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[Camila Cabello]


That night Yeonjun didn't return home. Maria waited but Yeonjun had no trace. She called but no one picked. It was 3:00 am in the morning. Maria panicked. So she dialed the only number she could think of. Uncle Seung-an.

The call was picked on the third time.

"He..hello."The voice was sleepy. Ofcourse you'll not stay up until 3:00 am in the morning unless you've insomnia or you're drama addicted .

"Uncle ... uncle..I'm Maria. Is Yeonjun with you?" Panic in her voice.

"Dear I'm at home and Yeonjun might have gone home by now?"

"But uncle..uncle cafe closes at 11?"

"Yeah it does. Oh you can contact Soobin Incase. They might be together? Maybe they became friends and hanging out?"

"At this hour? And who's Soobin again?"

"Oh Soobin. He is the old barista in our cafe."

"Okay uncle send me his contact."

"I'm texting you."

Maria was surprised that the phone was picked in the second ring of her first dial. Apparently she assumed nobody picks up their call at this hour so Soobin won't too. But she was glad that he did.

"Hello?" A groggy voice spoke.



"Oh I'm Maria. You won't know me but are you with Yeonjun?" Her voice quavered as she asked impatiently.

"No. It's 3 am or more in the morning. Why would I be with my work mate at this hour?" Soobin sounded gruffy,his voice dripping annoyance.

"Oh. I thought you guys became friends or something because Yeonjun often hangouts with friends he met an hour ago. He's that much amiable."

"Too much information which is not required miss. Yeonjun can but I don't and he's not my friend ." Soobin clarified.

"Oh okay. Sorry for the interruption. Goodnight." She hangs up.


Maria immediately woke up from her slumber hearing a door knock. She was waiting for Yeonjun in the living room and somehow she fell asleep. She checked the square wall clock on the wall .

at morning.

She fixed her pajama and ran to the door expecting Yeonjun and gladly it was him .
Yeonjun looked fragile and pale but he just managed to stand up Infront of the door.
Maria stared at him proceeding what should she do and ended up whacking him on the chest .

"Bitch where were you?" She cried .

"I went for a  walk but it took more time than expected." He mumbled.

"I hate you."She jumped on him to give a hug and as Yeonjun wasn't hugging her back she clenched Yeonjun's arm and embraced herself.

Yeonjun mentally groaned in pain as his wound was raw. He just wanted to lay down.
He nudged Maria and just went straight to the washroom.

He felt so helpless. And taking shower helps Yeonjun the best to relief his stress. He turned on the shower and stood there for a while and begin to romove his shirt.
He hissed in pain as water started touching his wound.
Yeonjun stared at his arm hopelessly letting out a sobbing laugh. He saw his image on the mirror.

You're beautiful. He whispered.

He smiled weakly. His thumb traces over his wounds. The bruises from the previous wounds weren't visible . But he created new.
He felt heat get to him . The ugly scars he've to see again for a few weeks.

A frustrated groan left his lips.
He stood lifelessly under the water to bring back his life and don't know how much time it took for him to get relieved from his monotonous thoughts.

He thanked Maria for keeping the first aid kit in washroom. After fixing up his wound hoping it wouldn't be taken as a big deal and trying to figure out the answers to the questions Maria would ask if she sees this.
He cursed under his breath rambling about his certain action. The carelessly tied bandages itches and he cried but it was only audible to him.
He mentally prepared answers of what he was doing in the washroom for so long and came out to find out Maria peacefully sleeping on the bed. He sighed and laid beside her.


[696 words]

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