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Moral of the story


Maria was busy the whole day searching and selecting  dresses for their engagement .Yeonjun on the other hand turned off his phone and stayed at home though Maria tried to convince him for going to shopping but Yeonjun wasn't someone approachable.
The depression and anxiety which he left far behind started to hover over him once again.
He could see the glimpse of the blue fish in his dreams. Yeonjun was again having lucid dreams.
It's been three days since he saw Soobin. Three days of their intimacy. And Yeonjun was once again running not because he wanted but he had to.

Maria came back from shopping.
She cheerfully threw the bags on the bed where Yeonjun was laying dully.
"Guess what I brought!!" She exclaimed flapping her arms in the air.

"Maria youre jumping as if you won a lottery or something." Yeonjun muttered and sat on the bed.

"What do you mean? We're finally getting engaged. Is it something less than a jackpot?" She whined pouting at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun just squinted at her before going back to his so called nap but Maria interrupted him.
"Ya why're you being so ignorant. Just look at the shoppings. " she growled whacking at Yeonjun's arm.

"Show me." Yeonjun threw a defeated sigh.

"Okay so let's go with my dress." Maria enthusiastically started to take out the stuffs from the shopping bag.
She sequenced the bags and started to display the shoppings serially but Yeonjun never paid any attention.
The excitement in her eyes made Yeonjun kinda guilty.
This was the time . He thought.
It wasn't too late.
So he confined Maria by holding her wrist when she was about to take out another piece from her bag.

"What ? Do you want a kiss?"She chuckled.

"Maria I've something very important to say." Yeonjun mumbled looking at his hands.

"What again?" She asked with a annoyed tone.

"I don't think we should get engaged."Yeonjun spoke on the point which made the bag in Maria's hand to fall. She collectively furrows her brows.
"What're you even saying?"

"I don't love you. I don't think I ever did. Our relationship was just limited between robbing banks  to having sex. That's it. Based on this a official relationship can't be formed." Yeonjun clarified but his voice was soft letting her cope up with his harsh words.

"What the actual fuck are you trying to say Choi Yeonjun?" Maria berated her voice consciously rising.

"Do you remember us ever a  having a proper conversation in these four years? Do you know how my lips taste ? Did you ever felt love when we were having sex? Everything between us is so professional. And a marriage is formed on mutual love not on professional bond." Yeonjun clarified still in his most possible soft voice.

"But I love you and you love me .Please Yeonjun." She clenched Yeonjun's hands ,her voice shaky.

"No you don't. If we didn't rob banks and if I didn't support you to live your dream life would you still stay with me? " Yeonjun looked into her eyes because how much you try you can never lie looking at someone's eyes.

"But Yeonjun what about the promises we made of staying by each other ? We were supposed to get married some day." Maria's eyes went shut. Tears rolling down from her eyes.

Yeonjun didn't like that sight. It's true that Yeonjun could never specifically hate her because they stayed together for four years . They got intimated.
Yeonjun couldn't deny that he absolutely had no emotions included in their relationship.
Yeonjun slowly wipes the tears from her
eyes with his thumb.
He had nothing to do but to console her.

"I think it's better for us to stop it here. Police is still searching for us. We are nothing but eloped criminals under search. So if we separate ways it'll be better for us ."


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