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       [Lana del Rey]


"I don't wanna go to work today." Yeonjun wretched in sleep as he squinted at Maria.

"Isn't it just your first week Yeonjun?"Maria furrowed her eyebrows.

"B..but I just don't wanna go." He yawned.

"As if we've surplus money. We can't even use our credit card and we don't have cash in hand either and you're pretending like an emperor." Maria scoffed .

"Are you teasing me?" Yeonjun sneered raising his eyebrows.

"Whatever you assume. Just get ready and go to work. I don't wanna disappoint uncle Seung-an ."



Soobin looked at the brunette as he entered the kitchen sluggishly.

"They asked for croissants." Yeonjun informed.

"Where were you last night." Soobin unheard the older and asked .

"I was at home." Yeonjun didn't look at the blonde.

"No you weren't."

"And why do you care?" Yeonjun quipped and shot the younger with a glare.

"I simply don't bother unless I get calls at midnight and people inquiring me about your whereabouts."

"Oh they did? Sorry my bad."

" All you do in just care about yourself . Stop patronizing yourself as if you are someone very special for this world." Soobin's mouth set in a hard line.

"I'm special though." Yeonjun gave a nonchalant shrug.

Talking with him is useless. Soobin muttered under his breath.

The atmosphere between them was silent as usual. They worked and only talk when they had to pass orders.

Yeonjun rolled his sleeves as he was preparing the brownies to put in the oven.
But his extremely visible bruises couldn't hide Soobin's eyes. Fresh cut. The wounds looked uncleaned. The bandages half sticked to his skin. Soobin hated this sight. He's familiar with this.

Did his words prompt Yeonjun to take this step?Yeonjun's pale face just made him feel more incriminate. Yeonjun turned and caught the younger's gaze on him transfixed. Staring at him with those indecipherable eyes.
Soobin noticed the brunette. His hair was matted down to his forehead. His natural plump lips looked drier. Weakling features. Yeonjun looked haggard.Soobin felt heartache.
Yeonjun never saw Soobin's eyes on him like this. Soobin always held a quite serious demeanor. So Yeonjun wide eyed with wonder.

"Do you want hot chocolate?" Soobin asked softly.

"Huh? You offering me something? That's something new ." Yeonjun smirked .

"Don't get on me . I'm just offering you because.." Soobin stuttered. He had no excuse to make.

"Because?" Yeonjun emphasized.

"Because um.. because we've some leftover chocolates from yesterday." Soobin gave an armless shrug.

"Just use it on customers or throw it?"

"Well we don't waste food . And hyung why do you always bicker with me when I'm politely offering you something?" A pout gracing Soobin's lips which made his love shaped lips more accurate. He looks adorable in Yeonjun's eyes when he does that and it was the first time Yeonjun getting this view on his sight along with the Hyung thingy after he encountered Soobin here . He was visibly confused. Like what on earth changed with in one night.

"Why are you being so sweet?" Yeonjun asked sneering his eyebrows.

"Because you need sweet right now and I'm making you hot chocolate." Soobin left .

Yeonjun noticed Soobin wasn't using any leftover chocolate rather he was using intact chocolate and the customer's pressure was less today so he could put more effort in making Yeonjun's hot chocolate.
Gosh I was so loved.

"Here you go." Soobin gently passed the cup filled with hot chocolate to Yeonjun.

"Thanks." When Yeonjun forwarded his hand to take the cup his sleeves were still rolled up to his elbow and he didn't notice but Soobin did and now more closely. 3-4 cuts. It was deep not like stitches worthy but it didn't look like a cut from bitterness it looked a cut from tender emotions . Soobin wanted to put bandages on his scars. His heart ached. He noticed how Yeonjun's face felt empty. He saw how Yeonjun wanted to cry but couldn't. His eyes glistening from the thought how Yeonjun used to suffer back then and they especially he was there for him.
But now Yeonjun has his better half. More than a friend like Soobin but why does Yeonjun still looks so fragile as if he was holding thousands of burdens which he wanted to throw. Why does Yeonjun's face tells that he wants a warm hug which will feel like home. Soobin intently watched the boy drinking his hot chocolate with universe on his face.

Does Soobin really hates Yeonjun so much or he's really just a  facade ?

Soobin went outside to put orders in table. He let Yeonjun seat inside comfortably.

They didn't talk much after the hot chocolate incident which is recorded as one good interactions between them on their second phase.


"Done for today." Yeonjun gave weary sigh of the day .

"You'll go home today right?" Soobin asked voice oozing concern.

"Home? Yeonjun whew ."Oh the apartment. Yes." He added solemnly.

"Do you want..." Soobin stopped. He shouldn't be approaching Yeonjun to take home. Yeonjun just lives nearby. And remember he hates the brunette.

"I want food. Do you want to eat tteobokki with me?" Yeonjun asked casually with no facial expressions.

"Now?" Soobin's eye widened.

"Yes. Aren't you hungry too?"


"So do you wanna come along?"

"Uh..okay let's go ." Voice quick and crackling.

"You are liking my company." Yeonjun smirked lifelessly.

"I know you're a gregarious type of person so yeah I'm accompanying you for the time being ." Soobin tainted on Yeonjun's statement.

"What about your kids?"

"They're good . Don't worry. " Soobin grinned.


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