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"Yeonjun Hyung joined the basketball team?"Soobin's jaw grounded his eyelids accompanying with it .

"You didn't know?" Taehyun asked in disbelief.

"We literally have a match next week and they're recruiting new member?"

"Someone left. And the PE teacher already tested Yeonjun Hyung to check his capability and you'll be shocked to know that he plays really well. I mean like he looks professional while throwing the ball in the hoop." Taehyun's conviviality appeared as his eyes brightened.
He looked proud of the older.

"Did you saw him playing?" Soobin's voice was rough this time because internally he felt kinda jealous of the older and seeing his best friend praising Yeonjun's sportsmenship really bothered him a bit  because Soobin was the one to be called the athletic in the school.

"Just  check the video our sports teacher  sent in the group. I'm getting late for class . " Taehyun left running.

The last class ended and Soobin walked to the basketball ground holding a distraught face.
He didn't see Yeonjun in the break time to ask him about his new recruitment in the basketball team. Soobin was also disappointed at the older because despite of knowing that Soobin was a member in basketball faculty Yeonjun didn't bother to tell him about his recruitment.

Entering the destined place Yeonjun was the first person Soobin's eyes encountered. He was playing cheerfully with two of their teammates. He looked so delighted and lively. From afar Soobin observed him playing and the ecstatic smile on his face just made all of Soobin's anger faint away.
Yeonjun's rare smile was Soobin's weakness even if it was not with him.

Yeonjun suddenly noticed Soobin standing afar ,his arms crossed and a small smile on his face.
Yeonjun ran to Soobin holding the same smile.
"Did you see me playing?" He asked gleefully.

"I did." Soobin replied simply.

"I forgot to tell you about this." He pointed to the basketball he was holding. "Actually I was a pro in middle school but left it halfway. So as soon as Jiwo told that someone left the team I immediately contacted the sports teacher." He added later.

"It's okay actually it's not like you've to say me everything happens in your life ." Soobin replied as the smile on his face faded away.

"Soobin let's play together." Yeonjun wrapped his arm around Soobin's shoulder and poked his cheek playfully.

And there was Soobin was once again defenseless, walking together with Yeonjun shamelessly.

They started playing seriously as soon as the sports teacher arrived and Taehyun also joined afterwards with them.
Soobin felt kinda nervous because two tensions were colliding  inside him creating a burning sensation on his heart.
First, they've match next week.
Second, Yeonjun's presence.
Yeonjun was playing with full potential and energetically while Soobin could barely just move his legs. Everytime the teacher blew on his whistle it pushed Soobin to reality.
Taehyun checked on him once or twice if he was okay because Soobin wasn't performing his best not even his half.

They kept playing and the teacher even scolded Soobin for playing clumsily.
And the last minute when Yeonjun dribbled the ball to Soobin because he was positioned  to the arc  so he could shoot but Soobin just stared at the ball without any reflexes and it just straight hit him and he fell .

Everyone's attention immediately went on Soobin and they glanced at him in aw.
Soobin felt so embarrassing because of the awkward glances he was getting. He clutched his fist strongly with the growing rage.
Yeonjun quickly walked to him and extended his hand to the younger.
Yeonjun's this action implied an intense emotional state induced by displeasure in Soobin's heart . He looked at the older with his indecipherable siren eyes.
The old nostalgic feelings hit him up .
The way Yeonjun was a nerd back then who didn't even participated in any kind of sports.
The Yeonjun who used to talk rarely.
The Yeonjun who was practically shy in conversations .
The Yeonjun who used to blush everytime Soobin complimented him .
The fragile Yeonjun he met .
The Yeonjun who kissed him in a frenzy of emotion.
And right after that -
Soobin definitely wanted to Yeonjun to stand a hit but he didn't want the older to be ignorant.
An instant later overlooking Yeonjun's helping hand Soobin stood up on his own. He apologized to everyone and got out of the area .

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