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  [Billie Eillish]


Yeonjun didn't know how to contact Soobin.
He made a mess once again and that wasn't connective. So he chose staying at home. Maria wasn't home. She left last night after their argument and still didn't come back.
Yeonjun was bored and he had nothing to do.
And an empty time would give you nothing but bunches of negative thoughts and arise depressions so Yeonjun decided to arrange his clothes from luggages. Winter was also approaching so Yeonjun needed to take out his winter outfits as well.

While taking out the clothes Yeonjun's eyes caught a green muffler. He slowly took the muffler staring at it because it took him a few minutes to recognize it.
"Yeri noona .." Yeonjun mumbles, clenching onto the muffler, tears cascading from his eyes and rolling down through his cheeks.

"Yeonjun today mom scolded me for taking you outside in the valley. She thought I was intentionally doing it because I'm adopted and I'm jealous of you."

"Noona what is adopted?"

"Nothing. Let's play inside. Indoor games are more fun."

"But noona you promised me to show the sunset from the valley today."

"I'll show you when you grow up."

"No I want to watch it today. You promised."

"Yeonjunie mom told me not to take you outside."

"She isn't even home. She'll not know let's go ."

"B.. but Yeonjunie if she  finds  out ..."

"She won't. And if you don't take me today I'll not eat anything."

"Yeonjunie you're such a stubborn kid."

"What's starbuurn?"

"Oh my! It's   s t u b b o r n."

"I don't want to know. Let's go noona."

"Okay but this will be last time. Promise me that?"

"Okayy promise."

"Noona sunsets are so pretty. It's like that painting we saw in the art garlery."

"It's gallery Yeonjun. And don't go near the edge."

"Noona come to this side. It's more pretty from here."

"Hey Yeonjunie stop. That's risky."

"Haha I'm a brave boy. Not like you noona."

"Yeonjun stop I said."

"You come here."

"Yeonjun wait. Yeonjun wait don't go further. I'm coming."

"Catch me if you can. Bleh."

"Yeonjun no heyyyy!!!."

"Noona help......"

"Yeonjun hold on."


"Hold on . Give me your hand."

"Noona I can't..."

"Just a little bit.."

"Noona I'm falling."

"No!!! Here hold my hand."

"Noona I'm here."

"Yes just a little bit  and you can do it."

"Yes noona...."



"Noona did you fell?? Nonna can you hear me?!? Hey noona where did you go???
Nonna mom will scold me if I go home alone
Noona I don't even know the road!!"

"Noona it's getting darker. Please noona sorry I'll listen to you from now. I'll not run.
Please noona come back."

"Noona Yeonjunnie is scared. Please come back. Noona it's dark. I can hear wolves.
Please noona. Please noona."

"Noona I'm sorry. Please noona I'm so scared. Noona please."

Yeonjun engulfed the muffler into his chest.
It was the last gift Yeonjun got from Yeri.
Ever since that day Yeonjun grew up with
GAD. Yeonjun's mom didn't adore Yeri after Yeonjun's birth that much  she was very endear to Yeonjun's dad. He  never missed a chance to blame Yeonjun for his loss. Since that day, Yeonjun had to take all those blames on him. Yeonjun was his own child and just a kid but rather than making him understand the situation and helping him to cope up with it by consoling and explaining him he shouted at him instead.
He used to despise Yeonjun and his mother both. He used to come back home drunk.
After a time ,he completely became a drunkard. He sometimes used to throw stuffs on Yeonjun and his mother.
And since then, it was pillared in Yeonjun's head that he was responsible for Yeri's death.

Yeonjun never wanted to get close to Soobin after he realized that he was falling for the guy. But he was scared. Scared of losing him. Scared of him and Soobin both being a boy. Scared of getting rejected. Even if  he got accepted what would happen. He was not meant to be with someone he loves,he admires,he wants.

"Yeonjun you're surrendering."

"What the fuck are you saying?" Yeonjun stood up from the couch in a frenzy of rage and walked closer to Maria.

"Take all the blame and surrender to the police. Tell them that you kidnapped me and you took me as a hostage and used me to rob banks with you ."

"Are you nuts?" Yeonjun smacked on the table.

"You've actually used me all these years which isn't any less than kidnapping. So at least compensate for breaking our engagement." Maria shrugged and drank the rest of the juice from the glass in her hand.

"Maria stop being so selfish. Why're you pretending like you were any less benefited from it?" Yeonjun took his steps a little bit more closer.

"I don't care ." And suddenly the sirens were heard. " here they are. I've just called them . They're so fast.". Maria sarcastically said before walking to the bedroom  proudly with a  swag.

"I hate you." Yeonjun shouted out loud before grabbing his jacket and getting out of the apartment.


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