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   [The Chainsmokers]


Yeonjun plopped down on the sofa as he saw his parents arguing for the 100th time.
He hate this .

He ran to his room and slammed the door .
Only music could save him at this point so he turned on the volume.

He danced rhythmically. He swinged his body with the beat . He felt enthusiasm rushing on his veins.
He danced backward.
He got involved with the music.
His lips tugged into a joyous smile.
Yeonjun hates the reality and believes in a bluefish which he sees swimming in his room . It follows him sometimes.
Yeonjun wasn't delusional.
Rather that was his reality .

Yeonjun couldn't focus on dance any longer as his bluefish sunk in the ocean.
Yeonjun remembered that he might have some friends.
And his mind could freely think about only one contact on his phone.
He dialed and Soobin picked.

"Will you all come at my house ? I'll text the address."


"I've a surprise."

"Wow I love surprises. Well I'll text others too ."

Yeonjun stole the car's key and ran outside .
He saw how excited his friends were .
"Let's go somewhere." Yeonjun approached.

"You look pretty today." Heuning exalted even if he didn't want to but he had to admit that Yeonjun was actually looking fresh compared to school. The accessories complemented his red strawberry hair which enhanced his beauty .

Everyone remain shocked when Yeonjun offered to drive that big white jeep.

"Do you even have a license hyung."Taehyun questioned .

"I know how to drive. Let's go ."

"Life is all about experience." Heuning hopped on the car enthusiastically. He whewed to clarify his excitement.

The other three contemplated but finally got in.
They allowed Soobin to sit beside Yeonjun as they were friends before them.

Yeonjun pulled the gearshift and pressed his foot on the accelerator. The car threw a small bump but started well off.
Yeonjun enjoyed his friends purposely cheering in the car.

"Never knew Yeonjun Hyung was averagely a good driver ." Beomgyu complemented exultantly smiling at the older.

" I prefer not getting complements right here." Yeonjun threw a decent smile.

Soobin felt so proud for no reason when he watched Yeonjun swiveling the steering wheel. He never witnessed this side of Yeonjun. Though they might be not friends for long but Yeonjun always held an enigmatic aura for Soobin. He wanted to read the boy he couldn't cross the barrier of chapter one. Seeing Yeonjun cheerful made Soobin's heart swipe in a light motion . He felt a new urge to discover the boy.

"Hey let's play music ." Heuning exclaimed.

"Let hyung focus on driving ." Taehyun suggested eyeing the younger .

"It's ok . Music gives me peace anyway. " Yeonjun assured from the front seat .

"Well then let me play music." Soobin approached and Yeonjun nodded.

"I'm playing closer." Soobin informed gleefully.

Hey, I was doing just fine before I met you
I drink too much and that's an issue, but I'm okay
Hey, you tell your friends it was nice to meet them
But I hope I never see them again

I know it breaks your heart
Moved to the city in a broke-down car, and
Four years, no calls
Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
And I, I, I, I, I can't stop
No, I, I, I, I, I can't stop

So, baby, pull me closer
In the back seat of your Rover
That I know you can't afford
Bite that tattoo on your shoulder
Pull the sheets right off the corner
Of that mattress that you stole
From your roommate back in Boulder
We ain't ever getting older

We ain't ever getting older

We ain't ever getting older

You look as good as the day I met you
I forget just why I left you, I was insane
Stay and play that Blink-182 song
That we beat to death in Tucson, okay

The song played merely but mentally it just motivated Soobin to throw glances at the older with every of it's lyrics. He could never relate to this song anymore then ever now.

"This song is so good. Never heard this. " Yeonjun looked at Soobin reticently and his eyes gleamed.

"I've always wanted to play this in car and I'm glad you loved it ." Soobin's eyes gratified as he folded his hands behind the back.

The others enjoyed the ride same.

After dropping everyone not at their home but at their respective nearest lane it was only Soobin and Yeonjun left in the car.

"You're good at many things but why do I always get a disconcerted demeanour from you ?" Soobin spoke as his voice showed concern for the older.

"You know nothing about me." A humorless chuckle left Yeonjun's lips.

"Then tell me?"

"Try to find out." Their gazes connected and meeting his gaze Soobin realized he could bury in the brown of his eyes if he allowed himself to which only fueled his fear .
Was he falling for Yeonjun.
And once he fell there was no coming back.

" Yeah okay ." A slight quaver in Soobin's voice.

"Hey I didn't meant to put you in a awkward situation."The ghost of a smile graced Yeonjun's lips for a fragment of a second.

And that's where their conversation pulled in a dot because Soobin's intangible feelings even didn't let him glance at the older one more time.


[895 words]

A/n : so if your reading then it's for you.Idk if this is a long process or not or am I pulling their relationship way too long. But as I informed that I wrote it a while ago just doing some proofreading. So pls lmk should I shrink it into a quicky .
Then I'll modify it otherwise>

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