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     [Shawn Mendes]

"He's out old barista,Choi Soobin."

Yeonjun ofcourse noticed his coworker before uncle mentioned his name.. His eyes transfixed on the blonde no sooner he shut eyes apprehensively as he shakes his finger like a club. His mouth snapped shut. His head started spinning.Why in the world out of 7 billion people it has to be him?!?. Yeonjun kept looking at him and it was obvious by his gaze.

Uncle didn't understood the assignment so he just broke the awkward silence with his laughter.

"Soobin shi this is Yeonjun. And what's your surname?" He asked Yeonjun .

"Huh?" Yeonjun's eyes went round.


"Oh ... Choi Yeonjun."he stuttered confusingly.

"Oh you people share same surname. That's great. Be good friends then ."Uncle Seung-an smiled with a  sound.

"Soobin shi please explain and teach basics to Yeonjun."

"Sure." Soobin gave uncle a perky smile.

"Okay then I've to leave. You guys carry on." Uncle smacked on Yeonjun's shoulder and left placing him in a total uneasiness.

Soon as uncle left soobin went in the other side of the kitchen keeping Yeonjun in an aww.
Yeonjun felt pathetic and he hated it most. He wanted to leave this place right now. He regretted coming over here. He never even in his wildest nightmare imagined that he've to face this guy out of literally no where. He wanted to cry. He wanted to run. He wanted to erase everything. He wanted to change his existence. He felt so helpless.

"Here is your apron." But pushing his thoughts aside Soobin came to him with a apron in his hand.

Yeonjun kept staring at him. He swallowed thickly. His traumatic past which he left behind was right Infront of him. Will it be awkward if he runs away once again.

"Soobin-ah you...."

"I would like if you call me by barista Choi which everyone calls me. And let's be professional. I don't want to talk further ." Soobin spoke with a poker face as if he just met Yeonjun first time ever in his life .
"I'm keeping this here wear it and come this side ." Soobin kept the apron on the rack and left. He looked careless and that's what made Yeonjun anxious more. Is it the same Soobin he used to know? He wondered. His legs trembled and hands keep shaking with his growing anxiety.

He wore the apron and went to Soobin who was busy in crashing coffee beans.

Seeing Yeonjun soobin spoke "so did you studied about this job?"

"You know every...."

"Let's be professional barista Yeonjun." Soobin's voice dropped colder .

Geez I hate this shit. Yeonjun mentally stabbed. How can he be so nonchalant. I can't even read those eyes which was purposely written for me.

"I did but I didn't complete the courses."

"Ok so let's start with crashing coffee beans. You try crashing them." Soobin offered Yeonjun.
Yeonjun's whole universe changed with in a split second and he is expected to act normal like nothing happened. Half part of Yeonjun wanted to hug the blonde,wanted to celebrate their reunion . Again other half part just wanted to run very far away and never come back. But Yeonjun couldn't do any of these rather he had to now crash coffee beans. When did I become this pathetic that I can't choose any part of my instincts?The familiarity and unfamiliarity of Soobin's tone, gestures triggered Yeonjun mentally.His intrusive thoughts gets growing.

Yeonjun started to crash those stray beans when his mind was out of the planet. Did Soobin got into an accident which resulted his memory loss or he's just feigning ignorance. Yeonjun felt kinda scared too. What if Soobin starts asking him questions he has no answer of.

"You're just waisting the beans and killing time." Soobin reminded him in a resonate voice. Soobin rarely used to sound like that. Is it even Soobin?

"Soobin are you Soobin ?" The question was too lame and silly to ask but Yeonjun couldn't organize his words more nicely right now.

"What ?"

"Do I know you?" It was Yeonjun's smart move. He couldn't be Soobin's twin or could he be?

"How would I know that?But I can ensure you that I don't know you ." Soobin said with a straight face .

"Thank God ." Yeonjun sighed .

"You better sit there and watch me preparing the coffee beans." Soobin pointed to the chair .

Yeonjun sat as per told. He didn't want conversations.


[740 words]

(A/N: the italics are used to express Yeonjun's mental thoughts &
can be used to express anyone's mental thoughts.)

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