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Soobin drove with uncle back in Gangnam next day noon and they reached by afternoon.

The whole journey only brought restlessness in Soobin. The urge to meet Yeonjun was everywhere in him . They couldn't even talk last time neither they were in the situation but after hearing everything from Taehyun he couldn't blame Yeonjun anymore. Not anymore. The boy wasn't normal. And Soobin wandered if Maria was even a good choice for him. Soobin was definitely acting outside his authority but if that helps Yeonjun to get out of his miseries he'll definitely not step back.

After reaching their destination,taking Yeonjun's number from uncle Seung-an was the first thing Soobin did because this time he didn't want to be in an uninvited situation once again.

After taking some rest , Soobin finally  woke up but it was already 11 at night. Oh shit bummer!! He wanted to call Yeonjun so bad but it was already so late. After opting with his urge he finally let his intrusive thoughts win. He called Yeonjun shamelessly.

After missing the calls twice Yeonjun finally picked up in the third attempt.

"Hello." His voice was groggy.

"Hi Yeonjun Hyung,it's Soobin." Soobin quickly responded.

"Soobin? Oh this your number?" After getting the identification of the caller Yeonjun's voice quipped into a soft one mixed with a little haziness.

"Yeah. Uhm can we meet?" He approached hesitantly.

"Y..yeah sure?" Yeonjun stuttered because it was something new but agreed later.

"Ok then meet me tomorrow after work ?" Soobin mumbled resisting his urge to say let's meet now.

"Yeah but Tomorrow?" Yeonjun emphasized the last word.

"Yeah do you have plans?" Soobin's voice faltered with dismal.

"No but we can now if you want?" Yeonjun asked boldly.

"NOW?' Yeonjun could definitely read Soobin's mind.

"Yeah ?"

"Okay then meet me at Gangnam Giant clock in an hour?" Soobin asked delightedly.

"Yeah okay." Yeonjun declined the call and hugged his comforter in excitement.

Soobin wasn't any less excited and happy.
Soobin wanted to clarify some things. He knew that Yeonjun was suffering as well but he isn't the one to be expressive.

As it was almost the end of autumn the atmosphere was cold . So Soobin picked a black polar neck sweater matching with a light brown overcoat along with grey formal pants. He combed his hair in a decent way. Applied some moisturizer on his glazed cheeks . He put on his favourite vanilla perfume and stood Infront of the long mirror.
Soobin likes to wear formal attire unlike Yeonjun. A cheeky smile plastered his face as he looked handsome Infront of the mirror.

On the other hand, Yeonjun was lucky that Maria went to  Lea's place tonight .So the house was all his.

Yeonjun quickly took a shower because going out without shower makes him feel insecure and this was basically a date because Soobin asked him out so he had to be confident, boisterous.

Yeonjun dried his hair after applying hair essence .

After wasting fifteen minutes Infront of his closet he was still disoriented on what to wear and time was running.
But Yeonjun finally ended chosing his outfits.
He  selected a white tank top because that would make the curves of his abs visible and paired it up with a denim jacket.And white sweatpants beneath that. Yeonjun picked his  favourite lavender cologne to put on him.
After applying some decent amount of moisturizer Yeonjun still felt that he lacked the natural glow because he was stressing so he put on some small amount of foundation. He added some black eyeshadow to manifest his eyes and a touch of pink lip tint made his look complete.

He buckled his favourite jaguar sneakers and got into his car. It'll be a  long night.
He thought.

[630 words]

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