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                       [Billie Eillish]

Soobin was crashing coffee beans in a proper way ofcourse for Yeonjun to learn asap though his mouth didn't do a single sound. It could be called a silent treatment but he was actually teaching. Yeonjun stared blankly at the blonde balling his fist to prevent the continuous malfunction of his hand. He closed his eyes but still couldn't focus. This could just be a bad dream? What the hell was he trying to accomplish. Yeonjun's hand reached his pocket as he took out his phone and the top notifications popped up on his lock screen.


Did u reached?

Hey babe ?

R u lost ?

What's happening?

YJ ❤️

I reached n I'm


Fuck!where were u?

   YJ ❤️

I was busy


How is your new co worker
did u met uncle?

     YJ ❤️

He's nice igs. N I
met uncle.


I already miss u.

"Are you even looking?" He was interrupted by that uncomfortable voice.

"Oh yeah I was checking time." Yeonjun replied hesitantly.

"You've a big watch set in your wrist and  I don't think it is battery less?" Soobin asked as his gaze droped. He left no air for Yeonjun's answer and kept working.
"You don't have to work here if you aren't interested."he added later.

"I'm interested it's just that you're distracting me." Yeonjun muttered scratching his knuckles.

"I hope we'll talk formally."

Geez I hate this situation. Yeonjun mumbled under his breath.

Yeonjun's intrusion to ask if Soobin was doing good or not. Ask about his health. Did his Mbti changed into E even if it doesn't seems so. And if he is still aquatinted with the others and a lot more. But Soobin's memory loss facade was triggering his stomach. He growled mentally.


Good two hours passed in Yeonjun's customer service. All he did was to just bring orders and serve them. The cooking part was on Soobin as Soobin never intents their cafe to get banned for bad taste. Public response was good then other days as Yeonjun's handsome face pulled many female customers because Soobin usually used to never go in front of customers . They had an waiter such as Yeonjun. But the old man got sick and left. Not to mention the cafe was closed for 9 days and they needed to hire worker but no one approached and that's the reason uncle impatiently registered Yeonjun as a worker though he was summoned by Maria so it happened to be 2 plus 2 .

"Woah as expected cafe is running well ." Uncle appeared clapping his hands while Yeonjun was putting orders on table. He smiled at Yeonjun and went straight to the kitchen.

Yeonjun followed him.

"Soobin are the
children doing okay?"

"They are. Just the younger one caught a cold last night but I gave him medicines."

"Hope you can handle everything well."

"Thank you Uncle."

Yeonjun happened to overheard their conversations when he had no intentions of doing so. But that just made him remain flabbergasted.
Soobin's a dad? And not child but children? But he's just 23? What on the earth is happening? When did he got married? tho Yeonjun wasn't expecting an invitation ofcourse but still he was at least worth of getting the news .

Yeonjun faked a cough to make sure they doesn't assume him as an eavesdropper. He handed the orders to Soobin.
"You're doing good." Uncle appreciated him with a cheeky smile.

Yeonjun passed a smile back.

11:00 pm. Cafe closing time. Here people slips over work early so the cafe is closed before midnight. Soobin arranged the kitchen well while Yeonjun did the rest. Both of them never talked unless the necessary stuffs.
Yeonjun and Soobin both were about to leave when a horn beeped outside the cafe. A white car was passing the sound pollution standing outside the cafe. Yeonjun had to just pass the account of customers he made . He glanced at Soobin as a question that if the car came for Soobin but Soobin looked unbothered so he assumed it was for someone else. But when he saw a familiar figure coming out of the car he with in a split second knew it was for him.

"Come outside quickly." Maria shouted from outside waving her hand .

Yeonjun had no idea where Maria got this giant because it was not their black jeep.
Soobin noticed the situation so he asked Yeonjun to put the accounts book aside and leave.

"You sure you can count all of them?" Yeonjun asked worriedly , his face showed concern for the younger as if Soobin isn't working in this cafe for the past years .

"Calculator was invented for a reason." SOOBIN scoffed.

Yeonjun threw him a last glance and left .


[800 words]

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