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Blue jeans
          [Lana del Rey]


"Did you just dyed your hair pink?"

"I did. Do I look ugly?"

"No hyung you look so pretty and cute."


"Hyung do you want to come to my place tonight?"


"Only you."

"Yeah okay I guess."

Soobin laid on his bed as he felt his heart throbbing. He cuddled his giant molang plushie which Heuning gifted him on his last birthday. Inviting Yeonjun alone in his house with out the presence of his parents was definitely a wrong decision and Soobin wasn't unaware about this. But his intrusive said otherwise. Soobin had no wrong intentions of course but it was evident that Yeonjun made Soobin's heart flutter.
But Soobin basically arranged this event to know the older. Yeonjun was reticent about his private life. And it's not like Soobin didn't tried. He tired, albeit with out success
And Soobin never really got a big amount of private time to spend with Yeonjun. Their conversations is always dry and short but today Soobin bait a chance.

Imagining about his and Yeonjun's so called quality time just made Soobin a blushing fool.

Also doing nothing would make him bored so he
needed to find something else to do since boredoms would Just remind him how delusional and idiotic he was.
So he ended up attempting a very complex homemade dinner he'd ever attempted before shoving off the idea of ordering food .It was made with only burn on his hand as it was his very first attempt to cook something instead of instant ramen . Soobin was once again left task less.

So he took the mop and went on to clean the house. He never did this for a mere friend but ...

After cleaning his house like a shining castle of a princess he put on a nice outfit. Not very gorgeous but he remembered that people often says grey suits him. So he paired up his favourite mickey mouse grey sweatshirt with a while slack. Yeonjun always smells so nice and odours would just suffocate him so Soobin didn't let the chance of using his mom's favourite essence. It actually smells so delicate.

The sudden buzzing of the calling bell bought a thin layer of shiver through Soobin's spine.
It's just Yeonjun.

Soobin ran to open the door and his clumsy ass tripped on the showcase and injured his foot. So he hopped on like a frog and opened the door.

*H..hi ." He embarrassingly chuckled benting his one leg with one of his hand .
When Soobin lifted his head Yeonjun flashed Infront of his eyes which immediately made his mouth agape. Yeonjun was wearing a polar neck pink crop top which complemented his pink hair. The small waist of the older was manifesting as the skinny jeans hung a little bit lower on his hips. The metal earrings shining on his lobe,upper lobe and cartilage. His lips looked more plumpish because of the light lip tint . A little ponytail multiplied his beauty. Yeonjun's appearance just dazzled the younger that he left like he could just get lost in Yeonjun's soft brown eyes forever .And with that gaze of Soobin on him somewhere he also wanted Soobin to get captivated in his eyes. But Yeonjun was just unsure.

"You okay?" Yeonjun asked hesitantly.

"Yeah yeah. Come in." He let his leg down practically limping next to Yeonjun. Soobin tried to remain poise.
Geez I'm a pathetic fool .

"Nice house." Yeonjun looked around.

"You want to come to my bedroom." Okay Soobin doesn't knows the wise choice of words.

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