Page 27

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"It's so odd, I loved you so much for sure.
I adapted myself entirely to you, I wanted to live for you.
But as I kept doing so, I became unable to bear the storm inside my heart." Yeonjun whispered in Soobin's ear and walked away.

  If I really love you
          [Lexi Jayde]

Soobin could've held his hand back,he could've asked all the unsettled situations and all those unasked questions he has been wandering for answers.
But once again he just let Yeonjun leave.
He is now habituated with this.

"Yeonjun for the 15th time I'm asking why are you being so ignorant lately?" Maria scowled her face slamming on the counter.

"Maria trust me this isn't the right time." Yeonjun's hands on his knees,he let out a sigh.

"Then tell me when is the right time? I thought if we move here we'll be able to spend a better time then Seoul but you're just ruining it ." Her voice wobbly,not matching with her previous tone.

Yeonjun stood up straight from bending . He looked straight into Maria's eyes.
"Maria I've nothing in my mind right now. I just want to be myself for fucks sake." He said.

"Yeonjun I hate you ." She fells on the sofa. Glimpse of disappointment on her face is obvious.

"Hate me?Nothing new." Yeonjun shrugged and walked to the room.

Yeonjun got ready in a prim and proper way. It was almost autumn. Cold breezes approaching the season. He wore a black polar neck sweater matching it with his white and black stripes jacket.
He didn't forget to ensure that he smells good .

"I'm leaving for work." He informs a half awake Maria.
Maria didn't respond and watches him leave.

Yeonjun walked the way to the cafe enjoying the morning breeze.
He felt relief seeing the 'open' tag outside.
He slowly begin to open the door when the previous incident from yesterday intervenes his hand .
He opts to go inside. He contemplated in if it would be a prudent decision to go inside.
Simmering with self hatred,love, despair.
His arm twitched in hysteria as he opens the door.
Fortunately there were two customers sitting in the cafe. His stress faltered.

He subtly started walking towards the kitchen.
His eyes trailed up on a familiar man who was busy mixing batter.
Soobin's eyes were gleaming.
He looked genuinely happy.
Yeonjun loved the slight smile on Soobin's lips when he caught Yeonjun staring at him with immense determination.
He enamoured soobin and it was inexhaustible.

"You came?" Soobin asked firmly.

"I did." Yeonjun smiled.

"Then you should help me." Soobin walked to cabinet and took out a packet of flour.
"Come on mix them up with water.
But add water proportionately" he keeps the packet on the counter.

Soobin rushes out outside hearing a bell from another new customer.

They worked,baked,made coffee .
And even talked a very few times plastering smile on each other's face .
Yeonjun perhaps forgot the fact that they had something last night.
It was now finally time to close the cafe.
Soobin wrapped up everything and Yeonjun was waiting for him to finish.

Yeonjun watches as Soobin walks to him with a box.

"Here." He extends his hand to Yeonjun.

"What's this?" Yeonjun asks with hesitation.

"I made them for you." Soobin takes Yeonjun's hand and shoves the box in his hand .

Yeonjun opens the box.
It contained some cookies cutely decorated with baby chocolates.

"But we don't sell cookies." Yeonjun furrows his eyebrows.

"I made them at home." Soobin mumbles.

"For me?"

"Oh God you talk too much." Soobin screeched,his ears turning red with embarrassment.
He couldn't believe he was doing this.

"I was just kidding." Yeonjun Corroborated drawing Soobin's attention and gaze back to him.

He munches on the cookies.He indulged in the cookies practically making "mmm." sound.
Soobin couldn't but giggle at his behavior which made him kinda embarrassed.
Yeonjun absolutely hated this.
He is a bad person.
And Soobin couldn't be looking at him with those eyes.
His eyes should be full of hatred.
He stopped chewing making an attempt to and stomp out of that place.
But Soobin stopped him with oddly gentle hands on his shoulders.

"You just need one person in this world to be yourself with them." Soobin's voice was also gentle as his hands.

A/n : this page is a reference to page 12 and the continuation.

[733 words]

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