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          [ The neighbourhood]


"Taehyun hyung you still didn't tell us how did you find out this beomgyu kid." Heuning asked scrunching his nose at Beomgyu.

"Shut up when you're the kid." Beomgyu winked at the younger intentionally to pull his leg .

"You people are meant to be best buddies." Soobin laughed at the small bickering of the younger. It's in his regular sight after Taehyun included Beomgyu in their small friend group.

"Never!" Heuning snapped.

"Forever." Beomgyu wrapped his arm around the younger.

"Oh you clingy kids." Taehyun winced at them ,his boba eyes sparkling like always.

And there Yeonjun was sat all silent. He didn't know any of them just their names. And he was introverted as Hell . Opening his mouth will be a stress for everyone. It was all in his mind but he enjoyed their conversations. It's not like he had friends anyways.

Soobin asked him some random questions time to time so Yeonjun wouldn't feel left out.

"So Taehyun you're not telling us how did you become friend with Gyu?" Soobin smirked at the squirrel.

"Oh God you people ." He sighed .
"He plays guitar, live." Taehyun finally choose to response.


"On Instagram." Beomgyu added.

"You didn't tell us." Soobin pouted .

"It's not like you use social media Grandpa." Heuning answered making a disgusted face at the older.

"I've an account..."

"With 50 followers?"

"Heuning stop teasing hyung." Taehyun scolded the youngest.
Heuning listens to him but just occasionally.

"So tell us Soobin hyung how did you met Yeonjun hyung?" Beomgyu asked with growing curiosity.

"We...just..mmet..." Soobin stuttered purposely because he definitely didn't want to bring up that odd situation.

"He rescued me." Yeonjun boldly said .
This was the first time he threw words among everyone after they got acquainted with them in these few hours.

"Rescued? Interesting. How?" Heuning showed enthusiasm.

"I slipped in a drain and he pulled me out." Yeonjun simply said with a poker face that no one could detect the lie.
Even Soobin became astonished.
He gawped at the older but soon he added to alter any suspections .

"Yes and he stinked like a whole dustbin ." He crinkled his nose in distaste to show the effect.

"Wow that's kinda odd but funny." Taehyun chuckled along with beomgyu and Heuning.

"Oh Beom what's your Instagram tell me? I want to follow." Soobin passed his phone to Beomgyu and he typed .Heuning also took it.

"Taehyun must be your fan." Heuning complemented scrolling Beomgyu's profile.

"Sure he is." Beomgyu smirked in reply .

"Yeonjun hyung what's your insta?" Beomgyu asked.

"I don't have." Yeonjun muttered.

"You don't? But you look like a rich kid who's on drugs . Kinda spoilt brat aura ." Heuning shrugged looking perplexed.

"Shut the hell Kai!" Soobin bristled at the younger. He was defending Yeonjun unsure. Because Yeonjun could actually be on drugs. Because he looks like autumn's dried leaves. But still throwing outspoken comments on someone is morally wrong.

"Heuning mend your manners idiot." Taehyun glared .

"My bad. It was too much I guess. Sorry." Heuning glanced at Yeonjun and looked back .

"I don't do drugs. And I look good the other time. Just not now." Yeonjun replied solemnly.

"It's Okay ." Soobin patted his shoulder.


[534 words]
Should I make a schedule on uploading the chapters?

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