ear.
Soobin kept his posture stiff pretending Yeonjun to be ineffectual on him .

"I'm just minding my business." He retorted sharply.

Yeonjun looked at him for a second and suddenly pushed him to the wall and put his hands against the wall on the other side of Soobin trapping him between his arms.
Soobin was stupefied at the sudden action.
"What the fuck Yeon-"

"Who are you to ignore me?" Yeonjun bristled. Soobin's gaze remained on him and he could picture how the dark brown on Yeonjun's eyes were turning red with his
growing exasperation.

"You reek of alcohol and sex!" Soobin scrunched his nose in distaste averting his face from the uncomfortable proximity of the older.

"Do I ?" A smug smile formed on Yeonjun's lips.

"Fuck off. Just let me go Hyung " Soobin cried deflated with a sigh.

"Hyung" Yeonjun smirked at the honorific.
"Call me that again. I love it when you call me by that. "

"You're sick!" Soobin shouted ,voice weak.
Yeonjun's gaze trailed up rounded shoulder and strong neck reaching the straight line of Soobin's jaw.

"Let go." Soobin pushed the older with full energy and he was successfully free from his clutches.

"Who the fuck do you think you are huh?" Yeonjun yelled from behind.
Soobin stopped.
He turned back .

"Me?" He looked at Yeonjun's eyes.

"Yes you. You are just a fool. Look you taking a handful of money. It wouldn't even happen without me." A lopsided grin appeared in Yeonjun's lips.

"Oh really? Soobin threw a mocking laugh.

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