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romantic homicide


Soobin woke up gross and sticky.
He placed his hand beside him tracing for Yeonjun but his hand only felt a cold touch of the empty bed.  He slowly rubbed his eyes moving his to back to the side to check and he was absolutely correct in his expectation.
Yeonjun wasn't there.
Soobin picked up his phone to check the time .
"Shit it was already 9:35 in the morning "
He cursed under his comforter.
Soobin woke up immediately which lately hurt his waist as his muscles jolted in a twitch.
He didn't run away once again,or did he ? Soobin thought monotonously.

Soobin went to the bathroom before searching up for Yeonjun because he felt dirty. After taking a quick shower he came out. In between the shower watching his naked body memories of him and Yeonjun's captured all over his mind which made him a blushing fool. But it was just momentarily hence he remembers that they weren't a couple nor even a thing.

Soobin came out of the shower wrapped in a towel. He scanned the room and Yeonjun wasn't there. So he really left. Soobin was about to call Yeonjun when his eyes traced a note pressed under the night lamp. He picked up the note to read

" I'm leaving because I don't think I can face you after this."

A drop of tear shed from Soobin's eyes unconsciously. He was aware that something like this might happen but he still wanted to see that vestige of hope which he'll never witness.

"Let's  get engaged?" Maria hopped on the bed beside Yeonjun who was busy checking his phone.
Yeonjun's phone almost fell from his hand but he grabbed it tightly upon reflexes. He wriggled his body to Maria emphasizing an eye contact. He literally just had sex with someone last night. Smell of Soobin was still engulfed around him ,the feeling of orgasm was still raw and suddenly this proposal just bewildered Yeonjun.

"What're you even saying?" Yeonjun lightly said it to make his voice come out silly.

"What?" Maria paused and furrowed her eye brows before continuing " we've been in a relationship for four years now,how long do you want to wait?" Maria sternly asked meeting Yeonjun's eyes.

"But Maria, out of nowhere..." Yeonjun's voice faltered . What could he say? She wasn't wrong either. Just because Yeonjun was unsure about his preference doesn't includes her to suffer .

"Listen Yeonjun I  literally left my family for you.  And now you're acting too distant with me all of a sudden which enhances my doubt. You weren't home last night as well but did I asked you for once that where were you? You are frequently  spending nights outside and I'm totally aware of the fact that you are new to this place and you can't make so much close friends  in just a few days that you can sleepover at their place night after night ." Maria stated her list of complaints slowly and neatly.

Yeonjun couldn't give a comeback because every single word she said was absolutely relevant but didn't she just left her family for money. Didn't she manipulated him to start this relationship.

That one night when police almost caught Yeonjun by following him and he had a handful amount of money with him Maria was the one who gave him a ride. That was the night when they got introduced. Yeonjun was liable to Maria because she saved him and wanted to return her favour with money but she denied. She proposed him to be friends with her instead.
She got greedy because she already figured it out that Yeonjun had a good source of collecting  capital. She befriended with him but told him to keep it a secret. However slowly but steadily she secured herself a place in Yeonjun's heart.
Needless to say she was a drop out medical student who studied psychology. After roaming around with Yeonjun for few days  she understood that Yeonjun had some mental illness and she could easily take control over him just by implying some wicked tricks on him. She pretended to be Yeonjun's well-wisher in front but behind him she was the one who called police for twice after being aquatinted with him  and later  acted saint helping him to elope  .
And that's how she created a trust and assurance in Yeonjun for her. And that's how he manipulated Yeonjun to run with the money leaving his friends behind that night.
Apparently she might have gained feelings for the boy but her first attempt on him was never with good intentions.
She just wanted money and Yeonjun was the source.

Maria already informed some of her friends about the engagement. She was already preparing for it while Yeonjun couldn't process.
Suffice it to say
he even left Soobin just with a piece of paper.
What a coward I am!
Alas that still I'm seeking for confirmation when I clearly saw that love in Soobin's eyes yesterday.


[812 words]

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