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If I really love you
                    [Lexi Jayde]


"Beomgyu hyung WHAT THE FUCK!!!! I've been trying to contact you from last three God-damn hours." Taehyun kicked on the stray pebble,balling his fist.
He wasn't angry at the older ,he was concerned.

"You found me?" Beomgyu threw a discouraging gaze.

"I was running like a lost puppy to find you."

"Just leave me alone Taehyuna." Beomgyu muttered fidgeting his fingers looking at his untied shoe laces.
Taehyun noticed the bruises on the older's face. His cheek amputated. Blotches of blood on forehead and elbow. His eyes swollen which visibly defines that he cried.

Taehyun bent and tied Beomgyu's shoelaces.
And sat beside the older .
They shared silence for some moment when Beomgyu threw himself on Taehyun.
Taehyun embraced him back.

"Taehyun what did I do to deserve this?" His voice cracked . Tears kept rolling from his eyes which resulted in staining Taehyun's Slacks.
Taehyun drew circles on his back.
"Come down hyung." Whispering in his ears.

After a good crying Beomgyu bought himself up. He looked at the younger.

"Did you watched the Livestream?" He asked ,deep monotone implying in his voice .

"I did ." Taehyun answered inaudibly. He couldn't look at Beomgyu's eyes. He knew it would embarrass the older.

"I was just playing guitar. Why the Hell did he came in all of a sudden and beat the ass out of me on camera ." Beomgyu snapped his hand and whacked his thigh outrageously.

"It's okay hyung trust me ." Taehyun explained in the poised way possible.

"I'll be ridiculed now in school. " Beomgyu leaned on the bench.

"It's okay to wear whatever you want. Not everyone has to be same. You're perfect the way you're. And hyung do you know something." He placed his hand on Beomgyu's hand. "The way you act yourself is what makes you perfect." Taehyun simpered at the older .

"I fell from bicycle again." Beomgyu giggled out of nowhere averting the topic. Because the situation was getting serious and he's a jolly person. He enjoys his life unless his dad intervenes. He never let anyone know that his dad was abusive but today he broke in his Livestream and spoiled everything.

"It's showing. " Taehyun replied specifying his wounds.

"Taehyun treat them for me." Beomgyu demanded raising his wounded hand.

"Let's go." Taehyun held his hand.


[381 words]
Taegyu filler bc I love them>

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