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Feels like We're dying
               [Johnny Goth]


"Doctor, doctor he's responsing."
The scream from the short haired nurse reached to the ward boys and other fellows .
Some doctors quickly gathered surrounding the bed.

The surgeon who was in a brown shirt under his surgical gown checked the oscilloscope quickly. 

"The heart beat is increasing." Another doctor spoke checking on Soobin's pulse rate.

After some minutes of panicking reasoning the lines of the monitor which wasn't cooperating with continuous ups downs echoing beeping sounds throughout the room the doctors finally rested when Soobin slowly opened his eyes.

"Hyung." He murmured under his oxygen mask . The nurse noticed the movement of his lips but didn't say anything.

"He has been awake for half an hour now and he's continuously just chanting one name like mantra Yeonjun hyung."

"I'll check it out you can leave now nurse."

"Yeah sure."

Taehyun pulled the chair from the doorway and sat beside Soobin's bed. The paleness from Soobin's face has decreased bringing a little lively shade on his skin. The patient gown looked brighter so Taehyun assumed that they gave him new . His lips were still dry and eyes looked haggard. Anyone can say that along with physical illness he was tremendously suffering from mental illness. The cannula was still inserted into the vein on his hand.
But Soobin was now gladly transferred to bed from ICU.

"It's been a long process." Taehyun chose to response after sharing few glances with each other.

"How long I've been here?" Quitely, soobin asked.

"3 months and 28 days." Taehyun answered concealing a forlorn look underneath. He already knew what is the second question coming to him.

"Where's Yeonjun hyung?" Exactly as Taehyun expected. The anticipation in Soobin's eyes was relevant. Seeking some positive answer.

"Hyung." Taehyun gulped. He was never a good liar. And there was no point of lying because how long? Taehyun's chest constricted with the look of devastation and accumulation of grief. But he was bound to answer now or later. So he chose this moment.
"He has left us." The last sentence came out low. His eyes welled up. He glanced down on his shoes. Taehyun had no courage to look in Soobin's eyes.

Soobin felt like he had  roughly been woken from a fever dream.
He squeezed his eyes shut.

"Soobin are you sure?"

"I don't regret anything if it's with you hyung."
Both of them smiled looking at each other,no regrets in their eyes,just love.
One last press on the accelerator.
Both of them closes their eyes.

That's all Soobin could recall. The last thing that captured his vision was the gentle smile of Yeonjun. And then everything went blurry,odd shapes  and deafening noises.

A word hadn't yet left his mouth when his eyes swam with tears . Soobin deeply inhaled and looked at Taehyun whose head was still hung down.
"If he's dead then how am I still talking to you healthy?" Soobin's voice crackled,he clenched his jaw to hold back the stubborn flow of  tears which had no name of impeding.

Taehyun looked up. His heart tightened in agony. He hates it that he was the only one right there to answer all of Soobin's questions which he never wanted to .

"After your car fell off from the cliff it created a loud sound.  There were some tourists nearby who quickly gathered the place upon the sound of crashing. They saw it as an accident and quickly called the fire service.The fire service unit came to rescue you and as the cliff wasn't that much high they easily rescued the car along with you guys. Both of you were still inside the car, senseless and injured. They called the ambulance and both of you were admitted in this hospital. You got into coma and " Taehyun felt double weighted. The unrevealed words which he've to utter made him scared. "Yeonjun hyung couldn't make it." He finished off vulnerably.

Soobin just woke up from coma and this shock was too heavy for  a person who just recovered. He couldn't take it . He fainted.


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